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Posts posted by Fab

  1. In modern fighterplanes the onboard flight computer, makes sure you take a correct turn and applay rudder control for ya. However at low speeds, rudder becomes very effective - if I am at 35 degrees AOA (F-15), the quickest turn will come from the rudder pedals. So to say its not necessary for F-15 and SU27 aint correct. For modern fighters, rudder pedal input is just telling the flight control computers that you are requesting the aircraft to yaw.Wich you use in several conditions as sidewind landings/take off.


    My answer above is for when the pilot uses the rudder pedal. The jet's computers use the rudder control surface(s) a lot with no pilot input for all the standard aerodynamic reasons.

  2. Is there a way to know if a turn is (un)coordinated without looking at the ball?


    Hmm, you get a much tighter turn.... :music_whistling:


    In real life, you also lean on the ball, or in gliders a pice of string on your canopy. What you feel in real life is, that your tail, sort of help the plane round, and in the stick you can fell a bit of resistance from the rudder input...

  3. First, I have talked about the joy of flight, not combat effectiveness. F-16 has always had a lot of hype as the ultimate dog-fighter, highly manoeuvrable and a pleasure fly machine. I am sure if we asked this community (before this video) about what aircraft is the funniest to flight for pilots between these two models, the F-16 would be the winner by a huge margin.


    No doubt, that the F-16 is our time Spitfire... Once in a life time, this ultima fighter plane is buildt...


    I for one would love to have the F-16, I would love to fly it, and fight it....


    But my dream plane to get is the F-104... We all have our strange wishes :music_whistling:

  4. do you feel proud when you fly a plane that is newer and superior than smaller and older ones designed for other purposes? the F15C systems arent even simulated, it s a game for kids.


    just stop bragging around when you fly a toy against a real sim.


    have a nice evening



  5. Who said I am not using rudder????? I am just not using pedals. I prefer cheaper twist, which is just as good.


    I know of the twitch stick way,.... But if you know anyone thats got a pair of pedals, and you could try em`out, you would agree with me, that its much more naturaly and easyer to fly fly with pedals....


    Beside, I often see em` used, at prices as low as 100 $

  6. I'm finding the rudder very difficult to learn because of the lack of detail in instruction. I understand the concept but applying it in practice, especially in a sim where the only slip indicator is the ball in the cockpit, is another matter. So far I've figured out that in a gentle turn I need to smoothly apply rudder as I roll into my bank. But what about in combat? How do I coordinate a snap to 90 degrees of bank? Or a snap into 140 degrees of bank when I'm rolling in on a ground target? In each case I try to hit rudder as I roll into the bank only to have so much beta that the initiation of my turn is delayed when I pull back on the stick.


    And ...... that would be the exact reason that pilots are tought to fly, and trained a lot in the art of flying, before they enter any sort of combat....


    ofc it takes pratice, the best way to learn it is to start in prop planes, get a lot of hours there. Pratice all kind of manuvers, specaly crosswind take off and landings, also forward slip and side slip... After praticing these manouvers, its wil become naturily for you to use rudders, and secound to nature.


    Happy pratice:thumbup:

  7. I have never considered to get rudder pedals. I find rudder control to be sufficient with twist on the stick. And I fly prop planes which are way more reliant on the player input than fly by wire planes.


    To me it is not really that important.


    I was tought to fly i real life, here we applay both rudder and flaps, in almost all turns we make. Turning without rudder, is a sloppy and incorrect way to navigate your plane.

  8. Hello all...


    I´m, trying to alter the LUA ViewportHandling, so I can use the Kneeboard, with my Oculus...:thumbup:


    So far I managed, to move the Kneeboard, so I can see it:book:


    But....:cry: I can only see the board around the map :no_sad:, I can see right trough it, and therefor got no map :doh:



    This is the file;ViewportHandling.lua

  9. Hello all....


    I am seeking a flight groupe or server....


    I am an Oculus user, so for the beeing, I am pretty much restictet to Fun fligt, arobatic and formation flying, cause the res is to low for most attack senarios.


    However I realy miss flying with others, and not just the random "login pilot" on most open servers...


    What I would like to find, is a flight groupe that replicate real life flying, with radio use between em....

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