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  1. 104th_Aeons Blue Apache
  2. Aeons - F5 or GCI if needed
  3. 104cdt_Aeons - KA/50
  4. 104cdt_Aeons -
  5. 104cdt_Aeons - A-10C II
  6. 104cdt_Aeons - F18
  7. good to see this is internally fixed. Before even taking off we could identify this bug..... Another bug I noticed was that the D/L contact's do not overlay on the FCR screen all the time
  8. 104cdt_Aeons Hawk, Yak or F/A18C
  9. Tacview from tonights Red Flag! https://www.mediafire.com/file/3ktv2ynv1ocagai/Tacview-20200328-201610-DCS-Red_Flag_Rumble_March.txt.acmi.zip/file
  10. TacView ** Top Gun - Golden Eagle - BFM Competition March 2020 ** TacView https://we.tl/t-WBAounDrpq
  11. 104cdt_Aeons - KA50
  12. 104cdt_Aeons 104th Phoenix 150 ms ping Blue F-16
  13. Aeons - available for anything that is required (reserve)
  14. Cheers for the quick response. I believe I have done the adding of the commands and I can see them in my Voiceattack profile (link tune, radio tune, tacan tune). When I go to the vaicom configuration window under Editor, should I also be seeing the Keyword "Radio Tune"?
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