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  1. Ahhh... trying it now with added spaces!!! Thanks...
  2. what format does Jester want when inputting coordinates for a divert etc? He wont take any permutation I can enter. I'm trying to put in N26 9 48 E55 42 42 as in the Gulf Guardian mission. Domestos
  3. I've set my AFCS breakout deadzone to 5% pitch and roll and it's cured the problem for my FFB2. I might start nibbling it back to see what effect it has.
  4. I've ramped up the FFB Gain massively and I'm liking it very much. Does anyone know if I can do the same in the Tomcat? Maybe by editing a file somewhere? I have a Sidewinder2 mated to a CH Fighterstick like in da pic. Domestos
  5. Has it survived the recent updates to the Mirage? I'd love to actually finish it this time. I've tried before but life (mine) always gets in the way.
  6. Is there a unit that can show a ship on my SA page in the Hornet? I'm making a mission where you have to search and destroy an enemy frigate and I'd like the added help of seeing it on datalink as my SEA radar is limited to 80nM.
  7. Thanks... I just spotted that you can now do that and it's much better!
  8. I've just started using Vaicom again but I'm having CTD issues. The voiceattack app just crashes when I execute a command. Not all the time but enough to ruin my mission! Any ideas? Domestos
  9. I'm starting as a new thread although I replied to an earlier one which might not get read.... Using an FFB stick If your elevator trim is not dead center you can't engage Alt Hold. If you trim for level at normal flying speeds (250-420 KNOTS-ish) your trim will be off centre. Added to the new requirement to be at +- 200fpm it's basically impossible to use at the moment. Is that fixable? It's not fixed by choosing FFB stick trimming in the special options like it was before. Also it works lovely in the Viggen. Domestos
  10. Whilst on the subject of FFB.... If your elevator trim is not dead center you can't engage Alt Hold. Added to the new requirement to be at +- 200fpm it's basically impossible at the moment. Is that fixable? Domestos
  11. Unfortunately I can't get this to work with an MS FFB stick. Even if I get stable at +/- 200fpm it mostly won't engage. I'm in FFB Trim mode in the special options. Domestos
  12. I have an I-5 4690K @4.8Ghz and a 1060OC 6Gb. Do you think I'd be OK? And what are the pro's and con's of wireless over wired? My Wifi is pretty reasonable I think. I'm thinking of selling a Banjo to raise some cash... ! Thanks Domestos
  13. gotcha..... Thanks
  14. Sorry, can you explain, I'm stuck motionless here too... Thanks
  15. I enjoyed the mission in my F-5! I had no idea what was happening outside my Jet but with the help of GCI managed to get some satisfying kills. It's true, teamwork is the key. Shame it's so hard to get everyone on board. The mission concept was great!
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