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Posts posted by SinusoidDelta

  1. Saying NaturalPoint invented head tracking is akin to saying they invented motion capture. They made a real time solution available/affordable to the average consumer but commercial head tracking solutions existed before natural point. Like most technology we covet today, it's origins have a military background.


    Don't get me wrong, their contributions towards immersive interaction warrants much respect. I would choose headtracking over current VR headsets for many reasons. They deserve all the credit for making DCS and many other sims/games truly amazing. Unfortunatley it is now 2016. If their business model is to produce the roughly the same technology, year on year, they can't reasonably expect to keep a strangle hold on the market. Whether they deserve to lose money is beside the point. Businesses that evolve, innovate and continuously improve will prevail. Consumer grade depth mapping tech has exploded over the last 5 years. The next solution is already out there waiting to be utilized.


    But blatantly copying their 3 point IR model, camera and using their code is not the right way to do go about it. It's a way to make a statement and a few dollars. Everyone complains about the price....if you can't figure out how to solder 3 LED's in parallel at the cost of a few dollars, you deserve to pay NaturalPoint's price and you should thank them for it.

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  2. Thanks for the good info. Haven't heard about this before.

    What I am,looking for is a hand tracking device so that I will be able to activate switches in my cockpit while wearing an occulus rift. Any idea?


    Absolutely. It has very impressive gesture recognition, capable of tracking all 10 fingers. Skip to 2:10 in the video below to see a rough example:


  3. Hegykc is in Croatia, not Texas... ;)

    Also, several other 3LED clips exist without being sued by NP. This tracker has a new feature of serving as a charger as well as a camera, so it can't be said to be a copy.

    And NP does not have patents for their hardware, only the software, AFAIK.



    So the new features are irrelevant?


    I wouldn't advise selling this to anyone in the USA. If they can't go after Hegykc, they'll go after the ones who purchased it. I'm only trying to elucidate the enormous risk based on NP's history. Best of luck.



    From the anti-competition website:


    "ANY device such as Freetrack that uses the same memory hooks (camera access points)developed by Naturalpoint is a violation of their rights and we will not willfully support such a device.


    I was a former Trademark and Patent paralegal at one of the biggest corporate lawfirms in Silicon Valley and the former TrackIR Product Manager at Naturalpoint 2004-2005 so arguing with me about violations of NP's rights is useless. NP is in the right to sue anyone who creates a product that is sold or distributed in or to the U.S. or elsewhere that uses their tech. You will find no sympathy with me." - 2010"

  4. I haven't seen this mentioned on the bored so I figured I'd share. I apologize if this has been detailed in another thread.


    The RealSense is a depth sensing camera capable of 3D reconstruction, gesture recognition, head position tracking, facial recognition, and much more. The tech is loosely based on the primesense technology (V1 Kinect, Asus Xtion, Structure Sensor, etc.) which used a single IR camera to derive depth information from a projected infrared light pattern.



    RealSense differs significantly in the it has stereoscopic IR cameras (2 IR, 1 RGB) in addition to the IR emitter. This means significantly better performance and accuracy of depth data. This has enabled accurate facial recognition and position tracking, something the Primesense PS1080 was never quite capable of.


    More details of the hardware can be found here: https://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/realsense-r200-camera


    Intel has made the entire SDK public in hopes some developers can find innovative or appealing application for marketing. I think DCS World fits that bill.:thumbup: Details can be found here:https://software.intel.com/en-us/realsense/home


    The F200 model is available for purchase and has a desirable focal length. The Realsense's price is actually less than TrackIR which is amazing, considering its capable of volumetric 3D reconstruction: http://click.intel.com/intel-realsense-developer-kit.html


    And now for the best part! It's already supported by Opentrack! In fact, Intel used the Opentrack plugin to show off headtracking with iRacing at their press conferences.



    Hopefully this attract some forum members with more knowledgeable than myself. The idea of ditching TrackIR's overpriced unit and tracking without the nuisance of point model/hat is very appealing. :thumbup:



  5. Maybe I missed something here but I hope you have deep pockets. NP can and will sue you. Regardless of the validity of their patents, they will bleed you to death financially in a Texas District Court. Unless you have a million USD to burn, I would strongly recommend letting someone else fight this battle.


    I'm not siding with NP in any way. They've monopolized a niche market and won't let go without a fight. With our broken patent system, you are guilty of infringement until proven innocent. Most go bankrupt long before that point.

  6. The haze at times is unbearable. It seems to vary with weather and at times the horizon is completely obscured even with low cloud cover. Spotting is nearly impossible currently. I'd love to know if there is someway to alter the intensity. Hopefully someone more knowledgable can chime in!

  7. I'm entirely unable to fly the f-15.


    I can sit on the ramp or spectate others indefinitely.


    At times, taxiing becomes choppy.


    Once I accelerate past 50 kts or so the game freezes and "DCS has stopped responding" pops up.


    If I enter quick start I get about 5 seconds in flight before a crash.


    Tracks will be forthcoming.

    dcs log.zip

  8. if you try this, let me know how it goes, I'm wanting to but haven't found the time or place yet to do it.


    Cheers and Salute!





    I did it recently. It's like an entirely new (and much better) stick. I was kind of shocked at the poor finishing and overall quality of the gimbal mechanism. The whole assembly looks to be injection molded and flash is everywhere, on the inner gimbal inhibiting smooth rotation. The guide plugs in the lower gimbal aren't circular and protrude from the surface of the outer gimbal. The cylindrical plastic cover is more like an octagon than a circle making the pressure plate unable to travel smoothly. And the grease they use is like old congealed automatic transmission fluid. If you attempt it, be careful and watch the entire video several times. You can break something in a hurry.

  9. DCS has great potential, I am only trying to improve it.


    The fact that DerekSpeare, in his thread, "F-15C - How to apply brakes without going off the runway?" raises the same issue indicates there is a problem. I merely pointed him to this thread as it would give him perhaps more information. How is this a "constant barrage"?


    Who is "Coffcorpse" and why should I automatically know of him and why should I PM him?


    I would expect the developers to monitor the threads and respond to valid criticisms.


    (P.S. For the record, I am a real world pilot with over 16,000 hours on military types and Jet airliners, so I do have significant experience to back my statements)


    Coffcorpse is the mastermind behind the F-15 FM. I'm sure he is reading.


    If you haven't already, upload a .trk demonstrating the issue. It would help determine if it is flight model related or not. As far as I know the FM is still a WIP and the more information you can provide, the better.


    And with all due respect pr1malr8ge, you're posting in his thread here...

  10. Yes, the streak eagle was about 1,800 lbs lighter IIRC. Additionally it carried the non-DEEC F100's where's the DCS F-15C has the newer -220 performance modeled.


    The streak eagle actually only reached 75% of its maximum energy height in the zoom climb, 104,000ft vs 141,000 ft. In DCS we aren't constrained by the airframe's dynamic pressure limit. We also aren't required to fly a trajectory that allows return to the same airfield (or any airfield for that matter). I've had the eagle quite a bit higher than the real life record. ;)

  11. The Streak Eagle profiles didn't included a pure vertical climb. The nearest to vertical was 80 degrees and only in the 3km (10kft) and 12km (40kft) trajectories. Yes, the F-15 could achieve slight acceleration in a vertical climb at high T/W ratio.


    You can test it out in game with a clean jet and a few thousand pounds of fuel. Start out in level flight, around 2-3kft at 220 knots. Smoothly pull the stick aft. Around 180 knots increase thrust smoothly to MIL. Once you have the nose pointed straight up to 90 degrees, plug in full AB. Your airspeed will start increasing! So, briefly, you can accelerate in a vertical climb in DCS. Should you? How much energy will you come out with on top? You're in a state of decreasing energy and exiting the maneuver means you need to spend more energy pulling back down towards the horizon. Not a very efficient flight path.


    The Streak Eagle's mission was minimum time to target altitude. The climb angle is an output, not an input. A time optimized climb is achieved at the velocity where maximum excess thrust occurs (not necessarily L/D max).


  12. This thread is turned into exactly what is set out not to be.


    Your post is needlessly condescending. You know nothing about my education or background. I have spent hundreds of hours exporting and analyzing telemetry in an attempt to validate FM performance. I have read hundreds of journal articles, NASA papers, DTIC papers, and every TO manual I can get my hands on. Yet there is no doubt in your mind that I'm not well read and I don't want to bother with all that science nonsense based of one post that you disagree with.






    Aerodynamics is, obviously, science. This means you can prove claims.


    The common terms that so many have become accustomed to due to the popularity of games like Ace Combat lack depth at times. It can be a complex science and, if you want claims to be proven, you should be prepared to do the necessary legwork. We have a cabal of dedicated nerds that will buy modules early on and release their opinions on them. If you feel the product on offer isn't up to your own standards, then don't buy it. It's why I've yet to touch VEAO's Hawk. Why put yourself into a position where you feel that you, as a paying customer, might be slighted or at disadvantage when you can avoid that all together and not buy in.


    That's just the nature of the beast.


    And, I was pretty brutal toward Leatherneck in the build up towards the release of MiG-21. Yet to be banned. Cobra even commented on it. Ad hominems are going to garner the attention of the mods, everywhere you go that isn't an image board.

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