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Posts posted by Otulf

  1. Good evening!

    Still Error 502 for me. Everything is updated.

    I also made a repair 20 minutes ago...

    I was then updated to 

    The problem remains...

    I will do just like Swson and read my  Raven One book...

    Will wait and give a try tomorrow afternoon after work.

    Best regards:


    • Like 1
  2. There is a huge weapons training facility in Sweden (Vidsel).

    Vidsel Test Range has a 3,300 km² large ground area, that is prohibited to enter for non-authorized personnel. (Wikipedia)

    Many years ago, I saw Swiss F-5:s there during a military exersize.

    Several NATO countries have been training there as well.

    I am really looking forward to this map!!!! It will be a first day buy for me!


    Best regards:


    • Like 2
  3. Hello Heatblur!

    Thank you for this update!

    Very nice indeed!😊

    I have noticed two things:

    1 The air intake covers are both marked V as in Vänster (Left in Swedish)

        The right one should be marked H as in Höger (Right in Swedish)

    2 I can not see any numbers on the gear doors?

    Just minor details!

    I really like the ladder and air intake covers that has been added.

    I also have got better frame rate due to the multi thread compability.

    Great job!!!


    Best regards:



  4. Hello!

    I would like to have/wish for a Swedish logbook in DCS Openbeta. 

    As for now I have my own picture and Swedish ranks (stripes) BUT I can not add a squadron patch. 

    I would like to add my 211 patch Urban Röd/Akktu Stakki. (I have made the size 128 x 128 pixels and .png-format...

    It might be that I lack the skills!?😉

    I can not find any Swedish medal-pictures anywhere on the internet...


    Best regards:


    • Like 1
  5. Hello!

    Now DCS works again!😀

    I made a "vanilla" install and deleted the DCS.openbeta folder in users\saved games...

    I moved the old one to another harddrive and changed name to DCS.openbeta_OLD

    I then copied the config-folder and Mods-folder to the new one...

    And now DCS works.


    Best regards:


  6. Hello shagrat!

    Happy to see that you enjoyed the reference to the Middle Earth!😀

    I ment no disrespect! But I really like your alias!👍 🙂

    Thank you for the tip about Defender and the other information about malware and such!

    Since yesterday I run on only Defender and now I am going to try and make another "vanilla install" of DCS OpenBeta...

    Hopefully I will soon fly around in the Viggen and F-18C in the virtual skies again...  


    Best regards:


  7. Hello again mg_78!

    Thanks again!

    I will continue to try Tomorrow... 

    DCS is my only flightsim and hobby... So I will NOT give up on this.

    Take care mg_78 and shagrat. 

    (Time to get ready for night since It is getting late and I live in another time zone than Cirith Ungol) Eh shagrat?

    Best regards:


  8. Good evening shagrat!

    Thank you for yor reply!

    I have now uninstalled f-secure and only using windows defender.

    DCS still won´t start.

    I intend to find another antivirus solution and will not renew my f-secure license.


    I will try and uninstall DCS OpenBeta again tomorrow. I have already uninstalled DCS twice tonight.

    Thank you again!

    Best regards:


  9. Good evening mg_78!

    Thank you for your reply!

    Indeed I do run f-secure anti virus!

    I have also tried to add DCS to be excluded from protection without success...

    Do one really have to uninstall f-secure to run DCS!?

    Thats bad news since f-secure is our only antivirus protection.


    I have to find some other solution then... 


    Thank you again mg_78!


    Best regards:


  10. Hello!

    Until yesterday evening, my DCS OpenBeta worked perfectly.

    Then suddenly when I tried to launch DCS, It would not launch...

    Today I updated my Nvidia Driver ande Windows 11, uninstalled all mods and repaired DCS.

    Still the same problem!?

    I uninstalled DCS Open Beta from my SSD and made a vanilla install of DCS OpenBeta and the problem remains!?


    What to do?

    I would be most  grateful for help!

    Best regards:


  11. Hello!

    Until yesterday evening, my DCS OpenBeta worked perfectly.

    Then suddenly when I tried to launch DCS, It would not launch...

    Today I updated my Nvidia Driver ande Windows 11, uninstalled all mods and repaired DCS.

    Still the same problem!?

    I uninstalled DCS Open Beta from my SSD and made a vanilla install of DCS OpenBeta and the problem remains!?


    What to do?

    I would be most  grateful for help!

    Best regards:


  12. Hello!

    I totally agree with ValhallaAB that System 37 Viggen is a very good book about Viggen. ISBN 0345-3413. 

    Good recommendation there ValhallaAB!👍

    There is yet another book that is written in Swedish, but quite good, and that is SMB:s AJ 37 Viggen written by Jan Forsgren. ISBN 978-91-88885-63-0

    SMB (Svenskt Militärhistoriskt Bibliotek) is a bookclub about military history. (SMB is, as far as I know, a Swedish variant of the British Pen & Sword)

    SMB have also produced a good book, written by Jan Forsgren, about the fighterversion of Viggen (JA 37) ISBN 978-91-88885-81-4

    A interesting article about British Jaguar pilot that flew together with swedish Viggens (page 32, 33 and 34):



    Best regards:


    • Like 1
  13. Good evening Hallsy!


    I bought my copy of Nordic Airpower #5 Saab 37 Viggen and Saab 37 Viggen Walk Around at a aviation museum i southern of Sweden called Ängelholm (Former F10 Wing).

    It was one of Swedish airbases to fly the AJS 37 Viggen and is now a museum. (As you probably already know)

    Link to the museum´s shop below:


    This book is big and great but quite costly. 420 Swedish kronor is aprox 40.62 US Dollar at today's rating...


    Have a nice weekend!


    Best regards:


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