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Everything posted by crazycanuck

  1. Does this mean the probe will stop passing through the basket when refueling is complete?
  2. With more campaigns being added to DCS if would be great if mission creators could upload video files to be displayed on a projector or TV in the virtual briefing room for multi and single player missions. Perhaps in the future a generic land based briefing room could be added for briefings instead of the normal briefing screen. Of course, the briefing text and documents could still be accessed through the users console or menu. Having voiced video presentations for the briefings would really add to immersion and make missions more enjoyable and easier to get into.
  3. I think Tommy Lee Jones should reprise his role from Firebirds within the Apache module. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyG3jWko0ro Who wouldn't want training from this guy?
  4. Is there any news? I am also trying to get just the Warthog grip but no luck from Thrustmaster. The first time I tried they asked me for proof of purchase. Is my only option to buy a Warthog stick with base?
  5. Thanks for the advice. I'm working on pulling less g in maneuvers and improving my positioning. I have been able to get guns on the target. I need to improve my loop technique when I pass through the vertical.
  6. Hi all. I'm trying to learn BFM through the campaign. I make a similar mission to the F-5 v F-5 practice mission so I can adjust the AI difficulty. I have gotten pretty good at bating the bandit at the 'good' difficulty level. When I increased the difficulty to 'high' I am able to get behind the bandit but the energy I expend trying to get a lead gunshot ends up depleting my energy reserve to the point I cannot outmaneuver the bandit. Does anyone have any advice on how to better get behind the bandit at the merge and get into a lead gunshot position? I have attached a tacview recording for reference. Tacview-20170727-115801-DCS.zip.rar
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