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Everything posted by Zane33

  1. The phoenix is like 4 times fatter than an AMRAAM and was meant to be shot at bombers. I doubt its much use against a Fighter.
  2. i have an issue with the pedals not moving all the way to the end position for some reason. the controller is fine and i can move them further than their random end-points by using x and z. I activated the trim rudder option and that seems to help, still pretty annoying as it lead to multiple spins i could only get out off by using x and z.
  3. worked fine for me. Just flew among the waypoints and got a message that i did good and should RTB.
  4. So... why not add another battery? Or a wire like with TOW missiles? Seems like a design flaw to me.
  5. Yeah its kinda crap. If you want a good Su 25 campaign you should download "Revanche" which is an old FC2 campaign for the Su25/Su25t.
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