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  • Flight Simulators
    DCS World, All modules
    IL2 Ciffs of Dover TF4.312
  • Location
    North Yorkshire, UK
  • Interests
    Cars, flying, flightsims
  1. Random

    ee lightning?

    Going to have to get myself a VR headset for AAR. Several friends say its a hell of a lot easier! Lightning's AAR Probe being a couple of feet to your left will make stuff more interesing too!
  2. Random

    ee lightning?

    Hmmm. AI Concorde and an AI U2 necessary! I imagine recreating the U2 intercept and surviving ought to be a challenge.
  3. Random

    ee lightning?

    To be honest, the Mig 19 is the one I'd match up against the lightning. Give it a real run for its money as the 19 has an even better thrust to weight ratio. Although it doenst have the outright performance, in a knife fight that thrust to weight ratio will be a big help!
  4. Random

    ee lightning?

    I never got to see one fly IRL. Would have loved to.
  5. Random

    ee lightning?

    Do the export versions have the datalink and Computer Red though? Not that datalink was ever used operationally it's still rather cool. I'd LOVE to do a datalinked GCI in DCS
  6. Random

    ee lightning?

    I'd favour an F.6 Mainly because I have pilots notes, manuals etc for the F.6
  7. I use the same joystick I use for flying. I could do with a LANTIRN stick though!
  8. Simply click em with the mouse!
  9. Set the axis as a slider. Invert as necessary. Also it sounds like you may not have unlocked the throttles before trying to move them.
  10. Absolutely would love an F104. One if the early ones with the downward ejection please. I have a thing for manned missiles! F104, Mig 21, Lightning etc Not related to your post norbot but I'm always puzzled by some people's hostility towards any suggestion for a module that is't one they personally like. My attitude: if the data is available and a developer wants to do it it would be a welcome addition. If it's something a bit odd and flawed all the better.
  11. Pretty sure the Lightning Preservation Group would be eager to help... live aircraft too so think of all those lovely authentic sounds that could be recorded!
  12. Had the chance to sit in a F.6 at bruntinthorpe. Friend of mine helps look after them and was talking me through how everything worked. Its certainly rather cosy! Im terrified of heights and ladders yet I somehow got up and in. Coming down was less easy!
  13. Hmmm maybe we need a Vulcan.... Falklands map is in development after all.
  14. Around 3 minutes 30 seconds for an F.6 (slower than an F.3) to accelerate from M.1 to M.2 at 35k feet according to alicatt's charts. The Phantom charts are hard for me to make sense of. But at 35k feet it looks like its about 30 seconds slower if you start at 38k lbs and 3 MINUTES slower if you start at 50k lbs!
  15. Would sell my firstborn for a Lightning in DCS (note I have no children so its an easy claim to make)
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