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About SVK_Duchi

  • Birthday 10/12/1986

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  1. Thanks alot man did it helped alot.
  2. Did i understand it coretcly that i can activate BS2 with BS1 serial key?I dont have BS2 but just downloaded BS2 upgrade but can get to work it becouse i dont have any BS2 key.its a upgrade or not?where do i get the key.TIried everythink what was on the forum but nothink helped
  3. Go for Saphire TOXIC 7970 Ghz edition with 6 Gb of DDR5 ram it has base clock at 1100 mhz and 6400 Mhz for memory.Best card out there i think it has Much more power then the 680. trust me just look after rewiews.Here is the link: http://www.sapphiretech.com/presentation/product/?cid=1&gid=3&sgid=1157&lid=1&pid=1483
  4. EtherealN thanks a lot bro your idea solved the problem.Thnaks alot
  5. Nice post but i try all browsers a and still cant get that serial number.Any solutions?And Aim logged properly and it still writes me: No information or you have not bought any product yet.
  6. I use this insane sound and excelent quality: http://uk.store.creative.com/products/product.aspx?catid=1&pid=20167
  7. Are you kiding?why ED tease us soooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Its brutal,impresive,outstanding,gorges,perfect,tremendes video!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Icant still believe this i will fly a real A-10C !!!!!!!Dreams become true:) Thanks ED your the best in the branch really!!!!!Best of the best!!!!I love you guys P.s:Sorry for my english
  8. Trigeer you are ........ i dont have words.Absolute amazing.Thanks a lot.Just one question.How did you ged to work those leds in pit like in game?With SOIC with leds conected to IO card or?
  9. Frazer.You have a mistake,The ALCA display team is called BIELE ALBATROSY or in English WHITE ALBATROSES and pilots are from Czech and Slovak republic.So just litle bug ;-)
  10. Thats stuning Trigger!!!!!!!!!!It will help much.Man i LIKE YOU!(AS FRIEND :) ).We will see wath is in thopse pictures.And you should try megaupload:)But 4 share is ok too.Im planing to use the simmeters gauges and HUD and theyr IO card but i have no skills with building with such think:)especially with wiring those kables to the switches, but what alse to say.LETES GOO STUDY SOME BOOKS:)And sorry for my bad english:) All best to your PITBUILD Trigger
  11. Hey guys i would like to know the dimensions of the Su-25T cockpit.I try build one but i cant find any good reference for it.Will someone help?Thanks in advance
  12. thats f...ing awsome!!!!!look at the terain detail!!!Lets hope that LOMAC engine will wrok well on it.
  13. SOmethink beutifle!!!!!!!!Its shame that those Mi-24s dont retract gear.But really AWSOME WORK TOM!!!!!!!!
  14. Can you imagen that YAK-130 in FC?Somethink for our dreams
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