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Everything posted by Almagnifico

  1. Oui, je suis sur la Beta, Mais en fait, je n'avais pas la bonne version. Tout est rentré dans l'ordre.
  2. Bonjour, j'ai acheté la carte Normandy 2 sachant que j'avais déjà la première version. Mais aucune installation automatique ne se fait et dans l'onglet "gestion des modules" le terrain n'apparait pas. Je ne peux pas l'installer. D'autres que moi ont ils eu ce pb ? Merci.
  3. Bonjour, Je me suis remis à DCS depuis très peu de temps avec le Mirage F1. Je voulais savoir si il existait des check-lists de cet avion ? Merci pour vos retours.
  4. Since the 29th of april, I ask for having the right to fighting in this tournament. It was said to me that it is to late... Ok... And now ?
  5. Thank you. Unfortunatly, I just see the tournament. So, I will buy Mig 15 or F-86 to play with you, but it is useless.
  6. Ah oui, pas bête de rechercher dans mes mails... Bon, maintenant il faut que je retrouve la date de mon achat :)
  7. Ah oui, certain. Je me souviens que pendant un moment on pouvait fusionner deux comptes. C'est ce que j'ai fait...
  8. Voilà mon pb, j'ai réinstallé complètement mon ordi. Du coup j'ai aussi dû réinstaller DCS. Au moment de relancer le simu, il me redemande toutes mes clés d'activation (ce qui est assez fastidieux quand on a plusieurs modules mais bon...). Et là, quand je vais sur le site de DCS, sur mon profile, et que je souhaite récupérer mes clés, tous mes achats apparaissent, sauf le Huey. Je ne peux donc pas le réinstaller. Pourtant je l'ai acheté lors d'une période de solde et j'ai volé avec plusieurs fois. Comment faire ?
  9. Hello, I have a little pb with my texture pilot. When I am ejected (yes, it' happen sometime ;)) my pilot is orang, without texture. Is it normal ?
  10. I find it !!!! Thank you for your help. Regards
  11. I succeed to log me with the two account but in "software" I only see DCS World (in the two account). But, I was payed few years ago for pre purchase DCS A10 and I had a serial number for it. You can check for that with my Email please...
  12. And, of course, I try to recovery my password, but it does not work too. I always back to my new account.
  13. Yes, I answer that I keep "Almagnifico"
  14. I already did it but unfortunatly, it does not work anymore. I don't want to pay one more time juste to fly with DCS A10 that I already have before. I format my harddrive and installe Win7. Since, I re installe DCS A10 but I don't have my activation key. And impossible to connect me to Digital Combat Simulator. I had send more than 5 mails, but no answers... :mad: Thank you for your help
  15. In fact, I have two account but I can't log me with the first one. I think I have bought these software with this account. When I enter my nickname, it brings me automatically on the second account. I don't know how I can do...
  16. Yes, I tried this but it does not work with me
  17. Hello, I send more than 4 mails since 2 weeks to help me to find my serial number and I never had an answer. I must restart all my PC configuration and I re instal DCS A-10. But, I pre order at the begenning of the project and I loose my serial number. So, how can I do to have another serial number and how can I do to have DCS A10 1.2 in DCS World ? I would like to pre order DCS P-51 but not before having my "old" DCS A10. I would like to installe DCS BS2 (I already have BS1) by DCS World. Is it possible to ? Thank you for your help and sorry for my poor english.
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