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Everything posted by HUAF-074

  1. Your problem is the bad format of GEOTIFF. If you export your Elevation TIFF, you need select the 16bit version !!!
  2. :shocking: What ? TS3 running on background and it correct when play FC. Support ?
  3. FS2004 Aero Vodochody L-29 from Tim Conrad MAX: http://3dsmax8.atw.hu/L-29/31108_max.zip Textures: http://3dsmax8.atw.hu/L-29/31108_jpg.zip Original downloaded files from www.3dcadbrowser.com
  4. FS2004 Aero Vodochody L-29 from Tim Conrad
  5. Its a converted FS2004 model :)
  6. I think this not a project just a simple converted static model :(
  7. http://www.3dcadbrowser.com/preview.aspx?ModelCode=31108
  8. I think give up Pirke77 YA projects making :)
  9. The best optimise method is in the 3DS max 2010 -> ProOptimizer modify I use it.
  10. The 4kb LSA2 file is a bad coded file. If you export your meshes to LSA2, you need select the Helpers object in the 3DS max !!!
  11. Animated coastline is in the Onlay_Coastline.sup file (Bazar/Terrain/Onlay)
  12. Surface option create simple texture on your mesh With Surface&Noise option draw your texture on your mesh with transparent NOISE_E3.dds or NOISE_MOUNT.dds at low lewel
  13. I test your file and everything OK. The plugin converted correct lsa2 file without error.
  14. Send Me a PM and i will get a link for DCS_Ka-50.max model.
  15. NO Read the official 3D Ripper DX forum and asking over there. SRY.
  16. 1. Use ED plugin MaxSuperficial 2. 3. Open/Load materials.lma.lua file 4. Use for import .SUP files 5. Use for import .LSA2 files 6. Use for import .LM files Use Modman CDDS explorer for .CDDS files view or/and extraxt BMP/TGA files Nemeth Design Mi-17 MDL file is in FS2004 format, ModelConvertX not usable, but the 3D Ripper DX 1.7 good application for U :)
  17. New Hungarian Scenery for FC Geophysics map finished :thumbup: http://mh59.mezgaz.hu/HUNGARY_scenery/ME.wmv Thx for Google :pilotfly:
  18. OMG noob :) copy the AssembleScenes.exe to the bin/stable directory :lol:
  19. For Example: http://mh59.mezgaz.hu/HUNGARY_scenery/OBJECTS_SCENE.max
  20. Do you think, where's the tail rotor ? :music_whistling:
  21. Oops I create my project for Flaming Cliffs :) I use the Global Mapper 11 software for Geophysics and Satellite Map This application handle LAT/LON and UTM coordinates too.
  22. Ok. Lets see it :) 1. Use MaxSuperficial Tool 2. Create the map. My LOD4 square is 160km×160km and use 256*256 BMP from Google. LOD3,2,1 square is 80km×80km with 512×512 BMP and the LOD0 sqaure is 40km×40km with 1024*1024 BMP The red marked Area of map is my high meshed project's area. Its area 800km*600km with 100m SRTM mesh (optimized). - The Mission Editor Geophysics Map's texture is Land_Map, Land <- Red marked toolbar area - Add LOD value (green marked area) - Export the land_map_L0.sup and Export the land_map_L2.sup files (yellow marked area) Use the blue marked area if you create land.lsa2 mesh model file.
  23. No no, the official bitmap replace wrong idea... You need create a new or modify the official land map file (land_map_L0.sup and land_map_L2.sup) !
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