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Red Yeti

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Posts posted by Red Yeti

  1. Since the latest patch it is not possible to activate the RWR. The switch cannot be flipped.

    This happens in the normal as well as in the experimental option.

    On a Hotstart mission the RWR works well.


    Also the RWR test button has no function and the display cannot be set to night mode.

  2. Komische Idee aber warum keine Scheibe mit einem Loch als Anschlag über die Warthogbase stecken? Den Lochdurchmesser entsprechend den Wünschen und der Aufsteckhöhe auslegen. Das müsste sich auch recht einfach mit einem 3D Drucker herstellen lassen.




    Hat jemand von euch eine Idee, wie man beim Thrustmaster Warthog Hotas Joystick eine Art Begrenzer oder Stopper anbringt? Die Wege der Achsen sind mir zu lang.

    Gerade mit der F-16 und einer 7,5cm Verlängerung (damit werden die Bewegungen des Sticks weicher) wäre ein Begrenzen der Achsen hilfreich.


    Ich meine jetzt aber nicht im Spiel selbst die Achsen verändern.


    Hat das schon jemand gemacht?



  3. Mit dem Update heute ist die neue SPO-10 Logik eingeführt!



    Und in der alten Variante lässt sich der Schalter nicht mehr umlegen.

    €: Bei mir lässt sich der Schalter überhaupt nicht mehr betätigen. Weder in der normalen noch in der experimentellen Version.

    Wenn ich eine Mission wähle bei der die Maschine schon gestartet ist dann ist der Warner an und lässt sich weder deaktivieren noch testen.

    Bei einem Kaltstart lässt sich der Warner gar nicht aktivieren.



    Hat noch jemand das Problem?

  4. Die ersten Mig21 hatten doch nur 2 Pylonen.

    Die nun vorhandenen vier Pylonen für Lenkflugkörper sind immerhin doppelt so viel wie die F-5 sie hat. Zusätzlich kann man sie mit Mehrfachstartern ausrüsten.


    Die eigentliche Frage ist: Wofür?

    Die Mig21 war dafür gedacht möglichst schnell, möglichst hoch aufzusteigen.

    Zusätzliches Gewicht würde das nicht verbessern.

    Wurde mehr Schlagkraft gebraucht, wurden einfach mehr Maschinen rauf geschickt.


    Für andere Einsätze als das Abfangen ist die Reichweite nicht groß genug.


    Als sich das Anforderungsprofil an die Maschine geändert hat, gab es auch schon bessere Alternativen. Da dürfte es nicht besonders sinnvoll gewesen sein Ressourcen in eine limitierte Plattform zu stecken.


    Aber ich kenne das Fliegen auch nur aus DCS und den Holzklassen der Touristenbomber.

  5. The pedals rotate and remain parallel to the feet -> 1.

    Here is a Drawing: http://avia-sim.ru/forum/download/file.php?id=7956


    I can't say anything about the exact dimensions compared to the F1/F2.

    But you can find drawings with the dimensions of MS3/F3 here: http://avia-sim.ru/forum/viewtopic.php?f=27&t=908&p=29351#p29351

    And a drawing with the F1/F2 is here: https://forums.eagle.ru/attachment.php?attachmentid=158705&d=1489149239

    It looks like the MS3/F3 are a little wider 602mm to 520mm. Maybe Baur can give you more details.


    As far as I know the MS3/F3 don't have changeable cams.


    It is a M10 bolt and a M8(?) bolt with ball bearings. I don't think there will be any problems as long as the pedals are used properly.

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  6. Highly improbable, MCG PRO electronics/code is compatible only with VKB bases and "VKB" will don't tell their secrets for the... "bandits". :D


    VKB MCG grips are individual "entities" with internal microcontroller circuit that manage buttons/HAT and AXES through proprietary code/connectors, other joysticks grip circuits (diode matrix, shift register) manage only buttons/HAT (that are just buttons grouped).


    I guess that for Baur & VirPil partnership will be easy make T50 grip analog brake work in BRD bases, as well their could implement an mini-stick in this grip in future versions.



    That's a pity. :-(

    I hope VirPil will add more features to their grip.

    The controller from Baur has some unused inputs for additional axes. That shouldn't become a bottleneck. :-)


    Thank you Sokol1_br

  7. Thank you for your work. Another question is how to flip the switch, release down, upscale?


    I don't know if I understand you right:

    down = key pressed

    up = key released


    {down = iCommandPlaneGearUp, up = iCommandPlaneGearDown, name = 'Alternate Landing Gear Toggle', category = 'Systems'},


    {down = iCommandPlaneGearDown, up = iCommandPlaneGearUp, name = 'Alternate Landing Gear Toggle', category = 'Systems'},

  8. Do not forget that you have to pay customs fees for the goods AND the shipping.


    If you are lucky, the customs do not open the package.


    Theoretically it is possible to lower the fees somewhat. Of course this is illegal in Germany. Therefore, just a consideration ...


    If the customs open the package and ask you for a invoice to calculate the customs fees, you can ask the seller to send you a invoice with a smaller amount. This lowers the customs fees.


    Sometimes the customs will also require a transfer receipt along with the invoice.

    You could split the payment into two transfers. At a 300 € purchase price you could make a transfer with 100 € and one with 200 € (Of course, double fees will be charged for the transfers). Then you could show the transfer and the invoice for 100 € at the customs.


    As I said, this process is not legal and what you do with this information is up to you....


    Remember that a fully assembled product must also have a CE mark. This is not the case for individual components (in this case the unassembled kit) as far as I know.

  9. Can i join the master race?

    Got the joystick and the pedals some weeks ago as a kit.

    Took me 8h per device to assemble. And now, after some days of testing i can say that both are absolutely worth the money.

    A huge improvement to the saitek pedals and the warthog base.

    And as has often been said, Baur is a real nice guy. Thank you! :)


    Unfortunely there is something wrong with the packaging. I left the box open a few days but no cat has appeared. :(

    rhhode, can u help? :D



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  10. The F1 and F2 are nearly the same.


    If I understood it right, the main advantages of the F1/F2 compared to the F3 type:

    - ability to mount the damper (the damper is optional as far as i know)

    - switchable CAM system (for a hard or soft center point)


    aside from this the F1&F2 are:

    - more stable (they look like an elephant could use them ;-) otherwise the F3 looks stable too)

    - it should be easier to mount the footrests angled (but i don't think you will change them often)


    You can use the SU35 and the ME 109 footrest on both types of pedals.

    Here are some more pictures: http://avia-sim.ru/forum/viewtopic.php?f=34&t=909

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