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  1. Hallo Knauf, hallo Frank, vielen Dank für das nette Gespräch eben. Ich finde es toll, dass ihr Euch für das Fliegen an sich so begeistert. Das merkt man, wenn man mit euch redet, man sieht es im Kunstflug Video und auch dass ihr einen Ziellandewettbewerb plant zeigt es. Viele Grüße Harry
  2. Propeler, that's very cool that you integrated telemetry from dcs! Do you think, that you will integrate also telemetry from fs2020 and Condor? And did you try your stick with fs2020 and XPforce? I did a test with dcs based telemetry effects on the pitch axis on my collective driven by an ac motor some time ago. And despite my ac motor controller is only able to use position Mode I was really happy with the effects which were washed by the springs to simulate torque mode. So being able to mix telemetry and ffb effects should be brillant.
  3. @propeler The most minimalistic version for dcs would be to make a string in the export lua consisting of all parameters you get from dcs and their xfactors and yfactors with which the user can determine how much each parameter should effect the x and the y axis of the joystick. This string is sent to your joystick controller each frame. There instead of sending the x and y forces you get from ffb to the motor controller you send x_withTelemetry = x + xfactor1*telemetry1 +xfactor2*telemetry2+ ... +Xfactor20*telemetry 20 The same for y_withTelemetry and if in the export.Lua all factors are zero then the sum is the original ffb value. If one decides to adapt the parameters in the lua then telemetry is mixed to the joystick. One parameter should be there to adapt the original ffb signal for x and for y. So these can be controlled too by the EXPORT.LUA. no extra Formel Editor would be needed. All can be controlled from editing the lua which is interpreted. So to take affect dcs has to be restarted. That might be not the most comfortable way for the user but the fastest to Programm. Dcs.Lua files could be exchanged by users of your joystick to try out what others like on certain modules. In one lua there could be separate factors for each active module.
  4. @propeler there are complete examples on github for getting telemetry. In dcs you can get telemetry for each computed frame in the export.lua like this: we get position, angular velocities, airspeed, g-forces and angle of attack : ... function LuaExportAfterNextFrame() local curTime = LoGetModelTime() if curTime >= t0 then -- runs 100 times per second t0 = curTime + .01 local pitch, roll, yaw = LoGetADIPitchBankYaw() local RotationalVelocity = LoGetAngularVelocity() local airspeed = LoGetTrueAirSpeed() * 3.6 local accel = LoGetAccelerationUnits() local aoa = math.sin(LoGetAngleOfAttack()/180*3.14159265359)*math.min(1,airspeed/30 ) we can send these to your formeleditor and transform these to our individual likings and add the resulting values to the joystick x and y forces. for example these are the transformations for my simulated airflow ventilators: local airspeedFromLeft = math.max( 0, airspeed + (airspeed * accel.z * factor_lateral_geforce_for_airspeed ) ) local airspeedFromRight = math.max( 0, airspeed - (airspeed * accel.z * factor_lateral_geforce_for_airspeed ) ) local airspeedFromUp = math.max( 0, airspeed * (1 - ( aoa * factor_AngleOfAttack_for_airspeed ) ) ) local airspeedFromDown = math.max( 0, airspeed * (1 + ( aoa * factor_AngleOfAttack_for_airspeed ) ) ) In fs2020 simconnect must be used to get telemetry. I would think there might be some people in this forum which are willing to help.
  5. @SeppForcherthank you! I will try that. @propeler I really think this joystick will be perfect and don't want to make you more work. But I'm tinkering around with a prototype of rc-servo driven "ffb joystick" where I get the forces from the telemetry. It's working better than expected but it's a lot of work to do one profile for one airplane. On the other side it's nice to be able to tune the behavior of the stick if you think it should be feeling in a certain way. Even "unrealistic" forces can be used to be immersed in a personal way. For example only using pitchrate on the pitch-axis of a heli feels very immersive to me because it gives me a feeling of mass of the heli as you can see in the video. It can be combined with pitchrateOfChange ,heave, surge and so on. So the question is: is there a chance that you export telemetry from dcs and fs2020 and some kind of formel editor so that we can mix these forces to the axes of the joystick? Please, understand me right: this is only a suggestion and I will be a happy builder of your joystick as it is.
  6. Hi propeler, so I try to get parts for this project, but I don't understand what to do to get this controller. I registered on oshwlab but don't understand how to order this controller there. Could you please explain a bit? Thank you!
  7. @propelerthank you for this awesome work. I would really like to build this joystick. Please keep us informed when all is ready to start. I think on your first post you mentioned, that you used an odrive and want to replace it by another motordriver. Is this still so? Or does it make sense to order an odrive now. I have read that flyptmover supports odrive too so it could be used for other projects too. Or would it be easier to use your customized motor driver?
  8. moespeeds, I think I can sponsor you. Let's get in contact by pm.
  9. Hi Tom, I think that I can sponsor you. Let' use pm. Best regards Harry
  10. In the post above from May 17. 2019 I described the dcs-plugin for the software simfeedback. This is the original software from the sfx-100 diy actuator system. And therefore I wrote the dcs-plugin with the help of the sfx-100 project founder. So you can use all the described parameters to control the 4 gseat motors by graphs. Simfeedback can only control the ac motors from the sfx-100 project and not the gs5.
  11. moespeeds, I'm not sure if you mean my gseat? If not then simply forget this answer: my gseat uses the multicontroller capability of simfeedback. So I bought 4 extra motors, build my wooden gseat and set the 4 motors up by adding a second arduino Leonardo. So these 4 motors can be controlled by simfeedback with the same parameters from the dcs plugin which I posted above. Mainly surge, sway, heave, yawrate but you can also experiment with all the others for example AOA... There are more videos in my channel which show more detail of my gseat.
  12. @melchionda you are welcome and I wish you a good start into this awesome experience!
  13. Hi melchionda, have a look at my video of my diy platform. It uses the sfx-100 diy actuators and I added a g-seat and a wind sim controlled by the same system. If you watch the landing at the end you can see that it is very responsive while it is smooth in the air. I use it vor iracing and fs2020 too and I'm more than happy with it. The price for the platform actuators is around 2000 €. Over 400 people built the system mainly for racing and you find a lot of info in the net and you can start here https://github.com/SimFeedback/SimFeedback-AC-Servo/wiki. The combination of platform and g-seat including a 4 point harness for the negative g's is the optimum for me. If I had to choose between platform and gseat for flying only I would prefer the gseat. But despite it is cheaper (around 1300 €) it's not as easy to build as the platform and to gain some expeence with the platform helps a lot. You find more videos for the gseat in my channel.
  14. Hi, I think I had the same problem a week ago: https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=172964&page=43 Harry
  15. Hier ist die Lösung : https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=258053 Die höhenruder Trimming in der tf51 z. B. Ist die Argument Nr 171 Harry
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