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Posts posted by sissypilot

  1. What does ARU stand for anyway?

    Yeah you're right. I turned the ARU off and manually switched it to slow speed which should be the most sensitive elevator setting and I still found it hard to stall or get AOA into the red. This would suggest that the maximum elevator deflection has been reduced.


    As long is it is more realistic now...


    Автоматы регулирования управления which is automatics for regulating controll


    It is quite the opposite: if aru fails to set to high speed (small deflection) mode the plane would incontrollably oscillate as it happened in 1971 with an f-13 in Hungary. There is no point of setting aru manually to high deflection while flying fast as you certanly would die. The manual setting is for safety: when you decrease speed for landing -in case aru fails- you can set it to high deflection manually from low to maintain controll it does not work other way. If aru fails your procedure is to fly slow and keep it at higy deflection, do not play with it.


    I do not think that it is a bug at all. In fact ARU as system does not have to simulated at all I think, it is a waste of coding. It is nice to have it visualized, but it is a crucial system: if it fails the mission is over anyway. Though I share the opinion that this is the module which get further from completition with each update.

  2. In the reality the piper will not lock anywhere, the lock is confirmed only by sound the piper stays rock solid, or even does not have to be turned on to achieve an IR lock. The hit is an other thing. In fact there is usually no hit the proximity detonation always comes first based on electromagnetic, light, acustic, radioelectronic signal depending on the design of the rocket, so do not expect the missile to fly into the engine :)

  3. The transparent scale in the middle. My understanding is that when you lock a target you should be able to read distance the following way:

    When you select missile mode (PC) you should read 1-9 km in the upper part of the bottom scale

    When you select gun mode (HO) 0.4-2km on the bottom part of the upper scale.


    The top scale is in mils as far as I know.

  4. I know the building it is in Hungary Budaörs airfield:


    Small grass airfield no way migs would fly from. I guess it is a movie. Some junkyard hungarian migs have been repainted and this nosething added.

    Here is the link:


    It says a new Ridley Scott movie is being shot. The ownes of the place says he signed an agreement of secrecy with the producer of the movie.

  5. I mean if a plane has a gun and a radar and the technology is available for decades to feed the aiming device with radar distance no sane developer would miss that opportunity. The MIG's ASP has some 10 possible combination of modes. You can fire with guns and unguded rockets radar distance or guesstimation, traverse firing or giro aiming name it...


    Some MIG-21's (the PF as I remember) didnt have guns either, those neighter had radar, only a pair of IR missiles and were supposed to be guided by ground radar. I guess their ASP did not have a A-A gun mode, but guess what they had A-A ungided rocket mode :) The problem of feeding HUD in A-A gun mode with radar data was solved long before the f-4 or Mig-21, search radars in other earlier russian planes like Mig-17 or mig-19 were capable of that. I see no reason why a later version of a next generation fighter plane would be downgraded.


    Some later training versions were also not equipped with radar, but they did have a gun and guess what they were installed with a small range findig radar to support the gun in the absence of a search radar.

  6. There were some heated debates on that with countless sources some even translated from russian. That what I was able to catch from those debates.


    LNs point to my best knowledge is that based on the inputs of an alleged mig-21 pilot there is no radar ranging and that's it they only work on the ballistics.


    The most convincing evidence to radar ranging is attached. One of the arrows going from the saphire to the ASP says "current distance" in russian (i do not know which one).


    For me the most convincing evidence is that radar ranging is something introduced two fighter generations prior to the bis and flying the sim makes it evident for me that no sane military would send a pilot up with an ASP which works as poorly as ours :)


  7. There are three modes to fire AA guns in a mig:

    1. "fixed 300": It is a MANUAL, GYRO setting and the wingspan is also set to give you a hint when the target is 300m away (then it will fill the diamond circle). It is a mode against agile targets

    2. AUTO, GYRO mode: this is possible when you have lock and you are pursuing a non maneuvering target (less than 3g otherwise the piper flies off the HUD) and the engagement distance is 600-2000m (in case of loseing lock the distance is set to 600m).

    3. Traverse firing (it can be both auto or manual distance but definitely not in GYRO) in that case the g load is taken out of the equation of the trajectory and you are using the fixed net to position the target somehow flying trough the burst. It is good for agile targets.


    So auto distancing will not work in dogfights, as the piper will anyway be out of sight for most of the time, even when someone is such a topgun that he can maintain lock for the fight.


    However a properly working ASP gives countless possibilities to explore. You van for example set half of the wingspan manually and set the trajectory to 600m manually, and engage accurately at 600m without switching the radar on.


    The GS is a capable gun, there should be no problem laying bullets accurately on a stationary target 1-1,2km away if you have an accurately implemented sight, which we will have I am sure.

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