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Posts posted by grawagars

  1. On 1/2/2022 at 2:24 PM, Murdock01 said:

    It would be great to have a more constant target so I can lock easily... is there a switch somewhere that I need to flick or something?

    They are false returns. A real target give a constant return (according to the number of bar 1/2/4)

    The A option is used to boost the doppler filter effect. Many false lock disappear but the range is more limited. 

    • Like 1
  2. Hi,

    The 2000C is fitted with two feeder fuel level indicator.

    I can't understand how to use / read them.

    First, I was thinking they indicate fuel level, but I've never see them move.


    Help, what are they ? :helpsmilie:

  3. Hi,


    I'm unable to TO for the FAM flight from the BFM campaign.


    I check:

    * Flap Full

    * +3° AOA with gear extension

    * Trim +8/9


    However, for each TO I deviate left of the runway and can't efficiently control the aircraft with rudders.


    For TO:

    * slow drive to align the F5 and the nose wheel

    * Apply brakes

    * Throttle full MIL

    * Release brake at 85% full MIL

    * Maintain the nose wheel button

    * AB on

    and crash along the runway ...


    I can land in heavy configuration without trouble, even when I brake.


    I can TO with light load.


    What I'm missing ? Training ?



  4. If you select INS always aligned then there is no need to do either an ALN or ALM


    Hi Zeus !


    Ok, so I can proceed with startup operation, without INS ALN and just swith it to NAV.


    How can I check online, if the INS is already aligned ?


    /HS: Thanks Zeus for all the work on M2000C. It's a child dream for me.

  5. In DCS options, we can check, INS ALN as not necessary.


    In fact, what is the change ?


    I check the box, and do a cold start.

    I proceed with INS start and the initialization take 8 mn.


    Can I take off with the INS ALN not complete ?

  6. Hello guys. I am trying to play MP on 1.5 but when I spawn into the cockpit, no keyboard keys work. I cant even hit the escape button to exit out of MP. Please help



    Hi, I've got the same issue since yesterday.

    Both in 2.0 and 1.5 at the same time.


    I try to delete in my profile the Input directory, but without results.

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