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Everything posted by Tobas_van_der_Lust

  1. Well,from where came the American Jet technology?
  2. Whats with other RED Planes?
  3. For Red was the MVP Gruja. He was working realy hard as JTAC.
  4. YouTube guys neuer fought 1 to 7 outnumbered. Wenn had neuer 0 Blue enemys
  5. There should be a auto pause when no enemys are there.
  6. What can we do when the most of us have to go to School, Work or whatever. You Guys have EU and NA Players. We have nearly only EU Players. Capturing the bases with 14 vs 0 or 17vs 2 is like playing the SP campaign. Nothing to be proud of.
  7. Wow. Today earlyer it was 2 vs 11. Tell me please when 21 Red people are fighting against 3 blues
  8. So and now tell mehr please when red has "its time". We habe this NEVER. You guys have it every night. Thats Not even fair. Blue has more Eu players than Red has NA players... call it balancing when werden lose the whole map in a fight 5 vs 20
  9. Yes for sure,it was not good that this guy attacked you with his T72. But its not that hard to destroy a single tank. Even when its moving. You guys had Maverick and Vikhr rockets... in the time you complained about this singe tank,you could destroy it 3 or 4 times.
  10. because a single tank managed it to capture a base where 2 A10s and one Ka50 was near. Do you guys didnt even played the anti tank tutorial?
  11. So you guys took Gudauta? Ah yes for 5 minutes. Sochi would be red if the server didnt crashed, We had allready our fighters over sochi and there where no enemys.
  12. So why are you guys playing A10 and Ka50 when you can only destroy parking units?
  13. Well,im awake to your time. And let us see what you did for basefight. You guys captured one airfield. The basefight over sochi did you guys allready loose. This single T72 was standing on the parking area for atleast 15 minutes. You had there 2 A10 and 1 Ka50. Noone managed it to kill it. EDIT: does blue have not more EU players than Red has NA players?
  14. so its cheating to attack a base with a tank? where is the problem that you guys cant even destroy a single T72? Muh murica freedom time has stopped
  15. Complaining about a fighting MBT but start basecapturing at night when the most players sleep....
  16. Gudauta was holdet by this one T72. I have seen him. Also we had at Sochi 2 Planes on the ground.
  17. Pozdrav! We are the 127. lovačka avijacijska eskadrila "Vitezovi". A small group of 4 german speaking pilots who fight as serbian pilots from the yugoslavian war from 1999. Our principle is Teamplay! We fly as squadron since beginning of 2014 and have done many missions with any kind of objectiv. (SEAD,Transport,CAP,CAS) with the following Planes and Helicopters: -Mikojan-Gurewitsch Mig21bis Fishbed -Suchoi Su-25T Frogfoot -Bel UH-1H Huey -Mil Mi-8MTV2 Hip -North American F-86F Sabre -Kamow Ka-50 Hokum Our Pilots: 127.lae Majop Zoran Radosavljevic 127.lae Potpukovnik Milenko Pavlovic 127.lae Majop Slobodan Tesanovic 127.lae Majop Slobodan Peric At the moment we take part in Operation "Blue Flag"
  18. Hey Greg, you missed my Post with switching the Team for Ari, Red Team needs some fighters Haha. 127 lae Haß 4 Players, the Nummer 3 is still there bzw
  19. Switching Sites Post for Ari cause of no ED Account Player Name: Ari (atm in ugly Squadron) switching to Lonewolf Red Team Planes: Mig21bis,Su27,Su25T
  20. can be closed,reinstallation of the game fixed it!
  21. I got a ping from 140 but still get kicks. What the hell is the ping limit than?
  22. Yes. I tryed it but it dosnt helped. I had a lower ping before i switched to Win10. I think that is the problem. Maybe i weill get the ping down...
  23. Thats my connection. Sadly not the fastest but is houldnt be to slow for this servers.
  24. I get connection interupts while connecting to servers. SO i get back to the serverlist after loading mission.
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