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About Padonis

  • Birthday 05/04/1975

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  1. HB UI Resolution Override In the settings, check the "HB UI Solution Override" box and enter the resolution of your primary monitor. https://f4.manuals.heatblur.se/dcs/special_options.html
  2. I managed to do it too, but the effect is the same as yours. I also managed to export the radar, but unfortunately it displays on all monitors and does not respond when I try to scale it to the right place.
  3. OK, now I have it too, but I had to change the user permissions, I couldn't edit it before... it's DSCG's turn
  4. Does anyone know how to export RWR and Radar to a second monitor in the F-4E Phantom?
  5. Has anyone tried exporting RWR or radar to a second monitor?
  6. Grisha-class corvette, two harpoon hits, 50% damage. Maybe a little better, but still a tragedy. Over two years not much has changed...
  7. That's all great, but like Corsair, who will he fight? With a dyed fox 190 that has nothing to do with the Japanese?
  8. I feel much better, at shorter distances I can recognize the enemy and not wonder if the dot is a friend or not. Great job, one small file and it greatly improves what the game has been missing for a long time. I have a 2K monitor and two additional screens for the cockpit.
  9. No, 100% operational, newly acquired machine, attack on the few remaining trucks. Others randomly had similar problems, clear shot line, 500m altitude, target in the middle of the field. There was no such problem before the last update.
  10. The problem is that a couple of times I encountered a situation where the target was in an empty field, was marked, in range, there was a sound, and the bullet did not fire. Petrovic said nothing. I did a few airstrikes on the target and nothing. Only the exchange for a new helicopter works. The problem is not just me.
  11. I confirm. When I set the GUI to a value other than 1, Petrovich's crosshair moves from the center of the screen to the side. Unfortunately, my friends are the same.
  12. Probably why they made two versions, because they were aware of the problems and needed more testers.
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