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Raven (Elysian Angel)'s post in Just wanted to confirm - FF module is not FC upgrade was marked as the answer
Yes, as the third question in the FAQ confirmed. It’s completely separate from the FC3 version which will continue to exist independently.
So you can pick whichever you prefer 🙂
Raven (Elysian Angel)'s post in FC MiG-29 campaigns converted and added at release. was marked as the answer
Same with the FF F-15C really. To be fair this is easily done yourself (I have done it multiple times myself with FC campaigns), but having a professional go over any bugs that have arisen in the time since original release is certainly not a bad idea 🙂
Raven (Elysian Angel)'s post in Do you need Supercarrier DLC to land on the new Admiral Kuznetsov? was marked as the answer
Yes, as is confirmed in the Supercarrier FAQ:
Raven (Elysian Angel)'s post in Static Objects Placement on Super Carrier? was marked as the answer
Yes you can:
Make sure the little tank icon (show models) is ticked in the Mission Editor
Raven (Elysian Angel)'s post in NWS not working properly was marked as the answer
Have you looked at the track yourself? You are indeed skidding: you can clearly see that even in cockpit view, but I played through the track a 2nd time in F2-view and then you can clearly see the nosewheel dragging along trying to plough through the runway 😉
I suggest you re-centre your nosewheel before hitting the high-gain button. I think you were hitting that *while* in a turn, which is a mistake. You'll have the same thing happen in the Hornet: centre the pedals before hitting 'NWS HI'.
Raven (Elysian Angel)'s post in Air Intercept (AI) warning strange behaviour was marked as the answer
Known issue: there are other threads about it already.
Raven (Elysian Angel)'s post in Graphics Overhaul? was marked as the answer
Our Huey (and most other older modules) use graphical technology from the DCS 1.5 era (afaik our MiG-21 is still stuck in DCS 1.2). It doesn't support PBR etc that was introduced with DCS 2.5 in early 2018 (more than 5 years ago). It creates issues with how the current lighting model interacts with the materials, for example.
ED have stated numerous times that they plan to update all modules up to current standards, but it's taking MUCH longer than most people like...
Raven (Elysian Angel)'s post in Question about different cockpit versions was marked as the answer
There are several "cockpit liveries" available for download in for example the "User Files" section of the official DCS website. Some people also make their own, with a few added decals etc.
Personally, I use a combination of 2 different cockpit mods: one with mipmaps removed for increased readability in VR, and clearer green cockpit glass in anticipation for a new cockpit model by ED that supports DS/PBR.
No so, there's no need to worry. Yes it's an old module that doesn't support changes ED made to DCS over 3 years ago, but we're all in the same boat 🙂