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About BaD CrC

  • Birthday 07/15/1972

Personal Information

  • Flight Simulators
    All of them since 1990
  • Location
    Florida, USA
  • Interests
    Private Pilot fixed wing, 60FH on helicopters R22 and R44
  • Occupation
    Marketing director for a large Aerospace company
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  1. Fresh News June 2024 Quick update on the intro of the Kiowa at BlackSharkDen. Of course we are now working on the ATM for our newly created platoons flying the 58 and are hoping to welcome newcomers in a couple of weeks. The structure for this new chopper is already built and our IPs are checking the relevance of each task in the ATM. Ah, for those of you who are wondering about the CH-47, yes, ATM and platoons structure is in place, we have IPs ready to go. Now we need the module... On the dedicated servers side, our 4 servers, including our public one, Helo World, are going strong. Helo World is one of the best Rotary Wings only public server available in the community and we cannot encourage you enough to check out the community dedicated thread! Finally, we created on our discord server a new APAC (Asia Pacific) group to help those with availabilities that do not fit "normal" hours for our NORAM and EMEA companies fly together. As usual, if you are not familiar with BlackSharkDen, we are the largest and most respected squadron in the DCS community operating exclusively helicopters (no fixed wing) in a cooperative environment (no PvP). Check our www.blacksharkden.com or join our Discord server.
  2. Hello RW pilots! Quick update to let you guys know that the Kiowa is now available on Helo World! Come and play on one of the best RW dedicated server in this community, meet and fly with our pilots!
  3. Large welcome MP flight at BlackSharkDen for the Kiowa.
  4. I don't know how this is working for this module, but both the MFDs worked on my 5 inches USB screens without having to do anything to export them. This really blew my mind.
  5. Hi Miro. Join our Discord Server so you can get in touch with the devs and support. https://discord.gg/blacksharkden/
  6. HELO WORLD UPDATE #5 (Major) Dear DCS RW community. Our BlackSharkDen community has been really hard at work for the last few months developing and extensively testing new additions to our Helo World server. The result was impressive enough that we had no hesitation to name this new release as a major one. We are bringing to you guys probably the most advanced RW dedicated public server available to the DCS community that provides not just a target rich environment for attack choppers, but a real interactive and interdependent environment where utility helicopters have a central role in the fight too. From the experience gathered during those last 8 years of existence of the Black Shark Den squadron, Helo World 2.0 is offering pretty much everything we were always dreaming to get from DCS World when flying helicopters: - A completely reworked SECTOR CONTROL module with new AI logic for ground forces to include capabilities such as supporting, retreating, abandoning vehicles, disembarking troops to attack, and changing speed/formation when attacking based on circumstances, more persistence to the AO, expanded radio messages for ground commander and ground forces, now fully integrated and played through SRS, changes from large sectors to smaller objectives and a significant optimization of the code. - NEW COUNTER INSURGENCY MODULE! All new dynamic tasking system for solo and group flights centered around low-threat COIN style ops that includes strike, armed recon, security, air assault, medevac, and combat logistics! - Reworked FARP SUPPLIES system: We changed FARP supply to a dynamic supply management method *FARPs store up to 4 supplies and consume one supply per day. - WEATHER: New logic for selecting the mission. Each weather option has a weight in a random selection. The weather now changes daily. Note that NIGHT has been removed as this mission significantly deterred player counts. But if you want to fly with this level of skills required, you should definitively consider joining BlackSharkDen! - PLAYER STATS: Added tracking and storing of tons of stats for players as well as a new leaderboard that shows the top 3 players for each stats. - GENERAL CHANGES: AI helicopter IFF settings set to realistic to use the improved detection modelling and balance a/c capabilities. Added ADF beacons to all FARPS, Added KA-50 v2 slots and SA342 minigun ones. Restored ATIS capabilities. Cleaned up other modules (Maritime Security, Anti Submarine Warfare and Visit, Board, Search, Seizure) that should hopefully be operational without bugs now. As usual, complete and updated documentation can be found on heloworld.blacksharkden.com. You can join our discord server to get all the latest and greatest updates, ask your questions and discuss with our devs and pilots (and why not fly together!). No mods are required on Helo World but make sure you are connecting on SRS with the frequencies given in the comm plan of the online documentation. All the BlackSharkDen community is wishing you hours of fun on Helo World!
  7. This issue indeed has been here since the release of Black Shark 1 in 2009 as far as I remember But at that time, very few people were exporting displays so I guess it wasn't really high on ED's list. Now multi screens and exports are becoming a bit more frequent with off the shelves solutions available like Winwing MFDs, I would love to see ED take this into account without letting us doing some crazy level wizardry DIY. It is specially problematic with the TADS or the SHKVAL (don't know for fixed wings but I guess that's the same). AH-64 exported TADS is almost unusable in IR mode no matter the brightness and contrast. Moving map is dark but still alright to use. Problem at night is when you are cranking up like crazy brightness for your exported displays, your in game cockpit's MFDs are burning your retinas.
  8. Hello @currenthill and thanks for your awesome work. Question about the Iranian Shahed 136 LM. Is it supposed to launch its drones? I can have the truck open its trail but when setting a fire at point, nothing happens. What am I doing wrong? Thanks.
  9. So this thing can scan its environment in 3D and activate/deactivate passthrough on parts of the screens (as you are entering the boundaries you set). Am I dreaming too much to imagine that you could define a fixed 3D area (a physical cockpit for example) where passthrough remains active while the rest of the display (like the DCS view) remains VR on the display and create an hybrid reality where you could physically interact with a real cockpit while looking at a virtual landscape? I have played with that in a sim displayed during last year at the NBAA in Orlando, and it was working well, but I guess with more expensive/pro type of gear. Now the Quest 3 seems to have everything it needs to do that?
  10. ED imposed on PC their version of the mistral and we ended up with a pretty poor and unrealistic model compared to the initial version. I can confirm Pk is around 90%. On the other hand, it seems like the Igla's version has been modeled with a Pk way above the 50% it is in reality.
  11. HELO WORLD UPDATE #4 Smallish update coming up tonight. It's mostly some housekeeping and implementing small changes based on your feedback to improve your experience over on HELO WORLD. First up is some tweaks made to the AI pools. For a few months at least, there was a bug that was only allowing a small selection of groups from the pool to spawn, consequently being the more difficult groups available. That bug has been resolved so you should see some units that haven't been around for awhile such as the BTRs, T-90s, and some mobile ADS platforms like the SA-9 and SA-13. The BMPs have also been nerfed, replacing all the BMP-3's and 2's with the BMP-1. The 30mm autocannon on those two vehicles, combined with the rapid deployment of the ATGM was frustrating and with DCS's AI superpowers, OP for the enemy. The BMP-1 is significantly less effective against aircraft than the 2 and 3, but is still a major problem for ground forces. The SA-8 has also been removed from the mobile ADS pool, and will now only be seen as SHORAD for the SAM sites. There is also the addition of the BTR-RD ATGM equipped light tracked vehicle that will be a major hazard to ground armor, and a good incentive to maintain your situational awareness when hovering. We've also added a handful of new groups to the BLUEFOR, all NATO based. You will now see M1A2 Abrams and Leopard 2A4s from the tank pool, AAV7s, Bradleys, and LAV-25s from the Mech Infantry pool, and Stryker ATGMs for the ATGM pool. Next up is a big change to the way cargo behaves in CTLD. When you request a crate from the pickup zone, you will now only get 1 crate for all options. This crate contains a land rover that is used as a 'part' for whatever you're building. Unpack the required amount of 'parts' within a 300m radius and it will assemble into whatever it is you're trying to build. You can still load multiple crates into a single helo if you request 2 crates. The only downside to this change is that you now need to build all crates individually so if you're working on a FOB, you'll need to hit "Build Crates" 6 times. I hope this change makes it less painful for you guys when the FARP gets saturated with crates, or things don't go according to plan in-flight resulting in incomplete builds all over the place. Lastly we have some minor changes here and there. FARPs will now spawn 6 invisible pads which should make rearming from the middle aircraft possible in your start position. Easy Communication has been enabled so you don't need to worry about screwing around with the intercom switch to get them to respond anymore. The weather for DAY has been adjusted slightly to keep things fresh. And last but not least, my custom JTAC I created for BSD a few weeks ago has been implemented with the CTLD transportable JTAC. It comes with a special menu that allows more control over the JTAC including toggling the laser on/off and changing the code as needed. It also gives the JTACs a unique callsign to help you ID them better. They also wear "camo pants" now which is a subscript that makes them harder to spot from long ranges so you can drop them on a hill and not worry about some BMP 3km away nuking him with an ATGM. Thank you all for flying here and remember to share your feedback in ⁠our Discord server at「」pilots-chat. Always open to suggestions and improvements to keep the server fresh and running well for our needs as rotary wing pilots. WHAT'S COMING NEXT? Base framework for COIN operations is being worked on slowly but surely....
  12. Your map has always been part of the official toolbox in the Blacksharkden library Flappie! We can t properly plan anything rotor wing related without it!
  13. We are flying helicopters only so ground coordination is super important for us. Most of the time on large missions, we have one to two guys sitting in CA to coordinate the choppers operations.
  14. Also make sure you have no conflicting hardware axis. You might have a joystick or a button panel with unused axis automatically assigned to the throttle command by DCS.
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