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Posts posted by LevelPulse

  1. Eagle dynamics is very difficult to contact. Every time I've asked for contact information on these forums I've been met with resistance. So if you have contact information for ED you can email me directly or contact me through discord.


    Hey Jazz (Level on Discord),


    Hope the project is going alright, i've had no trouble contacting Wags through the forums or even try contacting one of the moderators on Discord who i'm sure can forward a message to the correct person.


    Looking forward to seeing further updates on the Extra 330 :)

  2. Thanks NineLine for the initiative you are taking to improve community relations. I was curious what your stance will be for people with warnings, such as I. Will we be allowed to have a clean slate like those that have been banned, while i can't discuss my warning I did find it unfairly given from my opinion. Hope you adopt the same methods with people with warnings as you have stated "Many of the bans were quite old and pertained to outdated rules", and warnings are lesser to bans.


    Just a question hope you can respond!

  3. So basicly they stole your model and pretend to have altered it so to make it look theirs?

    If that's the case I would presume ED deletes this thread and ban the fraudulent content creators.


    I like how you bring things out of context. The model was never stolen, it was given to me by combatace.


    I gave him credits when i posted the screenshot saying how the model had been redone.. This use of the word "redone" meant that it had been re-created by CombatAce. I never implied that combatace modified a pre-existing model.


    The external model was made by you, but you also used excerpts from Razor's cockpit model...


    You mentioned "thank you for not paying genius", but in a private message you said "I shouldnt be saying this because I didnt deliver a complete model however if you really loved it would like to showed some love on me in the form of dollars.". This was just over two weeks after you sent me the model via email. The model you sent has not been used other than showing a screenshot on Eagle Dynamics forums.


    Feel free to contact me via PM regarding this situation as i've said everything I need to say on the public domain.,

  4. I have seen two bug reports suggested that the clickable elements (pointers) are too small and off. AstroGimp01 has come up with a short-term solution that VR users can use.


    our workaround is spawn into Scooter, let it fully spawn, select role to another jet or spectator and let that fully spawn, then jump back into Scooter and all is well


    Hope this helps, the issue has been forwarded on to the developers.

  5. If I try binding the "Zoom View" axis, the module bugs up and crashes at the first loading screen! :S


    Can anyone reproduce this? I'm binding it to an X-55 throttle Z-axis, I'll try some other things now.


    edit: had the same issue trying to bind the lighting axis. Flight axes give no problems.


    Might be worth going into saved games and deleting your key bindings for the A-4E.

  6. Sorry for double post.


    log file shows this for errors


    2019-01-19 20:27:43.943 ERROR SECURITYCONTROL: Failed to parse manifest: demomods/aircraft/a-4e-c/dcs_manifest.x86_64


    2019-01-19 20:28:51.163 ERROR Scripting: <NULL>


    2019-01-19 20:28:57.721 INFO Scripting: plugin: SKIPPED 'A-4E-C': not authorized



    Update* Unistalled DCS open beta Reinstalled stable downlaoded A-4E-c standalone installed and after dcs was restarted it now shows up so maybe there was something with open beta on my system it didnt like with the A4 files.


    You've installed it in the wrong folder. Remove it and go to C drive, saved games, find the DCS folder that correlates to the one you are using then mods/aircraft/<put A-4 folder here>.


    If you still have problems feel free to reach me on Discord and i can help you out (Level#5042).

  7. Edit - It finally worked out! Now I can hopefully start modding this great game:)


    Out of curiosity, does people use the mod-enabelers or do they simply put them into the directory of the game?


    And what are people's thoughts on DCS standalone vs. Steam when it comes to modding? any difference?



    Hello all.


    Now I've been flying 100+hours, I'm getting more and more interested in getting some mods on.

    But until now I have had no success with enabling anything, and hoping a helpful soul in here could steer me in the right direction.


    First of all, flying on the Steam version, 2nd only flying in MP and third, looking into the A10-C cockpit mod from Bummer (https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=216257).


    I've tried his guide, but no success, I've tried this original guide and no success.


    Been putting them into: C:\Users\USERNAME\Saved games\DCS\Mods


    Called it the exact same as in the original file (A_10_C_EDM_TEX)

    That should be it right? I tried JSGME a couple of times, but nothing's changed.


    I dont know if its because of me running the Steam version or whats going on, but nothings seems to happen when I then load up the game and go under SETTINGS-SPECIAL-A10C-COUSTOMIZED COCKPIT, I still only have the Default.

    Any help would be much appreciated!


    Steam and standalone should be no different then having a different file path (although most mods now can be put in saved games). As for mod enablers (i'm assuming JSGME), i no longer have a need to use it since mods put in saved games don't fail integrity check anymore (Most occasions).


    Hope that helps!

  8. December Update 2018




    It's been a while since we last gave an update regarding the ME-163. The project is still a go although various members have been busy including myself. The mode; was just redone by combatace who has made a fantastic model that we can now use. Unwrapping and texturing will begin in the coming weeks and hope to give you an in-game screenshot soon.


    In the mean time here is a picture (Please not this is not the final product and is subject to modification).





  9. Cubanace is "cubanaced", figuratively speaking...

    So many words and hypes and none of your projects was completed.





    I honestly disagree with you here and would appreciate it if you kept that negative attitude out of here.


    Cuban never "hypes" is content but instead created a page to share the progress he had made with the PAK-FA as a learning experience.


    Best of luck Cuban with your future endeavours!



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