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Posts posted by randomTOTEN

  1. TACAN's operate by line of sight. There must be no obstructions which would block a signal traveling directly from the station to your aircraft. What most likely happened was that the station was masked by terrain, and that will cause the range dial to get stuck.

  2. You don't have to turn on all the fancy screens and switches... Just do the basics to get it up and running and you can do laps around the traffic pattern no problem. Your motivation is the most important driving force in flight training. No sense learning to fly an aircraft you don't enjoy (especially when there's no consequences for the occasional crash)!


    There's an additional benefit to learning the most complicated aircraft first... all the others are so much easier :)

  3. Make sure you balance fuel between left and right tanks once you switch to internal fuel (after you drop external tanks). This will greatly help with the stability of the F-5E

  4. Yeah, maybe the rudder twist is a hit or miss with the 3D pros. For some reason, my sensor seems to be crap and it's constantly off centre. I've tried calibrating it many times, unplugging/plugging back in, etc. still doesn't work. Trying to twist it completely in one direction would yield only about 50% that way and then twisting only half way the other direction is full rudder deflection that other way. It sits centre at about 40% deflection to the right. I've just unbound rudder twist entirely :p


    Depending on how old your stick is... it might be time to get a new one. They're so cheap I've really had no qualms with getting a new one every 3-4 years.


    Last month my most recent stick went out of calibration with a permanent left bank. I found a youtube video on how to take it apart, did so, fiddled and soaked the offending potentiometer in rubbing alcohol.. works like new now. Good luck on your decision.

  5. I don't know about any of the further missions, but I had no problems interacting with JTAC on mission 3. I called them after passing Mt. Irish, approaching the waypoint CHECKIN (I think it's called) and while there was some delay, I managed to get my target data before I was within weapon range. I circled one time before running in, and reached VUL before I was able to engage the secondary target. It gave me a mission success.

  6. I absolutely love the new FM in regards to takeoff and landing. Takeoffs are so smooth and the aircraft is very pitch stable. Landings are the same (although I do fewer of those :music_whistling:)


    I imagine the fuel burn is correct, but this thing is extremely thirsty, and has been for the last couple months. Full internal + centerline gets me to 10,000M and M2.0 with only 2,000L left. I barely have enough gas to RTB :pilotfly:

  7. As there's no start valve on the F-5 engine, why doesn't the starter continue to run after the the external air has been disconnected as it's now being driven by the engine?

    The engine start valve has nothing to do with disconnecting the starter from it's physical connection with the engine. The only thing the start valve does is block compressed air (from an outside source) from entering the starter. The F-5 starter doesn't need to have a start valve close after the engine start is complete, the pilot commands the ground crew to turn off the start cart. This removes the air supply from the air turbine starter. The F-5 has two separate start cart connections; one for each engine.


    Your question about the starter being turned by the engine is a different matter, unrelated to the compressed air supply.



  8. This might be helpful understanding how the engine is being started.






    Most aircraft have a valve before the air turbine starter. When a start button or knob is pressed, the valve opens which allows compressed air into the starter and turns the engine. The Tiger is different in that there is no such valve.. as soon as the start "huffer" cart applies compressed air the starter spins the engine. The only thing the start button does is turn on the igniters for 40 seconds. Fuel is introduced by moving the throttle from OFF to IDLE.

  9. This is probably pretty appropriate for an export light fighter. Many of the target countries won't have as developed infrastructure, and thus might not have properly maintained ILS antennas at each airport. This is especially true if we ever get the ability to place temporary airstrips, or service the aircraft on roads.


    If I understand correctly, the military favors Precision Approach Radar (PAR). over ILS.

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