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Posts posted by Reticuli

  1. I trim the stick centre position but fly with out attitude holds - only damping active on the Pitch, roll and yaw channels.




    I thought the only way to do damping only on all three channels with no attitude hold was with my GlovePIE and PPJoy system. The only channel that is pure damping when in FD (and weak damping at that) is yaw, as you have to designate a new attitude for pitch and roll manually with the trimmer even in FD. Right? With GlovePIE and PPJoy, I have the trim/attitude state completely clear.

    I'm wondering if the changes I noticed in both wobbly pitch and roll as well as diminished power/collective authority was actually a result of the new campaign requiring full start up more often. The old campaigns usually didn't need that. Pushing windows+home while I'm turning on the FPS, red control box, FD, and speeding up the sim may disrupt some of the automatic start-up macro that appears to run. Because there are those symptoms, but I also had increased rotor bumping as if rpm was anemic, and an instance where it said "aircraft ready" in the upper left but the shkval and rotors weren't even on at all.

  2. I'd have to disagree, I fly almost exclusively with the FD and have compared each version closely. They are the same. Be sure to check your Joystick curves and deadzones.




    Are you always flying using the aircraft's own internal trim & manual attitude hold? Because I either fly applying pressure constantly to the stick or (my preferred method) using GlovePIE to dynamically adjust the PPJoy virtual stick placement as I maneuver. So in that sense, I always have the aircraft's trim or attitude hold designation centered, except on the very rare occasion that I fly with manual trim.

  3. AH-1Z.


    We need something to balance out against the Blackshark. And as for helos, the AH-1Z is the only operational one that uses a control interface similar to what 99% of flight simmers use: side sticks. You will never approximate real helo flight on convention cyclic helos unless everyone starts buying expensive pole cyclics from specialty shops or the Logitech G940 magically has all its problems resolved and even more magically it becomes the default stick everyone starts buying.


    Who knows, Bell might be happy to offer technical support considering they're trying to sell the thing to countries that would rather buy Block III Apaches. Free advertisement. And the quiet rotors and more advanced digital cockpit of the Zulu would have an excellent showcase in such a DCS sim. Not to mention sidewinders. Yummy. That would also be a nice balance to a Russian fighter addition to DCS later.

  4. Just reinstalled BS based on advice in the forum after I lost 3d objects within a certain range in the Shkval. I have an extensive LUA profile I created in the last install. I copied that out to make sure I wouldn't have to do it again. It appears to be completely default, though. And that's not an error on my part because I saved it multiple times at every stage of the programming, without pedals, then with later. DCS BS just doesn't want to load it.

  5. Fascinating thread and article! As someone studying for an MBA, I can reiterate that it's as simple as EA having too many MBAs in charge saying "we can make more money putting the same people to work coding or marketing sports titles than flight sims. consider yours canceled". If you put people with a passion in charge of this stuff, you can still make money and make great, complex, unique, niche products with most of what you want. If you have too many people in charge who don't care about the products/services at hand and are just interested in getting more cash flow, you'll end up with those results. Sad, but true. You don’t need to be in the weeds to explain it. I think dynamic campaigns and all that other stuff might make it a little harder, especially if you’ve been sliding past niche stuff in a potentially hostile managerial environment, but at the end of the day it's the MBAs versus the non-MBAs battle, and increasing the latter and decreasing the former will let you get more of what you want and less bad outcomes (from the perspective of those passionate about the given niche). The more capital, more people, or more talents/equipment on hand that cannot simply be moved over to another product/service easily, the easier it is to get away from the scourge of the MBAs. We’re great for penny-pinching within industries that have been commoditized where there’s no differentiation and we’re great for making sure good companies don’t do something outrageously stupid (assuming we don’t incite something reckless to begin with), but we are a constant problem in many other regards with otherwise sane business models that get irrationally disrupted. It’s downright inhuman, sometimes. It’s also why a guy flipping burgers often has better ideas for his chain than the suit CEO who would rather be golfing and probably would never eat one his own (the burger; he’d eat the employee) unless it was a photo op.

  6. Yes, someone complaining that the Shkval doesn't realistically let you lock onto non-object points on the ground. I don't even care about that ground tracking thing. I like the spoofing of the Shkval into something smarter, especially considering the KA-50 version modeled is so out of date. It boosts its capability nicely. But while I was looking for a remedy to my mysterious Shkval objects disappearing issue, I stumbled on this thread. Is everything chill on your end?

  7. "#1. Seen any other sims which actually implement image processing in order to accomplish target tracking?"

    Not that I need nor want that particular feature (i.e. the tracking of any point), but why would you need image processing to allow people to lock onto anything or any spot, and if it happens to be a moving object at that spot, it tracks that object when in ground or air track modes? Since the code is omniscient, why would you even bother to go through all the trouble of image processing to achieve a similar end? If you're worried about it locking too easily onto anything, anytime, with just one click, a simple percentage lock fail value could be added that occasionally necessitates moving it slightly and/or hitting lock again. The user has no way of discerning the accuracy of this or the potential pattern recognition issues that might be at play, and thus a purely random chance is all that is required. Multiple potentially-obscuring objects or power lines within that direct line of sight to the point/object of interest could easily increase that probability of lock failure further and with an anticipated increased failure in desired outcome; again, the code is omniscient in this regard. One does not need to code a complete representation of a hardware-reality interaction in every detail to achieve similar or sometimes even seemingly identical results. And the "seemingly" part is really what you're going for, as this isn't an optical physics or information processing lab simulation for scientific purposes.

  8. "What's the point of the whole story? If you go for gimmicks instead of doing it properly (Il-2 Sturmovik)"


    Isn't Lockon based on the Flanker code? And isn't Blackshark based on the Lockon code? I wonder how much of this stuff is new code and how much is just tacked on or modifications of existing code, perhaps with the ED coders trying to squeeze stuff out of the old coding that was never intended and without having to write new stuff from the ground up. So essentially that would mean you're buying payware moddings of SSI's old stuff and finding issues that ED has difficulty resolving possibly because they don't know exactly how it works to begin with. Correct? Wrong? Are FC2 and/or Warthog completely original ED code?

  9. Yeah, except it seemed to happen all of the sudden when the distance got to 5. I was picking targets off just fine and then they vanished as I drifted closer. What's causing that and why does it happen when you close to a certain distance? Is there some graphics rendering setting that my computer can't handle as it boosts to higher detail as you approach? If so, can I make it the same lower detail as it is beyond 5 out but make it at closer distances too?

  10. Would you mind doing a version of this with just X, Y, rudder and the left throttle active, with the rotaries and right throttle both invisible? Some sims, like Eidos JSF don't seem to like so many but appear fine with just the important four.


    I'm going to post here a way to make the mini-stick in the Saitek X65F into two proper axis visible to any game. I don't know how many are going to find this useful since most are happy using it trough bands. The mini-stick is not great i admit, it has a resolution of only 4 bits(0-15), but i still find it better than using it has a hat through bands.


    To make it work one of the other axis must be removed, in my case i removed the upper rotary("Rotary 1") axis. It should be possible to remove the rudder axis instead, for people with pedals, i haven't tried yet.


    And has a side effect, this fix make the dual throttle in the X65F work individually for two engines planes in Lock-on FC2 and Black Shark. :)



    I will attach REG files that change the necessary values in the registry, the 'x65f_ministickFIX.reg' turns the ministick in two axis and removes the Rotary 1.


    The 'x65f_ministickFIX_Uninstall.reg' put the original values back to default.





    Hope this help the GIANT numbers of... a couple of people... who have the X65F. :P

    Something like that should be possible for the X52 too, from what i searched around they have a similar, if not identical, mini-stick. But since i don't have one, can't try.





    EDIT: I added a new zip('X65F_REGFIX_v2.zip') file that contains different reg files for every axis you may what to remove to add the two axis to the mini-stick, Rotary 1 and 2; Left and Right Throttle; and the Twist Rudder. And another reg file for these who want to use the dual-throttle individually but without the mini-stick fix ('x65f_dualthrottleFIX.reg').

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