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wildcat EAF51

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Everything posted by wildcat EAF51

  1. if isn't a Yak what is it? a Chinese copy? i can find it in il2? LOL but what is the thing down the muffler?
  2. nice find Gigz-on Mig 29 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Canl0MMmTqc&feature=related
  3. nice ;) when someone relase source code for mod for cockpit?
  4. I would see an F22 with this IRST
  5. Harrier from cokpit GA training someone know what are the many "v" that shows HUD? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8bmk4yZAJI&feature=related
  6. ops sorry wrong post
  7. look this
  8. from EAF guys http://www.europeanaf.org/forum/showthread.php?p=124518&posted=1#post124518 and his album http://jwheeler.me.uk/
  9. TY guys!
  10. From http://www.virtual-jabog32.de/index.php?section=downloads&subcat=20&lang=en http://www.modern-air-combat.de/index.php?topic=2041.0 anyone tryed it?
  11. what they want do?
  12. William Tell Exercise I've find only this website http://www.mcchordairmuseum.org/REV%20B%20OUR%20HISTORY%20UNITS%20MISC.%20%20WT%202000.htm
  13. this is cool Harrier from cockpit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aggw2M19vRg&feature=related
  14. JDAM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bjoMQRUWEe8
  15. incredible russian immagination!
  16. if you love F 16 check this http://www.f-16.net/
  17. have you see that someone put afterburner also if have lock the cable?
  18. check it guys http://sonicbomb.com/modules.php?name=Content&pa=showpage&pid=272
  19. Yak 141 VSTOL looks like an F35 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8OLTrLEpdiU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0q3zoPf0b0&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1HEU-3K-mk&feature=related
  20. Specat Jaguar looks it have 4WD LOL
  21. as american style ;)
  22. amazing!
  23. barbecue?I dont think that is a bomb dpropped
  24. I prefear the original F15 anyway have nice work!
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