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About Ryzler

  • Birthday 07/23/1976

Personal Information

  • Flight Simulators
  • Location
    Yagoona NSW Australia
  • Interests
    What hobbies. What life.
  1. DCS A-10C Bleed Air Engine Restart.


  2. Thou shalt nicht scratcheth thy paint.

  3. I always wondered what if these Aviation sims could then become First Person Shooters when you bail out? It would be a whole other layer of DCS but I can see how the name DCS leave such an option open. For example the WWII servers would deploy troops who would land and then would become like a Battlefield 5 game. Obviously we wouldnt want to just copy those mechanics but there would be things like armories and weapons lying around... You would really need the numbers though. Buildings would have to be upgraded, lots of things would have to be implimented. But anyway, just a thought...here is my custom paint job for a P-51 and a 7 minute video.
  4. Is there a list? LUA screening? Is there a list of the anti cheat program capabilities? Does it check to verify lua files havent been edited? So if I edit my sidewinders to have explosive force of a Jdam at 200 miles will it pick it up? :pilotfly:
  5. Those are the people who DONT do such things. Why couldn't you be the "That's great lets do it!" That is why both you and I are sitting around wasting time because those doing it arent wasting it on a world who thinks they are crazy. They are the ones we kill or trying to anyway. :alien::alien::alien:
  6. If it is town area it can go to GTA mode. If all the game programmers didn't compete and worked together they could mesh that up and it would be Total anarchy. MS Flight Sim can be in there at Civil airports and control towers for those just flying around. You will need factions to defend that and fend off rogue squadrons who are just out to demolish anything. Weapons and gear can be traded like Crime Craft. Like World of Warcraft but real world sim.
  7. OK so what if instead of ejecting you can simply get out of the plane and then enter a C.O.D / Halflife style sim FPS. People ejecting over battlefield can continue playing and use weapons they come across and those getting attacked can snipe at the planes and find S.A.M sites and Stinger missiles. Then we will take over google and dedicate all their servers to running this Scenario and everyone with a computer will only have a computer JUST to play that.:pilotfly:
  8. Does anyone else get a map that pops up after editing a mission and loading it? After I press the "Pause/Break" button to unpause a map pops up to the right side blocking almost half the cockpit. I don't press anything other than the "Pause/Break" and after around 2-3 seconds this map pops up. Other views do not have it but it is still there when I go back to cockpit view.
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