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SharpeXB's post in Switchable controls was marked as the answer
An Xbox style controller works great for the TEDAC since it’s basically a game controller 😁
It requires two modifier buttons to get everything in it plus an app like JoyToKey to get the triggers to function as key presses. But it works great.
SharpeXB's post in CTD Multiplayer was marked as the answer
Replacing the defective CPU fixed the problem. Probably a victim of the 13-14th gen degradation issue. Third time’s a charm! 😆
SharpeXB's post in Updated to Win 11, Reinstalled DCS: No Labels and no Repair function was marked as the answer
To do a repair, just go to the Windows Start Menu, under Eagle Dynamic select Repair DCS
SharpeXB's post in Communications Menu - Can this be refined? was marked as the answer
It already is. Check out “Command Menu” in the controls.
SharpeXB's post in SharpeXB crashes thread was marked as the answer
Solved! Updating my motherboard BIOS fixed the problem. 😃
SharpeXB's post in Crash to Black Screen was marked as the answer
Aha. That was it. Reseating the graphics card did the trick. On a 4090 you definitely need this little support that holds the heavy card up or it will get loose.
I’ll try running Cinebench again but this was likely the problem.
SharpeXB's post in Consistent Aircraft Spotting was marked as the answer
There is a fix for this in the works. Something along the lines of adopting this mod into the game
SharpeXB's post in wish list to repond to weekly update was marked as the answer
There’s already a process for this but few mod makers would qualify.
SharpeXB's post in DCS User Manual Needs Updated was marked as the answer
Here’s the info on the new graphic settings
SharpeXB's post in Spotting in 4k on 2D - major disadvantage was marked as the answer
Discussed at length here. Note that the current Spotting Dots system isn’t controlled in MP so you have to accept that it’s totally being exploited if you play online. FWIW it’s not realistic at all to see WWII fighters at 20 miles so the most authentic setting for 4K is Off.
SharpeXB's post in Possible to change the default FOV for the cockpit ? was marked as the answer
When in the cockpit, go to the options and set the FOV slider to the value you want. Press Alt+Num0 “save cockpit view angles”. This will set the “normal” zoom level. You will want to have your head tracking turned off when doing this so as it will capture the exact view direction as well. Snap View Saving needs to be checked in the options as well. This function is currently broken in the 2.9 OB but works like it’s supposed to in 2.8 Stable.
Whenever I run tracks they always capture my original head movement as long as I stay in the F1 view. Are you starting the replay in an external view?
When you set the Normal zoom value, it creates an .lua file in your Saved Games directory. Files here will always pass the IC.
SharpeXB's post in Input config lost was marked as the answer
I was able to solve this by using Save and Load Profile feature for each of the controllers and load my Stable schemes into the OB. But it’s odd that just copying over the whole folder didn’t work.
SharpeXB's post in Using add-ons with Stable plus OB was marked as the answer
Hmm no luck there. Maybe just reinstalling these will do it. Haven’t tried that yet.
PS yes rerunning the installer and updating SRS fixes that one.
SharpeXB's post in Quick Guides was marked as the answer
Look in the docs folder for the particular aircraft, under “mods”. Some don’t have quick guides, just manuals. For example the Spitfire has both a Quick Start and a Flight Manual but the Hornet only has a Flight Manual. They’re available in the Downloads section of the website but I notice those aren’t always up to date.
SharpeXB's post in Running HARM AGM88 and GBU32 (PP) bombing run in the same mission was marked as the answer
What about putting the HARMs into Pullback mode?
SharpeXB's post in Zoom In and Out Speed was marked as the answer
Ok I figured it out
copy View.lua from
C:\Program Files\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World\Config\View
paste into your Saved Games folder
C:\Users\Youname\Saved Games\DCS\Config\View
Then edit:
CockpitMouse = true --false
CockpitMouseSpeedSlow = 1.0
CockpitMouseSpeedNormal = 10.0
CockpitMouseSpeedFast = 20.0
CockpitKeyboardAccelerationSlow = 5.0
CockpitKeyboardAccelerationNormal = 30.0
CockpitKeyboardAccelerationFast = 80.0
CockpitKeyboardZoomAcceleration = 900.0
DisableSnapViewsSaving = false
UseDefaultSnapViews = true
CockpitPanStepHor = 45.0
CockpitPanStepVert = 30.0
CockpitNyMove = true
Looks like it passes the MP check if you put the altered files in your Saved Games folder
SharpeXB's post in Lost control mapping with 2.7 update (resolved) was marked as the answer
The update to 2.7 stable erased my control mapping for this module. Others were unaffected.
Edit: seems to work fine now.