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About peyvolt

  • Birthday 01/10/1988

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  • Flight Simulators
    DCS World, MSFS2020
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  1. FIXED!
  2. Hi, there is a problem, when I export with mipmaps, when you zoom out suddenlly the texture is blur and the texture is 8K. I have to zoom in to get better texture. nullnullnull
  3. We are going to take a lookt too
  4. We are doing this, thanks for your support
  5. Delete in your description.lua line barax texture. Former Phimat was in teh same material before
  6. You have to delete in descrpiton.lua in your skins mod the line of the barax. Your are using old template .lua
  7. Hi, pitot and sensors are in another .dds that is not included his psd due to they are common items. they are in common 1 and 2
  8. Hi, next patch will be included SAAF Skins, due to a surprise we cannot say right now why the SAAF skin were deleted from CE and EE version
  9. Hi, Fixed the problem, it was roughtmet, wrong export, about @ataribaby, I did not find out any more problems, can you tell me the other skins you found? Regards
  10. Hi, Found problem, It will be fixed next updated. Sorry for this inconvenient. Regards
  11. Hi, Found problem, It will be fixed next updated. Sorry for this inconvenient. Regards
  12. Hi, From Aerges Team we are working on the bugs you sent to us. All we be not is this next patch, but yes in october Patch. About nozzle, that measure are correct. 3d modelles checked in real one. Regards
  13. Hi, From Aerges Team we are working on the bugs you sent to us. All be not is this next patch, but yes in october Patch. About nozzle, that measure are correct. 3d modelles checked in real one. Regards
  14. @ThinderAerges has two real former mirage f1 pilots making test every day, one of them has 3200 hours in mirage F1 CE, EE, and M versions between 1981 to 1998 and 2004 to 2007. He was Tester Mirage F1 pilot and instructor in Mirage F1B version, The other pilot has more than 1000 hours and he was tester and instructor. Aerges has the best pilots for making this aircraft real in SIM, if both pilots are agree with Performance charts Aerges has to be happy with their job. And of course if many people can help AERGES with other suggestion it will be great.
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