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Everything posted by Prophet_f15

  1. I get no Trackfiles. Sometimes I get IFF Tracks but I can't lock them up. I recently played the training for 120B/C but the track was just slightly shimmering for 1s and vanished then.
  2. Just noticed it's not in stable yet.
  3. DCS can't recognize the trackfile.
  4. I used the scroll wheel on my throttle.
  5. The FCR was boxed and I tried using it in RWS and TWS and selected different bars. Nothing changed on the FCR page.
  6. I tried using the Ant Elev. I don't see any change on the MFD. Does it presently function?
  7. look for Dutch Roll and watch "岐阜基地航空祭2019 F-2 F-15 F-4 ダッチロール比較 Dutch roll JASDF Gifu Air show" on Youtube
  8. That are aerodynamic and autopilot limitations. Look for why they built the Tornado - even that fighter has its limitations. You can also watch on youtube (F-14 Tomcat Flyby Explosion and Crash as Fighter Jet in Supersonic Boom Flyover USS John Paul Jones)
  9. It's page 165/166 of the manual.
  10. I tried setting the AIM-9 from Slave to Bore via the enable switch (assigned by Joystick) but it does the same as the uncage switch. The Cursor/Enable Switch is the Enable Switch, isn't it?
  11. Switch to Bore (only Heat detection) not Slave and TMS up (Bore circle; additional radar detection). But it follows the first heat after launching.
  12. It works properly right now.
  13. JTAC mission in Nevada. I played it one hour ago and even the left TMS switch didn't work. Then I joined multiplayer and it worked. In the Close Air Support mission I couldn't find the attack helicopters. I used CRM TWS (different ranges) and ACM BORE. Played it a second time and locked them in CRM TWS mode. The function of the DL switch is not modeled. The weapon release issue is on multiplayer, mission and instant action randomly, independent of the mission.
  14. I often have no tracks on the FCR and HSD. That happens during instant action, mission and in multiplayer. I sometimes also can shoot 4xAIM-120 and 2xAIM-9 accidentally by one weapon release.
  15. I often have no tracks on the FCR and HSD. That happens during instant action, mission and in multiplayer. I sometimes can also shoot 4xAIM-120 and 2xAIM-9 by one weapon release.
  16. cofcorpse I have attached a track of the instant flight. A explaination is in the zip. folder AP_F15C_Prophet_f15.zip
  17. You're right! But we're talking about DCS 1.5.2
  18. I saved a track of how I'm engaging the AP in F15C more than one time. When I open these tracks the jet is steering to the grass field and sticking on it.
  19. The deadzones are set to 10 on all axis.
  20. I've tried to engage the autopilot of f15C. But when I engage the AP there is no attitude or altitude hold even when I activate all three CAS modes. The CAS modes are also not changing any flight attitude. On the instrument information panel the CAS modes are shown but not the engagement of the AP. I recorded the track but when I'm watching it the jet is moving to and sticking on the grass.
  21. Who of you has a working AP in DCS 1.5
  22. Deadzones at 5, didn't work. I also see no light on the panel when engaging altitude hold mode.
  23. Is there any autopilot feature in the F15C in DCS 1.5 right now? I can't engage altitude hold and the activated CWS (shown on F15 panel) isn't holding any attitude. So air-to-air refuel isn't a nice job.
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