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Everything posted by Lumax

  1. Thanks for clearing that up. Guess i'll have to look at my code again. because setting a taks for the 1st time works but not the 2nd time :/
  2. I took a look at that. not much of help though. My problem is not assigning a route to a group (random or not) But rather assign a new route for the group which should replace the current assigned route. So the question still remains unanswered: can waypoints only be assigned once to ground units and they are stuck with it until they get destroyed?
  3. Do not move your plane before you have nav data ready. else you have to wait some time before the cdu to align. Once you have the nav data rdy. watch the compass and throttle up. move your plane 1m forward then break. you see the needles on the compass moves. You can now push the button EAC.
  4. Hi all. Is it not possible to assign a new set of waypoints for the ground units. I am using Controller.setTask(...) to set the waypoint for my units. This works fine the 1st time i use it. But when i want to assaign a new route it dosent work. I even tried to Controller.popTask(...) . before assigning them a new set of waypoints. but no go. So can waypoints only be assigned once to ground units and they are stuck with it until they get destroyed?
  5. Im trying to set a task for my group. basically a bunch of waypoins. im reading this http://wiki.hoggit.us/view/DCS_task_mission now my problem is that how do i make it execute a script code on a waypoint. ? example wp3 ? lets say i have something like this. local object = Group.getByName('convoy') local leader = Unit.getByName('ConvoyUnit #1') local control = object:getController() local wp1 = leader:getPosition() local wp2 = trigger.misc.getZone('Trigger Zone A') local wp3 = trigger.misc.getZone('Trigger Zone B') local x1 = wp1.p.x local y1 = wp1.p.z local x2 = wp2.point.x local y2 = wp2.point.z local x3 = wp3.point.x local y3 = wp3.point.z local path = { [1] = { type = 'Turning Point', action = 'Off Road', x = x1, y = x1, speed = 20, name = 'WP1', }, [2] = { type = 'Turning Point', action = 'Off Road', x = x2, y = y2, speed = 20, name = 'WP2', }, [3] = { type = 'Turning Point', action = 'Off Road', x = x3, y = y3, speed = 20, name = 'WP3', }, } local mission = { id = 'Mission', params = { route = { points = path, } } } Controller.pushTask(control, mission)I guess i need to add something like this to Wp3 but not sure of the correct format ["task"] = { ["id"] = "ComboTask", ["params"] = { ["tasks"] = { [1] = { ["number"] = 1, ["auto"] = false, ["id"] = "WrappedAction", ["enabled"] = true, ["params"] = { ["action"] = { ["id"] = "Script", ["params"] = { ["command"] = "DO MY CODE HERE", }, -- end of ["params"] }, -- end of ["action"] }, -- end of ["params"] }, -- end of [1] }, -- end of ["tasks"] }, -- end of ["params"] }, -- end of ["task"] Edit: never mind. im stupid,the answer is in my post --
  6. Youre right about that. my goal was to get this working for SP. I do not know much about mp coding in dcs. But i noticed that when you join your mp server. it does not uppack the downloaded mission to "%TMP%\DCS\Mission" But rather dump all resorces such as files & pic directly to "%TMP%\DCS\" with some "random id?" names set on them. example: ~mis000012FE after messing around with the editor and some simple scripting, all i can say about it. damn this thing sucks. it needs a big update. simple things such as making one file load another file within your mission.miz. come on.. tellin people to dump (for them unknown) files at places on their pc to get missions working is a big no, no. creating tonz of triggers just to include file.. blah. imo triggers should be used for game related ations. not to load the mission function files :p They should look at the way bohemia interactive studios is doing it with arma. its a verry nice system. oh well lets see if there is a workaround for mp aswell. (without using triggers ofc)
  7. Solved my problem.. After messing around a bit i came up with a solution. -- TEST 1 -- -- This works but -- this is not practical since this would not be a constant. names changes. dofile("C:\\Users\\ME\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\DCS\\Mission\\CoreData.lua") -- TEST 2 -- local currentpath = debug.getinfo(1).short_src -- tim the sting and set new path where dcs unpacks the mission. local newpath = string.sub(currentpath, 0, string.find(currentpath, "DCS")+2) .. "\\Mission\\" dofile(newpath .. "CoreData.lua") -- get the path to the init file using debug -- debug.getinfo(1).short_src usaly returns something like -- C:\Users\ME\AppData\Local\Temp\DCS\/~mis0000**** The error Test2 produces. 00240.039 ERROR DCS: Mission script error: : can't open '[string "C:\Users\ME\AppData\Local\Temp\DCS\Mission\CoreData.lua' stack traceback: [C]: ? [C]: in function 'dofile' [string "C:\Users\ME\AppData\Local\Temp\DCS\/~mis00007DED"]:16: in main chunk Now what struck me was this: can't open '[string "C:\Users\ME\AppData\Local\Temp\DCS\Mission\CoreData.lua' Somehow dofile is trying to do something like. dofile('[string "C:\Users\...) instead of dofile("C:\Users\...) Now the solutions was rather simple. in Test2 i just replaced. dofile(newpath .. "CoreData.lua")with dofile( string.sub(newpath .. "CoreData.lua", 10) )so if i want to load several files i end up with something like local currentpath = debug.getinfo(1).short_src local newpath = string.sub(currentpath, 1, string.find(currentpath, "DCS")+2) .. "\\Mission\\" dofile( string.sub(newpath .. "File1.lua", 10) ) dofile( string.sub(newpath .. "File2.lua", 10) ) dofile( string.sub(newpath .. "File3.lua", 10) ) dofile( string.sub(newpath .. "File4.lua", 10) )
  8. My hole point in trying to do this is so i dont have to use triggers. Also moving my CoreData to DCS root dir as suggested is not accatable. Problem araises when i want to share my mission with my friends. I dont hant to guide them thought a install process for my mission.
  9. That is not accatable. @piXel496 Yes both init.lua and CoreData.lua are inside the mission file. I see no point in assigning the resulat of a & b into a local variable before returning the result. My function is not the problem. its something wrong with dofile I also want to avoid having it all in one file. my init.lua is working fine but errors when trys to open CoreData.lua If i move the function combstr to init.lua and remove dofile everythings works. But as i said i dont want it all in one file. Not sure how putting init.lua into initialization box will help since the init file starts.
  10. Hello. I like to know how i can import one file from another. i have on init.lua file that is activated on mission start. this init file should load some other files conaining functions etc. My mission.miz looks like Scripts Config warehouses options mission init.lua CoreData.lua this is my trigger rule. My test code: And here is the error it produces: Can anyone tell me what im doing wrong ?
  11. Lots. 1st. Adjusting the code should allows you to use any usb hid devices. 2nd. You can create sequenses of keypresses which you can not with the ST software.. Example. press Pov2 Up once. represent Key1 , next time you press Pov2 Up it represent key 2. Or you can create advance macros. This was more of a POC "proof of concept". It requires some work set up as one want it and one needs some python skills to create functions etc.
  12. Why so massive frame drop with explotions? Each time i fire some rockets or use cluster bombs etc. My frame rate goes from about 50/45 down to 10 or less. This mostly happens when there are multiple explotions. Is there anytging i can do to reduce this framedrop, "except buying a superconputer" ?? Its rather annoying and i have crashed many many timed because of this drop in framerate.
  13. Hi, Is it possible to script waypoints for ground units. I want a few units going from Wp1 to Wp2 then back to Wp1 so on in a enless loop. Im not sure how to go about doing this with Lua. The ingame editor does not seem to have a loop/cycle for waypoints
  14. Fix the controller settings to allow us to use our joystick for all oprions.. Simple things as allow us to change gunner to driver position.. Many of the settings are greyed out and can not be assigned to the joystick. Its very annoying switching between the keyboard and the joystick!
  15. Saitek-x52.py # This script is meant for saitek X52 stick. not the pro vesion # I do not know how this will work on other systems. # You can modify this script as much as you want. # This script allows you to simulate key presses using a button on the joystick. # Example you can setup a weapon rotator switch. # Same for button that requires two buttons to be turned on or off. # After googeling alot and looking at examples from everywhere. # I cooked together something works somewhat in a decent manners. # You will require some Python skills to know what youre doing. import sys import codecs import time import datetime from datetime import timedelta import pywinusb.hid as hid # my def modules. import SendKey import KeyCodes PRODUCT_NAME = "Saitek X52 Flight Control System" OLD_BTN_DATA = [] TimeResData = datetime.datetime.now() MOUSE_SCROLL_D = 1 MOUSE_SCROLL_U = 2 JOY_BTN_FNC1 = 4 JOY_BTN_FNC2 = 8 JOY_BTN_FNC3 = 16 JOY_BTN_MODIFIER = 32 # Pinky switch JOY_BTN_INFO = 32 # Take a look in KeyCodes.py # This is for my Mig21 Bis. # We use the DIK Names, this means that we will be using a prefix of "DIK_" # NOTE Some DIK hex values may be different on your system # Big dict for rotators. # Stucture. id/name : [state, [key1,..]], id/name : [state, [keys]] # Define Keys for wanted rotators/switches MY_ROTATORS = { "WeaponSelector" : [0, [ ["DIK_MINUS"], ["DIK_1"], ["DIK_2"], ["DIK_3"], ["DIK_4"], ["DIK_5"], ["DIK_6"], ["DIK_7"], ["DIK_8"], ["DIK_9"], ["DIK_0"] ] ], "Radio_ARK_Channels" : [0, [ ["DIK_RSHIFT", "DIK_1"], ["DIK_RSHIFT", "DIK_2"], ["DIK_RSHIFT", "DIK_3"], ["DIK_RSHIFT", "DIK_4"], ["DIK_RSHIFT", "DIK_5"], ["DIK_RSHIFT", "DIK_6"], ["DIK_RSHIFT", "DIK_7"], ["DIK_RSHIFT", "DIK_8"], ["DIK_RSHIFT", "DIK_9"] ] ], "Weapon_Missile_Modes" : [0, [ ["DIK_3"], ["DIK_4"], ["DIK_5"], ["DIK_4"], ] ], "Weapon_Modes" : [0, [ ["DIK_1"], ["DIK_2"], ] ] } # BIG NOTES ABOUT MODIFIERS # If you have assigned a button on the joystick as a modifier. # Be aware of this. # lets say you want to use btn 6 ("pinky switch") + btn 5 to execute a toggle which has following keyboard settings. # Command for "Weapon On" is (LWin + 1) and "Weapon Off" is (LWin + 2) # You can not put into MY_Rotators # "somename" : [0, [["DIK_LWIN", "DIK_1" ], ["DIK_LWIN", "DIK_2"]]] # And expect it to work if you use your Joy_btn modifier to exec a function. def joystick_data(data): ''' This function is executed each time the joystick changes its state. This means when you move the axes or pushes buttons. the axes data can be found from index 0 to index 8 on the input. the button data is found from index 9 to 13. index 14 is for the ministick ("mouse") The total length of the data input is 15 ''' global OLD_BTN_DATA global TimeResData axes = data[0:8] # We dont need the axes data.. buttons = data[9::] # Buttons. # since we dont normally need to check so often. just return none timetorec = TimeResData + timedelta(seconds=0.05) nowtime = datetime.datetime.now() if (timetorec > nowtime): return None # Get Buttons changes. if buttons != OLD_BTN_DATA: ministick(buttons[5]) # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Mouse scroll down and scroll up on the throttle. # Weapon Selector if MOUSE_SCROLL_U == buttons[4] and JOY_BTN_MODIFIER != buttons[0]: rotator(MY_ROTATORS["WeaponSelector"], "+") if MOUSE_SCROLL_D == buttons[4] and JOY_BTN_MODIFIER != buttons[0]: rotator(MY_ROTATORS["WeaponSelector"], "-") # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Info Button on my thorttle module.. # Radio ARK Channels if JOY_BTN_INFO == buttons[3] and JOY_BTN_MODIFIER != buttons[0]: rotator(MY_ROTATORS["Radio_ARK_Channels"], "+") # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # My Joy_Btn6 + Joy_Fnc1_button # Ground or Air Switch if JOY_BTN_FNC1 == buttons[3] and JOY_BTN_MODIFIER == buttons[0]: rotator(MY_ROTATORS["Weapon_Modes"], "+") # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # My Joy_Btn6 + Joy_Fnc2_button # Ir or Sar switch if JOY_BTN_FNC2 == buttons[3] and JOY_BTN_MODIFIER == buttons[0]: rotator(MY_ROTATORS["Weapon_Missile_Modes"], "+") OLD_BTN_DATA = buttons def ministick(data): '''example''' u = 0xc0 r = 0xbd d = 0xbe l = 0xbc w = data & 0xf h = data >> 4 keys = [] # up/ down if h < 8: keys.append(u) elif h > 8: keys.append(d) # right / left if w < 8: keys.append(r) elif w > 8: keys.append(l) for k in keys: SendKey.PressKey(k) for k in keys: SendKey.ReleaseKey(k) def rotator(rotator_keys,sign="+"): # Check if we rotate "left or right" if sign == "+": rotator_keys[0] += 1 if rotator_keys[0] > len(rotator_keys[1])-1: rotator_keys[0] = 0 else: rotator_keys[0] -= 1 if rotator_keys[0] < 0: rotator_keys[0] = len(rotator_keys[1])-1 if len(rotator_keys[1][rotator_keys[0]]) >= 1: keys = rotator_keys[1][rotator_keys[0]] for e in keys: SendKey.PressKey(KeyCodes.CODES[e]) for e in keys: SendKey.ReleaseKey(KeyCodes.CODES[e]) def main(): print("Checking for Saitek X52 Flight Control System") # Collect all usb hid devices connected. all_hids = hid.find_all_hid_devices() if all_hids: stick_index=-1 for index, device in enumerate(all_hids): # Just do a simple product name check. if device.product_name == PRODUCT_NAME: device_name = unicode("{0.vendor_name} {0.product_name}" "(vID=0x{1:04x}, pID=0x{2:04x})""".format(device, device.vendor_id, device.product_id)) stick_index = int(index) print "Found Device:\n",device_name break if stick_index != -1: device = all_hids[stick_index] try: # Set custom raw data handler device.open() device.set_raw_data_handler(joystick_data) # Need to create some better exit code. while device.is_plugged(): #just keep the device opened to receive events time.sleep(0.5) return finally: device.close() if __name__ == "__main__": main() SendKey.py import ctypes import time # C struct redefinitions PUL = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_ulong) class KeyBdInput(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [("wVk", ctypes.c_ushort), ("wScan", ctypes.c_ushort), ("dwFlagswww", ctypes.c_ulong), ("time", ctypes.c_ulong), ("dwExtraInfo", PUL)] class HardwareInput(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [("uMsg", ctypes.c_ulong), ("wParamL", ctypes.c_short), ("wParamH", ctypes.c_ushort)] class MouseInput(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [("dx", ctypes.c_long), ("dy", ctypes.c_long), ("mouseData", ctypes.c_ulong), ("dwFlags", ctypes.c_ulong), ("time",ctypes.c_ulong), ("dwExtraInfo", PUL)] class Input_I(ctypes.Union): _fields_ = [("ki", KeyBdInput), ("mi", MouseInput), ("hi", HardwareInput)] class Input(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [("type", ctypes.c_ulong), ("ii", Input_I)] def PressKey(hexKeyCode): extra = ctypes.c_ulong(0) ii_ = Input_I() ii_.ki = KeyBdInput( 0, hexKeyCode, 0x0008, 0, ctypes.pointer(extra) ) x = Input( ctypes.c_ulong(1), ii_ ) ctypes.windll.user32.SendInput(1, ctypes.pointer(x), ctypes.sizeof(x)) def ReleaseKey(hexKeyCode): extra = ctypes.c_ulong(0) ii_ = Input_I() ii_.ki = KeyBdInput( 0, hexKeyCode, 0x0008 | 0x0002, 0, ctypes.pointer(extra) ) x = Input( ctypes.c_ulong(1), ii_ ) ctypes.windll.user32.SendInput(1, ctypes.pointer(x), ctypes.sizeof(x)) KeyCodes.py CODES = { "DIK_ESCAPE" : 0x01, "DIK_1" : 0x02, "DIK_2" : 0x03, "DIK_3" : 0x04, "DIK_4" : 0x05, "DIK_5" : 0x06, "DIK_6" : 0x07, "DIK_7" : 0x08, "DIK_8" : 0x09, "DIK_9" : 0x0A, "DIK_0" : 0x0B, "DIK_MINUS" : 0x0C, # on main keyboard "DIK_EQUALS" : 0x0D, "DIK_BACK" : 0x0E, # backspace "DIK_TAB" : 0x0F, "DIK_Q" : 0x10, "DIK_W" : 0x11, "DIK_E" : 0x12, "DIK_R" : 0x13, "DIK_T" : 0x14, "DIK_Y" : 0x15, "DIK_U" : 0x16, "DIK_I" : 0x17, "DIK_O" : 0x18, "DIK_P" : 0x19, "DIK_LBRACKET" : 0x1A, "DIK_RBRACKET" : 0x1B, "DIK_RETURN" : 0x1C, # Enter on main keyboard "DIK_LCONTROL" : 0x1D, "DIK_A" : 0x1E, "DIK_S" : 0x1F, "DIK_D" : 0x20, "DIK_F" : 0x21, "DIK_G" : 0x22, "DIK_H" : 0x23, "DIK_J" : 0x24, "DIK_K" : 0x25, "DIK_L" : 0x26, "DIK_SEMICOLON" : 0x27, "DIK_APOSTROPHE" : 0x28, "DIK_GRAVE" : 0x29, # accent grave "DIK_LSHIFT" : 0x2A, "DIK_BACKSLASH" : 0x2B, "DIK_Z" : 0x2C, "DIK_X" : 0x2D, "DIK_C" : 0x2E, "DIK_V" : 0x2F, "DIK_B" : 0x30, "DIK_N" : 0x31, "DIK_M" : 0x32, "DIK_COMMA" : 0x33, "DIK_PERIOD" : 0x34, # on main keyboard "DIK_SLASH" : 0x35, # on main keyboard "DIK_RSHIFT" : 0x36, "DIK_MULTIPLY" : 0x37, # * on numeric keypad "DIK_LMENU" : 0x38, # left Alt "DIK_SPACE" : 0x39, "DIK_CAPITAL" : 0x3A, "DIK_F1" : 0x3B, "DIK_F2" : 0x3C, "DIK_F3" : 0x3D, "DIK_F4" : 0x3E, "DIK_F5" : 0x3F, "DIK_F6" : 0x40, "DIK_F7" : 0x41, "DIK_F8" : 0x42, "DIK_F9" : 0x43, "DIK_F10" : 0x44, "DIK_NUMLOCK" : 0x45, "DIK_SCROLL" : 0x46, "DIK_NUMPAD7" : 0x47, "DIK_NUMPAD8" : 0x48, "DIK_NUMPAD9" : 0x49, "DIK_SUBTRACT" : 0x4A, # - on numeric keypad "DIK_NUMPAD4" : 0x4B, "DIK_NUMPAD5" : 0x4C, "DIK_NUMPAD6" : 0x4D, "DIK_ADD" : 0x4E, # + on numeric keypad "DIK_NUMPAD1" : 0x4F, "DIK_NUMPAD2" : 0x50, "DIK_NUMPAD3" : 0x51, "DIK_NUMPAD0" : 0x52, "DIK_DECIMAL" : 0x53, # . on numeric keypad "DIK_F11" : 0x57, "DIK_F12" : 0x58, "DIK_F13" : 0x64, # (NEC PC98) "DIK_F14" : 0x65, # (NEC PC98) "DIK_F15" : 0x66, # (NEC PC98) "DIK_KANA" : 0x70, # (Japanese keyboard) "DIK_CONVERT" : 0x79, # (Japanese keyboard) "DIK_NOCONVERT" : 0x7B, # (Japanese keyboard) "DIK_YEN" : 0x7D, # (Japanese keyboard) "DIK_NUMPADEQUALS" : 0x8D, # on numeric keypad (NEC PC98) "DIK_CIRCUMFLEX" : 0x90, # (Japanese keyboard) "DIK_AT" : 0x91, # (NEC PC98) "DIK_COLON" : 0x92, # (NEC PC98) "DIK_UNDERLINE" : 0x93, # (NEC PC98) "DIK_KANJI" : 0x94, # (Japanese keyboard) "DIK_STOP" : 0x95, # (NEC PC98) "DIK_AX" : 0x96, # (Japan AX) "DIK_UNLABELED" : 0x97, # (J3100) "DIK_NUMPADENTER" : 0x9C, # Enter on numeric keypad "DIK_RCONTROL" : 0x9D, "DIK_NUMPADCOMMA" : 0xB3, # , on numeric keypad (NEC PC98) "DIK_DIVIDE" : 0xB5, # / on numeric keypad "DIK_SYSRQ" : 0xB7, "DIK_RMENU" : 0xB8, # right Alt "DIK_HOME" : 0xC7, # Home on arrow keypad "DIK_UP" : 0xC8, # UpArrow on arrow keypad "DIK_PRIOR" : 0xC9, # PgUp on arrow keypad "DIK_LEFT" : 0xCB, # LeftArrow on arrow keypad "DIK_RIGHT" : 0xCD, # RightArrow on arrow keypad "DIK_END" : 0xCF, # End on arrow keypad "DIK_DOWN" : 0xD0, # DownArrow on arrow keypad "DIK_NEXT" : 0xD1, # PgDn on arrow keypad "DIK_INSERT" : 0xD2, # Insert on arrow keypad "DIK_DELETE" : 0xD3, # Delete on arrow keypad "DIK_APPS" : 0xDD, # AppMenu key "DIK_BACKSPACE" : 0x0E, # backspace "DIK_NUMPADSTAR" : 0x37, # * on numeric keypad "DIK_LALT" : 0x38, # left Alt "DIK_CAPSLOCK" : 0x3A, # CapsLock "DIK_NUMPADMINUS" : 0x4A, # - on numeric keypad "DIK_NUMPADPLUS" : 0x4E, # + on numeric keypad "DIK_NUMPADPERIOD" : 0x53, # . on numeric keypad "DIK_NUMPADSLASH" : 0xB5, # / on numeric keypad "DIK_RALT" : 0xB8, # right Alt "DIK_UPARROW" : 0xC8, # UpArrow on arrow keypad "DIK_PGUP" : 0xC9, # PgUp on arrow keypad "DIK_LEFTARROW" : 0xCB, # LeftArrow on arrow keypad "DIK_RIGHTARROW" : 0xCD, # RightArrow on arrow keypad "DIK_DOWNARROW" : 0xD0, # DownArrow on arrow keypad "DIK_PGDN" : 0xD1, # PgDn on arrow keypad "DIK_LWIN" : 0x5b, "DIK_RWIN" : 0x5c }
  16. Hi all. I wrote up a little dirty script that allows you to use a button on the joystick for (rotators, switches etc) It will require that you know some python. Its far from perfect but i really dont want to spend more time on it. But i like to share this with you. NOTE. THIS IS CONSIDERED AS A HACK IN MANY GAMES. Before you get started you need to have at least a Empty profile loaded. (i have a empty one i use called DCS) You also need to download and install Python 2.6 PyWinusb 0.3.3 Im sure there are newer version. but i have used good old python 2.6 for this. Now how do i get it working? Step 1. Analyse the buttons you want to use as your rotator. find the indexs and the values. Step 2. Setup Keys to simulate Keypresses. Step 3. Play and have fun. Ok. so lets started and take a look at the script Saitek-X52.py file. To analyse the buttons you want to use we need to print out the raw data 1st. Scroll down to the function "joystick_data(data):" You'll see a line starting like "if buttons != OLD_BTN_DATA: just below it you see #print "Buttons:",buttons Uncomment that line. and start up the program. Now each time you press a button you will see it spits out an array Example: Buttons: [0, 0, 128, 0, 0, 136] Buttons: [0, 128, 128, 0, 0, 136] Buttons: [0, 0, 128, 0, 0, 136] Buttons: [0, 128, 128, 0, 0, 136] Look for changes. In this example the Pov2 (left upper pov on stick module) is pressed UP 2 times. We see this change in index 1 being set to 128 when pressed and 0 when released (IN MODE 1). *Note. the some of the buttons uses more than one index. OK now that we figured out where the button is located in the array and what value it has when pressed. Next we need to create a statement that checks if its pressed and executes the rotation function. Example... in our joystick_data function # Get Buttons changes. if buttons != OLD_BTN_DATA: OLD_BTN_DATA = buttons TimeResData = nowtime if buttons[1] == 128: print "I Pressed Pov2 UP" # lets create something like. rotator(MY_ROTATORS["GunsOnOff"], "+") Ok,, now that is ready.. We need to do one more last thing, we need to scroll up to our MY_ROTATORS = {} and set the wanted keys it suppose to simulate. MY_ROTATORS = { "GunsOnOff" : [0, [ ["DIK_LWIN", "DIK_1"] # turn on ["DIK_LWIN", "DIK_2"] # turn off ] ] } Enjoy if you like to hack around a bit :D
  17. yes. there is still also bugs with the pylons after rearming. I noticed this when i wanted to have a setup like this. pylons: 5 4 - 2 1 5: 2xR-60M 4: 2xR-60M 2: 2xR-60M 1: 2xR-60M But after the rearming it gives me weapons like _______________________________________ 5: None 4: 2xR-60M 2: None 1: 2xR-60M So something is weird with the rearming. it seems bugged.
  18. After doing the update. A repair fixed my problem I ran this as admin dcs_updater.exe repair I had no idea howto do this so i found a post about the commands used. If anyone else is in need of: http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=114030
  19. I Just Launched Dcs. it told me there was a update. 1.2.15. so i press yes. now i cant play with my Mig anymore. I feel like ranting now... But anyway.. How can i get my Mig21 working again?? I tried: Deactivate the module. Quit Game Start Game Open a Mission that uses Mig21 But that doesnt work. i can not get into the cockpit.. HELP..
  20. it doesnt say anything about this in the 1.2.15 comming update either. its kind of sad.. the 1st post about this was made 10-16-2014, 09:53 PM and it is still not implemented. this is verry much wanted and needed.
  21. +10 ;p i was looking for a way to do this with a mod. but it seems like its not possible :( http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=139383 i would verry much like to have this aswell since its not possible to do by a mod. i have actually a python script i wrote that i use to simulate this. but it is far from an ideal solution and not something that i want to share.
  22. No. no mods at all running. Seems like it is fixed internaly so i just have to wait for next DCS update.
  23. I been messing around a bit with the CA module. and for the love of god. please replace the current sound with realistic ones. Example M1A2 Abrams sound like a old boat from the 40's ingame where as in real life it uses a turbine engine. they could actually replace the sound with some aircraft sound instead of this old piston motor sound. T72 etc uses piston engines.. but not the M1A2
  24. Ok thanks. when is the next update scheduled? when i do -repair does it clear our all my setting ? Ie will it affect all my other settings? ie for my mig, a10c etc?
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