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Posts posted by Feuerfalke

  1. I got the Cherry G80-3000 in an older model. Basically the same MX-technology, but a slightly different design with gold contacts (sorry, label-sticker is long gone).


    The keyboard is some 17 years old and fresh as day one. I had to replace the cable once - it didn't survive my frequent lanparties. Frequent, yes, andI didn't count how many liters of Coke and Coffee has been spilled on it...


    I once even gave it a hot shower, dried it and still works fine. :)


    Try that with a cheap rubber-keyboard :music_whistling:

  2. I am confused; can anyone tell me which product will be developed by ED and not third party?

    It still looks like third party developers are not as skillful as ED developers are, even taking look on cockpit of Mi-8 or Mig-21 they look like cartoon, colors are not real, panels look like from flanker or LOMAC, 3 D models are less alive then is cockpit and 3 d model of A-10C, with more angulated edges, And if this minor things are not well worked-through then how can we be sure that flight physics will be. So can you guys tell me which product is developed next by ED itself?


    Can you give me a link, please?

    I'd definitely like a cartoon with graphics like the Mig21.


    Do you have a calibrated monitor, btw? Or how do you judge colors are off? Do you use HDR?

  3. ofcourse its a matter of opinion. my point being that the fact that it is debatable speaks volumes of the quality.

    here are some pics of the mig 21 cockpit. IMHO it is better than anything ed has done so far.



    But those are renders, aren't they?

    I'll judge after comparing them ingame.

  4. We have the A/G DCS level A10, then Ka50 DCS


    The bad news is that we have to wait years till fast jet come


    Meanwhile, more helis DCS, but still no fast jet...


    Sad but true.


    IMHO many players stick with F4 BMS, because there is no high fidelity alternative for a multirole jet.

  5. Who gives a flying chrome ball? :doh:


    Sorry, but that's pretty ignorant.


    If you model a gunsight and block 1/3 of it, because you just can't do it right, that's not something to just forget about.


    That's a critical inaccuracity and a one that directly impacts the usability of that plane.

    It's like modelling the F-15C just with STT or the Su33 without EO-targeting, because these need programming, thought and adjustments you just didn't want to do.

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  6. Long story short: "The bar" is there, because it looks like this in the plans.

    So it's not plain wrong. But the graphics-engines don't take into account that the angled armored glass acts as a sort of prisma, shifting the line of sight.


    So while it's correct looking at the plans, the way it is modelled is only realistic, when the front-screen was removed.


    (ignoring the fact that "the bar" on the Dora should be much lower evern without the glass, which the cockpit-photos made more than obvious.)

  7. The way I see it, there are a lot of things going on with ED and DCS.


    EDGE, new functionality, new eyecandy and last not least 3rd-Party-cooperation.


    So, while I agree with the OP and knowing it does not sound very satisfying at the moment, I guess we just have to wait a little longer for the big changes.

  8. The stop of drop if the pledging tempo may indicate a newcommers and on-the-fence-rs are joining in. I bet those considered would pledge anyway pledged during the first 10 days or so.


    With my professional marketing experience: I doubt that.


    There was no futher information for 10 days, so no reason to reconsider buying or pledging.


    Situation changed with the update on Sept. 13th. and it will change again when the new video is release. If it's done wisely, it's rather today than tomorrow - or at the end of the month: The next spike on pledgers will occur on October 1st, when people have more money.

  9. It's up to ED to make EDGE as good as CoD's engine in the near future, as EDGE is part of DCS core and I doubt RRG will have the opportunity to work on DCS engine directly.


    BTW, the trend stopped demising. The projected sum remained at ~170% for at least two days. Now it's 164% but it's only morning.



    The best thing about this:

    You can see the date of the EDGE-screenshots being released (13.9.): More than double the money from the day before.

    Now imagine we had a campaign with new features, screenshots or videos at least once a week! We wouldn't have to speculate about the 150.000 goal any longer.

  10. Ok we get it, you aren't convinced yet, and you can show that by not pledging, but this is ED's board, this is a clean slate for RRG, they dont need to come here and beg forgiveness, and honestly I am not sure what that would do for anyone anyways, far as I am concerned, I am buying into the idea, I trust what ED can do and the input they will have. But let the past go... its over, done. If you cant get over it, I know that the CloD boards are still open, you are welcome to go belly ache over there. But as for here, its clear, you arent convinced yet. We got it.


    This thread has the potential to go the wrong way, lets not let it.


    Please, exaggerating won't help keeping the thread on course. Nobody here asked them for begging for forgiveness or said they owe us something.


    But in a way, we give money to a company in advance, like a bank gives money to people. And if you ran one really well known company into ruin, you have to deliver a lot of explanations to get trusted again. This is not done by excuses either. It's a matter of proof of concept. And part of that does well in learning from previous mistakes.


    Let's be honest, the support shown here and on ks is an affirmation to the love, dedication and faith of this great community. And I can only guess, but IMHO the greatest part of this faith lies in Eagle Dynamics, DCS, Wags and the team. The video itself or the socalled ad-campaign (is there even anything like this?) is probably just the minor part.

  11. I have heard this before about sim addon prices too. I am curious, at what price level does the community become fractured?


    Keeping in mind that most play single-player!!!



    With current modules released, the community is not fractured, because they can still play together.


    Just as RoF did. In fact, you could even man gunner-stations in aircraft you didn't own. It changed a lot, though with the new channel-map released.

  12. Actually, i'll be prepurchasing BoS intead of pledging RRG.


    You are not alone, mate.


    I spent 200 Euros on CloD and my money surely isn't growing on trees, either. So I am listening very closely, now. And so far, they've honestly not restored my faith.


    I don't want an excuse or explanation, but I'd like something to believe that things have been learned from the past except keeping UBI out of the game.

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