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  1. Hi there, Like the title says I am trying to CCIP bomb ground targets but keep finding that the bombs fall short. I have been going through the forum, found some posts but they are mostly (very) dated and I can't determine which is current or even valid. So my question is: - is there a (known/reported) bug with CCIP bombing and bombs fall short for the f16? - if there is not a bug then probably it is user error. If someone can provide a good link to post or you tube for the latest version of DCS (2.9..12 or beyond) would be highly appreciated Wagss video's are older and even trying to follow them gives me the same result - falling short A point of hope is that I did try some CCIP bombing based on the you tube video of the OPS Center to do a (USAF) conventional pattern and in the end I can consistenly drop the bombs in the same spot... but then I saw that the spot where the bombs fall do not match where the pipper was (= falling short) and so I am confused now not sure what is going wrong... (I do not use a TGP - I am in the simple believe provided you have the speed & altitude if you put the pipper on target that is where the bombs will fall - hence cont. computing impact point) and fly in zero wind condition, unlimited view sunny day at sea level) Any tips or answers are welcome.... kind regards, Spidierox
  2. I just reverted back to nvidia 566.14 driver (coming from 566.36) and I also switch OFF the fog layer (which appearantly I still ON with 3 layers) : no more black artificats Ok, stupid of me for changing 2 things but my time is limited and I needed to get training and mission done so now it works. Conclusion: Either it is the new Nvidia driver (566.36) Or it is the fog layer (so I started with fog and 20 min later I increased the view distance, then 15 min later I put the visibility on unlimited - trying to simulate the fog in the morning has disipated, by setting the view distance to unlimited however found that there is still some fog) Or it is both.... Not sure if someone else has same issue or not.
  3. Since last patch update I have been seeing ugly trailing artifacts from behind aircraft and other moving objects. These present them as follows (see screenshots). Sometimes they disappear then come back and I notice them especially when flying over object that I have placed in ME. So I have a training range and as soon as I bomb, fire and there are explosions with smoke then I got these trailing black artifacts which in previous version I did not. (Using DLLS - VR - Volumetric lights ON - Spotting DOTS AUTO) This occured only with the latest patch and did not occur before.
  4. Ok have a look at that. But in previous version ghosting was visible but subtle now, I get even black artificats... so there must be a difference between patches causing this. (and not sure a mod can reslove it. Although I do believe that DEVs should have a look at it) I will post some of my screenshots later today to show the artifact.
  5. I have the same problem, with Anti-aliasing set to DLAA. Still have that exact problem you are describing. I fly in VR (HP Reverb G2). Also noticed when turning on landing (taxi) lights these black cones are in front of the aircraft (F16). Might this be related to the setting Volumetric Lights perhaps ? Didn't had these artifacts in previous version only started in latest patch. Hope maybe ED can explain
  6. HI all, Maybe someone could help with some usefull feedback on how to prevent a black out during carrier launch with the F14B. I revisited the F14 again and learning all back from the start. The issue is that I don't understand why I am blacking out.... on carrier launch In Tacview I cannot see an acceleration greater than 8-9 G... I did find some post and video's but they are too dated and basically if I tried to follow the advice it did NOT WORK: Only give 80%-90% throttle instead of the full 100% Change loadout (from 2x Aim-9 to 18 snakeeyes) Although these suggestions would seem strange to me but they didn't work anyway. In same configuration sometimes I have black out and sometimes not. Note: I am using VR: could it be that the position of the center of the view plays a role in black out ? Hope some could help me (may heatblur staff?) to understand what's happening (only advice for latests version for DCS and F14B please) Many thanks in advance, Spidierox PS. I can't recall the blackout has ever been an issue for the F18 tho..or I just can't remember it
  7. local function Call_me () -- try out trigger.action.outText("F-5 spawned for BFM training!", 10) end local RadioMenu = missionCommands.addSubMenu ('Training') local Menu_A2A = missionCommands.addSubMenu ("Air to Air Training", RadioMenu) local BFM_F5 = missionCommands.addCommand ("BFM F5", Menu_A2A, Call_me) Same problem : "attempt to index global 'missionCommands' (a nil value)" --> this is my issue
  8. Hey, I keep getting the same error and I have (re)searched some examples but can't figure it out... (btw. my first attempt at LUA) This is the code: local RadioMenu = missionCommands.addSubMenu ('Training') local Menu_A2A = missionCommands.addSubMenu ("Air to Air Training", RadioMenu) local BFM_F5 = missionCommands.addCommand ("BFM F5", Menu_A2A) and I keep getting "attempt to index global 'missionCommands' (a nil value)" Anyone can help ? or have a link ? it is the part where it says "index global" I have added submenu's with the .addsubMenu (2 even 3 layers deep) but as soon as I reference the .addCommand I get the error. Maybe someone can give some guidance as I am clueless now... Thanks in advance Spidierox
  9. Yo guys, Nvidia released their latest game ready driver 560.94. However, after installation I noticed color band glitches - part of the screen that became distorted and flashing As soon as I switched off DLSS it went away. I was monitoring the graphics card performance to make sure it was working OK with the Nvidia overlay for performance and that seemed fine: stable temp, FP as usual. Which let me to believe it was more a driver software issue (especially because I could turn off DLSS and make it distortion go away) Now I was playing the Isle when I noticed it but reading the remarks of previous comments I am not confident that this new driver solves the issues/bad performance also for DCS. I too found that 560.81 became unplayable in DCS (VR) and that was why I looked in here to see if any posts were made. Anyway, we know the CH74 and afghanistan need some performace tweaking still I have also decided to revert back to the 560.70 as it seems more stable. I thought I wanted to share this...
  10. Hey guys, I just did a cleanup for DCS and Cleanup reported extra files not belonging to vanilla (see attachment) But I believe they are (essentail part) of the module. Like ASE scripts for AH-64... Anyone can shed a light on this if these files are OK ? Kind regards, Spidierox null
  11. Hi, After the latest update (the one with the new launcher), I noticed that everytime I start up my comms are set to EASY COMMUNICATIONS. I don't use EASY COMMUNICATIONS, so I guess it is a bug that everytime now it is switched back on. Have you guys noticed that too ? kind regards, Spidierox
  12. Hi guys, I removed both the hercules and UH-60 mods and I can now launch into sinai with UH1. Still wonders why persian gulf had no problem but anyways...a big big thanks for helping out here. Now I can finally fly (try out) my VIRPIL AH64 collective ..Thank you !
  13. After clicking the launch button in the mission editor I only have the black loading screen until an error message pops up. The mission is never started Ok this is the log file : dcs.log Training Sinai.miz btw. I still have "Open beta" ... but that should not give any issues for updating right (although I use the multi threading version)
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