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Everything posted by garetjax

  1. Sounds to me like you just uninstall the ED Version of the game and move on. Lock-On works and will provide you with simulation additions. Or you could manuall extract and place the 'addtional' content into your lock on folder...personally. I am no longer going to purchase games from a company that isn't going to consider its 'outside' of russian countrymen its business to bother with. Sorry...Boycotts are a wonderful thing...or at least until they clear up the problems they are having with using the game.
  2. heheh StarForce - Protection ??? What. Let me tell you what protection truly/really is. Setting up a CDKEY Authentication Database. One Activation per CDKEY - duplicate install ban em both. Done you've solved your little cunudrum. But, hey that would take some forethought and ingeniuty that would require to much work: A) A website B) A database C) A connection method to said Servers. Whats really funny about this whole escapade is that if I never go online or block all transactions and SLL my drives what the hell does StarForce or any other protection method know??? Nadda... Or even better why not create a virtual CD and a virtual HDD Image. Install the software to the Virtual HDD from a virtual CD after you've disconnected the CDROMS. Your answer saying that it could be published online blah blah blah...is rubbish 100% of the games currently protected by StarForce have their equivelants online via BitTorrent - Warez Sites and many other seedy places that are working and will work with wonderfully enough StarForce removed from their base. Hell a medium intellect hacker could figure out a way of bypass using resHacker to bypass the hooks for it would allow you to run the app with no problems. But, hey its better to have it auto disable based upon installations... Got to love that model and mode of thinking. GaretJax - aka Joe W. Garrett
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