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Namenlos Ein

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Everything posted by Namenlos Ein

  1. A Brave Capercaillie. — part 1 — part 2 — part 4
  2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sonderkommando_Elbe Хайо Херрманн
  3. Berkut (aka golden eagle) attack!
  4. Vladimir Vysotsky — Yak the Figher (with English subtitles).
  5. Tu-214R special mission aircraft prototype during the tests over Sea of Japan, 12/18/2012. http://www.meyet.com/article-52682-1.html
  6. http://izvestia.ru/news/541639 — in Russian I barely believe my eyes. To be short: Eagle Dynamics and Altwolf (the game developer from Belarus) attempted to create World of Tanks and War Thunder competitor… for every reasonable platform (PC, tablets, Mac), on-line and off-line gameplay, as for tankers and pilots.
  7. Belarus may buy outdated Su-30 fighters from Russia Three Su-30K at Baranovichi aircraft repair plant #558, November 2012. http://pilot.strizhi.info/2012/11/11/10335
  8. MiG-29UB, Lviv, Ukraine, 12/14/2012 Su-30MKK (MK2V)
  9. Decommission of Belarusian AF Su-27s. http://topwar.ru/22111-su-27-snyaty-s-vooruzheniya-v-belorussii.html — in Russian. Interesting… http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:xqx0rLolyr0J:www.ft.com/cms/s/0/de571c4e-b460-11df-8208-00144feabdc0.html+&cd=2&hl=en&ct=clnk Reykjavik split on plans for Russian jets
  10. http://bastion-karpenko.narod.ru/photo_T-50_MAKS-2011.html Zhukovsky, December 2012.
  11. http://www.sukhoi.org/eng/news/company/?id=5022
  12. Of course, it isn't a Tu-10. http://atomic-annhilation.blogspot.ca/2012/11/1952-life-magazine.html
  13. Yak-130 for the Monino Museum. Tu-95MS An-71 Ka-31 Ka-52
  14. And this Swedish analogue blocks, for example, internet page about virtual “drugs” (“boosters”) in the EVE Online game? http://www.eve-space.ru/article/?pl=19 - blocked page. http://times.tjournal.ru/articles/eve-space-block http://www.chickgeekgames.com/2012/11/russian-federal-service-for-drug.html
  15. http://www.defence.pk/forums/military-photos-multimedia/51077-paf-f7-escorting-f22.html http://paf-eagles.blogspot.ru/
  16. Russian ‘internet blacklist’ goes online (01 November, 2012) http://zapret-info.gov.ru/
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