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36 Wanted

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Everything posted by 36 Wanted

  1. Callsign: Wanted Aircraft: UH-1H, A-10C
  2. Some nice orchestral music to keep the emotions up, might be a little boring without it.. :music_whistling: I really hope I can re-public this so that more people can enjoy it, unluckily the original footage got canceled so I can't edit out the privacy claimers, until they drop their claims it will have to stay a private video :(
  3. Unluckily, the video is off the internet until further advice due to privacy claims. Sorry about that, it should take some time, I'll keep you posted!
  4. I was worried about the lack of action due to the mission's nature but it's nice to see that my effort was worth something :) Be advised of a new operation coming up on August 22nd, starring again the 36° and AMVI (COOP mission) and then again, on August 26th I'm gonna take part to the DCS Battle- Joint Warrior 2: Operation Quarterback (Force on Force tournament with A2A and A2G). I thought summer would have been more boring than it actually is, looking forward to post some videos to you! Possibly with more action!! Stay tuned :)
  5. Always so glad to see some feedback from you guys, you make the effort behind the editing worth it! Already hundreds of visualizations, thanks for spreading the video :)
  6. Hello simmers, just checking in to share with you guys my latest video! This time it's about a training campaign made possible by the inter-squadron collaboration between the =36°= and AMVI. I loved flying it, it gave the sim that bit of realism that's always welcome, even though the communications weren't perfect and some mistakes have been made during the operation. It took me about one month to edit all the footage in a single, comprehensive video. It's not exactly ralfidude quality level and there aren't too many thrills but I hope you enjoy it anyway! :pilotfly: And also forgive us for our Italian accent.. :D WATCH FULL SCREEN AND 720P
  7. Well, this was recorded on a MP mission with my buddies from the 36th, I swear to you that I had pretty much no control of the rolling (or pitching) at all, infact, as you can see, I have to keep performing barrel-rolls to keep a "stable" altitude since I can stop my climb or my descent just by pitching up and down. Rolling was possible only to the right, following the natural spiral that the plane would have went into if I didn't correct it. I never tried the A-10C with game mode either but I'm pretty sure this wasn't game mode at all! I lost my wing several times so I was kinda used to the impossible pitch and roll input that the aircraft requires when missing a wing to prevent a spiral or a stall (even though 1.2.8 seems to have made it harder to control now rather than it used to be).. I did other landings like this (one was from a MP pub mission where I took damage from a SAM and forced me to belly land) but I gotta say this one was the "best" so far since I could get home with still an intact gear, not destroying it on touchdown and without completely tearing apart the aircraft ^^ Check out also this one of mines: (I think it was 1.2.7) I was a lot worse than now and I still hadn't my Track IR5 :P
  8. F15 has a lot less wing surface, missing a wing dramatically decreases its stability but apparently doesn't compromise it.. I'd be really curious to hear a story about an A-10 RTBing after loosing a wing in combat XD
  9. Well, it wasn't game mode for sure since it was in the 36th Virtual Squadron server :P I don't know much about the settings though.. As Skatezilla said it's pretty difficult but not impossible, probably it can be done even IRL but I would bet my life on it as no pilot on Earth I'd say ^^
  10. Check this out, folks! I hope you enjoy this, it was a pain to execute a landing with such a crazy behavior from the plane ^^ Don't miss the other DCS videos! :joystick:
  11. Our star!! :megalol: English subtitles are enabled for those who can't understand italian :smartass: Be sure not to miss it!
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