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About alexbap

  • Birthday 09/16/1976

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  • Flight Simulators
    DCS , P3D, COD, Elite Dangerous, Assetto corsa
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  • Interests
    Flight sims, MTB, Photography, woodworking
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  1. Hi! I'm working on a mission where a couple os Kamovs are attacking an advanced enemy camp. It is suposed to be a surprised attack and want to trigger a new set of actions as soon as camp is attacked or if the defenders detect the attackers. DCS has "Bomb in Zone" and "Missile in Zone" as trigger condition, that could be very usefull. But for whatever reason, guns or rockets in zone don't have their own "trigger." So I can't use weapons in zone as a trigger. I've set "Alarm state" of some defenders to Auto, so I suposed that as soon as they are attacked or attackers are detected, their alarm state would change to red. Can I use this change in alarm state as a trigger? If not, any one has a better suggestion to accomplish this? Thanks in advance.
  2. Where can I find that file? There's this folder, "C:\Program Files (x86)\SimShaker\SimShaker for Aviators Beta\Data\dcs-export-core\" and inside there is a "ExportCore.lua". Is that it? ExportCore.lua
  3. Hi, I need help. Been away from DCS for a few months and now simshaker doen't work, It works flawlessly on MSFS and sound module is working also because on test button it works, But it doesn't do nothing in DCS. It was working without any problem before. Thsnks.
  4. Thanks Grimes. I didn't want it to change anything but to have a tool to plan and help briefing with my squad. Its sad that DCS could have so many small features, some of them are already almost there, to help and improve realistic gameplay but lately it seems that is more focuse on eyecandy and movie making features. They are planning a fancy briefing room to supercarrier, but we can't use a simple map to plan our missions with our squad.
  5. Hi all, How to use "mission planner" on online missions? Thanks.
  6. Can someone post some pictures?
  7. Is it possible to use Air.Boss script from Moose with this campaign? I know we can edit mission on mission editor prior to flight but this script requires to manually open the mission file and put in there an entire folder with sounds. Is this possible? Thanks.
  8. Done!! Downloaded Bios from master branch and is finally working. I can't thank you enough BlackLibrary for your help.
  9. I just did a DCS repair and installed bios from this link and problem remains. https://github.com/dcs-bios/dcs-bios/releases/ Inside DCS panels I can access to DCS bios comands to change my profile and when I use switches or gear handle it shows moving on DCS panels but it just doesn't comunicate with DCS. I don't know if this helps but here are last lines from DCSFlightpanels_error_log.txt. "20.07.2020 12:13:43 version : 9216 Custom message = [DCSBIOS.SendDataFunction()] System.ObjectDisposedException Cannot access a disposed object. Object name: 'System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient'. at System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient.Send(Byte[] dgram, Int32 bytes, IPEndPoint endPoint) at DCS_BIOS.DCSBIOS.SendDataFunction(String stringData) 20.07.2020 12:13:43 version : 666 Custom message = [Via DCSBIOS.SetLastException()] System.ObjectDisposedException Cannot access a disposed object. Object name: 'System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient'. at System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient.Send(Byte[] dgram, Int32 bytes, IPEndPoint endPoint) at DCS_BIOS.DCSBIOS.SendDataFunction(String stringData) 20.07.2020 12:13:43 version : 9216 Custom message = [DCSBIOS.SendDataFunction()] System.ObjectDisposedException Cannot access a disposed object. Object name: 'System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient'. at System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient.Send(Byte[] dgram, Int32 bytes, IPEndPoint endPoint) at DCS_BIOS.DCSBIOS.SendDataFunction(String stringData)"
  10. Thanks alot for your help, BlackLibrary. But what do you mean by master branch? Are you talking about bios? Isn't the one from the link I posted the correct one?
  11. I use bios from link posted on first post. https://github.com/DCSFlightpanels/dcs-bios/tree/master/Scripts/DCS-BIOS Until last dcs patch I didn't have any problem with DCS panels and I didn't do anything to my DCS other than patch itself. I didn't add any other mod or change any file. I thought that DCS Bios was broken by patch itself but it seems I'm the only one having this problem.
  12. Thanks Aviramad, but unfortunatly that didn't work. I can get DCS panels to work but just as key emulator. Any of my Bios profiles failed to work after this week update. Already redownloaded lates BIOS.lua but nothing. All of my profiles worked without any problems until now.
  13. Since this week update I an error message. It continues to work with sounds and everything but I have one or two error messages to go through. Unfortunatly I forget to screenshot the message but I'll do it tomorrow.
  14. I have this problem aswell. Just hope it gets sorted soon.
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