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  1. Welp guess I need some time to get adapted to this little feature. btw, thx for the excellent job of making this jet so great and I love it pretty much.
  2. It is said on manual that the speed and horizontial tail is connected but I found this quite confusing when I use the speed brake to slow down. After the speed brake has fully retracted if I kept depressing the speed brake in button the trim is still moving to pitch down and vice versa. I would like to ask if this interlink is limited by the angle of speed brake or not on a real C101. Thx.
  3. 比如说空管语音当中的所有"准许"能否换成“允许”或者是"可以"? 或者是"飞机高于/低于下滑道"换成“你高于/低于下滑道”之类? 感觉有些翻译可以在不改变原意以及不影响前后语句的情况下做一些微小的改动让它能更符合口语习惯。
  4. 啊好吧看来我是真的疏忽了因为语音实际上我也没有仔细去听…… 如果真的要按照我的方式去改的话我觉得预警机所有牵涉到方位的语音都要重新做过可能也会加重录音人员负担的……
  5. 首先非常感谢各位大佬抽空录制了游戏里面的中文语音 然后最近我抽空听了一下觉得还需要后期完善 比如: 1 ATC文件夹下: "for"直接翻译成"距离"不带上"方位"较合适; "Climb 300 at QFE"翻译成游戏内文本("爬升至高度300,参考场压")较合适; 2 AWACS和加油机语气太过于那啥导致实际在游戏里很出戏 目前暂时就这两点如果大家还有意见的话在下面贴出来就行 萌新谢过了……
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