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  1. Solved. Replacing the export.lua lines with the following got it to work again local NMEAlfs=require('lfs'); dofile(NMEAlfs.writedir()..'Scripts/DCS_NMEA.lua')
  2. Using the correct method so Windows recognizes the new folder as the Saved Games folder. Everything else works great in DCS, but if I open the log I get an error about being unable to load DCS_NMEA.lua in C:\{...}\Saved Games\DCS\Scripts 2021-11-30 15:05:41.947 ALERT EDCORE: Can't execute Lua file F:\Saved Games\DCS\Scripts\Export.lua - can't open 'C:/Users/Morgan/Saved Games/DCS/Scripts/DCS_NMEA.lua'
  3. After moving my saved games folder to a different drive from my OS, I can no longer get the script to function at all. Is there any workaround for this?
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