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Posts posted by Davis0079

  1. you know how many variants of migs there are...or how bout tanks in combined force....who cares...pick one...like the F-16C blk 50 or 52 and run with it.....ppl can make whatever variant they want once someone ( ED or 3rd party) creates the first one......why does the amount of variants sway your vote so bad...thats like saying, "dont make a F-18" cuz you cant pick between the Hornet or Super Hornet





  2. +1 to a "DCS" fast mover (f16 or f18 w/ carrier ops)....the 2d cockpits in FC will never be loaded on my pc (i will never memorize 300 keybinds again, clickable cockpits or GTFO).......BMS till ED or a third party releases (come on 3d f-15 pit) and all my hopes and dreams are fulfilled...


    something about a f-16 that make me quiver..... http://www.benchmarksims.org/forum/showthread.php?13717-Black-Grey-F16C-Blk52

  3. to the best of my knowledge the damage/detail level is extremely different when compairing DCS flyables with AI or even the upcoming FC3 aircraft. the devs simply dont have the time to make every aircraft and damage model to the same standards as the ka-50 and a-10 (or upcoming DCS aircraft (come on fast mover)).

  4. after thinking about it a couple minute, i got one last post then I'm going to stop stirring the pot.


    my 30mm cannon vs your 30 mm cannon are very equal in the fact that I too have AP rounds that go right through all armor in the game and my HE rounds are like throwing grenades at something....the difference is....you have a shotgun like hit effect in that when you fire 100 rounds not all of them hit. You may score a "hit" on the scorecard, but "in-game" you are not doing 100 rounds of damage....But me on the other hand, when I fire a burst at anything (when properly use the targeting system) I hit 10 out of 10 shells. Its like an automatic sniper rifle. So yes, on the scorecard I can in fact down you with less "hits".


    The reason I say this is because in game, while flying the ka-50. I cannot take a burst from a vulcan gun. It will cut me in half, and it does every time. But he hits my slow flying airfame with every shell. which leads me to believe that you are not getting as many "in-game" hits on the helo as you may believe.


    Lastly, in the ka-50, I never use my gun. If I'm close enough to a target to hit it with my gun, I have already lost. the helo is a standoff weapon to be used at a distance and gets shot down very easy. 85% of the time when I take hits, it is devastating. I never get to fly back to base. but I fly very slow and when I get fire at by the ai with guns I get hit alot. I would rather dodge missles then gunfire because if they are shooting at me with a gun I am very close, which means I am very close to death.


    If you think the damage model is wrong instead of your accuracy, I think we should go ingame and I will fly at high speed so you can come in behind me and get some real hits on target and I can assure you, you will saw me in half.

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  5. I think you are miss reading the hit/miss table....when you fire a burst, the score card there is not counting every bullet, it counts the burst as a hit or miss....so the KA-50 vs the vulcan, when the vulcan gun firs a burst and score a "hit"...that doesnt mean he hit you with all 700 shells.....


    Next....you are comparing a radar guided " spray a thousand shells in a general direction" AA gun with a Laser Range finder tv tracking system......When the Ka-50 locks on to you and your laser warning goes off....guess what.....99% of his shots are going to hit you....the targeting system leads you perfectly


    so when a vulcan aa gun gets a "hit" on you, you may only take minor damage cuz most of the bullets went right by and only a couple hit you....when the Ka-50 score a "hit" on you, you probally got hit by most of those shells.....it is very "pin point" accurate.


    And back to the conversation of tactics....what are you doing gun runs on known aa threats for...I pretty sure thats what all those hardpoints are for on the underside of your wings....the gun on even the a-10 is nothing compaired to a maverick missle.....try using those and tell me what your win/lose ratio is vs the Ka-50

  6. First off, the ka-50 is a flying tank with great armor....if you wish to argue that point, I hope you start by reading up on it a little bit. Secondly, I fly the ka-50 alot...it is very weak against other aircraft and you cannot really be hitting it 70 times...otherwise it would just explode.


    They have a very good targeting system with a movable gun. So you trying to dogfight one with the slowest plane ever designed is wrong to begin with. In no way shape or form is that what that plane should win at. Matter of fact, most ppl would say thats what that plane should lose at the most. You should try to think of it less of an aircraft and more like a extremely mobile missile site. Use similar tactic that you would engage a sam or AA gun. For some reason I dont think you fly straight at a AA site, then complain that "they got ya".


    As for spotting one....um.....helicopters are suppose to be good at finding cover and attacking by surprise. Plz dont complain about "he shot me down before I even saw him".....welcome to the world of air combat....

  7. +1 to diveplanes comment


    I use the spotlight with the same hat as my slew camera in addition to a modifier button. But having said that I must admit that its very rarely needed in the ka-50 since if you do fly at night the NVG kinda counteracts the need for a slewable spotlight.


    In addition, I believe that the farps in DCS turn on their lights when you lower your gear.


    I still do find it kinda fun to fly around active airbases at low level shining ppl in the eyes with the spotlight. Most dont get to mouthy when they see the size of the cannon your pointing at them!

  8. Ok I found the padlock_devices.lua but it is in Scripts/aircraft/common/cockpits/padlock, not scripts/aircraft/ka-50/cockpits/padlocks.


    does anyone know if this is the same folder just in a new spot. Changing from the ka-50 folder to the common folder??




    Edit.... Changing any of these values have yet to shift my view inline with the helmet mounted sight in BS2. so I guess its not the right folder.

  9. Because the cannon in other aircraft has a self defence/Dogfight purpose and the blacksharks cannon is basiclly a air to ground weapon that in reality need to be setup and use the targeting systems like a missile or bomb in order to work properly. It does have a boresight mode and could be used like any other gun and you can fly around chasing things. But in the mindset of not dying alot the cannon needs to be use from cover in a stationary position. Not like the 50 cals on a p-51.


    I do use my cannon with the HMS on the fly, but helicopters are meant to be used as extremely mobile missile platforms, not dive bombers. And the targeting computer and the helmet sight makes it so you can fly a straight and stable path instead of shifting the whole airframe to target things if you do try some dive bombing.


    The cannon select overides all weapons modes when selected and the boresight switch is in plain sight (for the beauty of clickable cockpits). I have both bound to my controls for gunplay.

  10. not to keep sturring to pot, but I was kinda thinking more of Gunship2000 when I said "80's crap"...but i just looked it up and that was 1991....so I'll take that one back





    And to Eagle dynamics..."didnt mean to sound so harsh when talking about your product...I'm sorry...i cus like a sailor cuz I am one...A-10 and BS are the two best flight sims I owe".


    the rest of you dont get an apology cuz I'm mean like that :)

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  11. didnt mean the su-25 was 80's crap....the 2d non clickable pit is though...think you misread me....I dont own a modern $3k gaming pc to fly 2d sims...thats why I choose to buy DCS products (3D)......the second post in this thread was the most intellegent comment to me because they clearly stated the differenses between DCS and FC3..... now I know

  12. Guess you guys dont see it the same as i do....First off, its not free...I payed to get LOMAC FC, BS, A-10, BS2...ED or DCS has never given me anything for free......but that was not the original point......The point is I dont care how much work it takes to make a new pit, If that su-25t came with a new 3d/ full clickable pit, weather I liked the plane or not I would have put 1000 hours into learnoing to use all the equipment in it. But since it came with 1980's crap, I simply dont care what it is, I dont want to learn to fly it(could have been a naked chick with a sadle and if it aint 3d and clickable idk) Releasing old content and telling me to be thankful is not going to get you anywhere with my wallet......BUT if you make a full clickable 3d badass cockpit it wouldnot have mattered what it was and I would have put alot of time into it (blackshark russian deathtrap)........alls my first post basiclly said is I'm not impressed......sorry so many of you got butthurt.......And to the DEVS (and Nate)....in my first post I gave you mad props by saying things like "top of the line" and "best combat sim to date"....I love all the work you guys have done over the years....I simply dont agree with your decision of the bringing ANY 2d pits into the new DCS World....end of statment....i surely dont expect you to care....

  13. I dont want to scream"epic fail", but I feel the su-25 2d cockpit is very sad. In a world that is moving to all 3d crap, how do you justify doing that.


    To start things, I'd like to say that I've owed dcs-bs since the begining. I love it alot, even though its a rusian piece of shit, the game is awesome.


    But with the dcs world, I cant believe that you have a 2d non clickable cockpit. I kinda get the fact that building a 3d clickable cockpit for a aircraft you have had ingame for many years is kinda backtracking. But, HOLY CRIST, even falcon4 bms has dropped the 2d shit.


    Listen, its hard enough to learn the aircraft cuz of how realalistic you guys are making them. But to have to learn that ctrl/alt/shft R turns on the radar I just spent 10 hours to learn how to use is just to much. Clickable cockpits are the way of the future (and the way of the past). Plz get your shit together and stop with crap like that. The only reason most ppl move to DCS sims is the fact that your last couple of games have been top of the line. But if you think that by giving a free aircraft with old crappy non clickable cockpits is going to get you any customers. I will say flat out, "I think your wrong".


    Now i understand that its just a filler ac, and its free. But what the hell. I play dcs bs for the clickability. I dont have to learn the instruments and the keybinding, just the instruments. Thats why dcs a-10 was such a hit. Ppl moved from Lomac fc2 to the same ac, but without all the unnessesary crap cuz you when all out on the playablility (clickable cockpits).


    I know I come off very strong.I would like to say I am a faithful fan. But slimming down the ac (fc2 no longer compatible with a-10 and bs) and releasing more 2d crap (in a 3d world) is just going the wrong way.


    I hope you have grand plans for the future. I cant wait to move from BS2 to DCS World in my BS. But till then a 2d su-25 pit that I have to memorize 300 keybinds for cuz you dont want to go all out,...well, I'm just not going to do it....I dont think that your plans....I think you just did it to give new ppl something to do.....but...idk....


    just venting my opinion...not trying to talk to much trash, just hate 2d pits, if I wanted that I would go play....idk...everyone are doing 3d pits nowofdays....even falcon4 has full clickable 3d pits with the BMS addon....


    Having said all that plz keep up the hard work, the DCS series is the best combat sim to date (was alot better when all the planes from FC2 were included in the MP compatibility). And plz make a AH-1 or AH-64 game for us helo sim guys. The KA-50 is a piece of crap (kinda what makes the game fun). But us good ol' american boy cant wait for the day we get a DCS chopper. Hell even a cobra with tow missiles would kick the hell out of a ka-50.

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