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Posts posted by mac22

  1. Many thanks for everyones input

    Got it up and running now and it really is excellant - far superior to the x52 I tried previously!


    Final question for MTFDarkEagle please can you send some of these profiles you offered earlier - I particularly need one for Lock ON 1or2 but any others would be greatly appreciated! (prefered format would be LUA as I think this means they can just be loaded in game?)

  2. I just got myself a TW stick and have started using Dragons profile and its great! but had a few questions

    1)Notice the profile has 3 Lua files within the game i assigned the throttle and stick files (using add profile to each of the relevant columns) but what do I do with the key file - does this need to be assigned as well?

    2)Where is the actual ED profile located in the BS2 game?(mentioned in an earlier post)

    3)Does anyone have/or can provide a link to a similiar profile for flaming cliffs 2 (preferable with mapping picture) or any other games such as FSX or IL2?

  3. Many thanks!

    1)Managed to find them - but as a newbie to the TW stick I have no idea how to use them (the BS2 profile I downloaded just had a couple of LUA files and I connected them to the throttle and stick ingame) it was easy!However these files carry a TTM + TMC extension that look like they relate to some FC2 aircraft such as A10 and mig29 as well as some other files that carry _macro files extension - are you sure these are profile files - and if yes how exactly do you use them?

    2)Also as the other game that I will mostly be using the TW stick with is Lock on FC2 - can anyone direct me to a good TW profile preferably in the LUA format and with a picture explaining the key mappings?

  4. I have been using track IR for a few weeks now (I am struggling using the zoom in view when in the cockpit) I also have just got a Warthog stick so I have been reading some of these posts with insterests and have a couple of questions


    1)I noticed Kylania said Wags and posted his track IR profile recently and this seemed to work well - can someone posta link for this profile - already did a search and couldn't find.

    2)I understand the suggestions in the above posts are to assign on the stick button for re-centre and pause track IR and also slow zoom (which might solve my problems) - as a newbie to both TH and Track IR can some one take me through how to do this (in particular what TW buttons your are assigning these keystrokes to) - i think my recentre track ir button is assigned by default to F12 - i presume I need to map this to a button on my throttle in the A10 options page?

  5. Just got a Thrustmaster Warthog delivered and started playing it with A10 (using default profile) and Black Shark 2 (using a profile a downloaded from a forum) and really loving it!


    However I read in one the Simhq reviews for the product that it already comes with some pre-configured profiles for some other games which I can't seem to find - I quote the review below:


    "Falcon 4.0: Allied Force

    Next up on the list was Falcon 4.0: Allied Force. This was one of the sims that had an included TARGET profile already created with the software downloaded from Thrustmaster (the others being: DCS: Black Shark, IL-2: 1946, Rise of Flight, and LOMAC: Flaming Cliffs 2 F-15). "


    the link is http://www.simhq.com/_technology3/technology_200c.html


    Just wondering where do I find these profiles? - for the black shark 2 profile I downloaded I had x3 lua files - throttle/stick/key - that I had to assign to the relevant controller in game.

  6. Super thanks for the reply!

    Not to sure I follow all your reply but I thin your saying that you only use the TH for A10 so can't comment on any other games


    For the Track IR question using A10 - do you actually need to change anything for it to work?I think you are suggesting changing my view hat switch and reassigning it to do trimming? - and I am assuming you do all this within the A10 options page not TARGET - so to assign the rudder command to the grey rottery (not sure what axis this would be) you do this in the A10 options page?

  7. Missed my final question!

    4)For Black Shark and A10 - at the moment dont have pedals so want to assign the grey rottery or 2nd throttle as the rudder (just for the moment!) - whats the best way to do this?

    5)also forgot to mention that I am using this with track IR - not sure if that should make a difference to how to set it up and if I need to do anything different?

  8. Super

    Thanks for the advice - it just arrived now so setting it up now and installing the latest firmware!

    Just wonder how it works with the different profiles -

    1)For playing A10 do you have to load a profile before playing the game

    2)From reading the Simhq review I also understood the stick comes with profiles for some other games - where do I find them?

    3)I have also managed to find/download a profile for black shark 2 - do you set this up from within the Black Shark game?or do you need to load it before starting the game like the x52?

  9. MTF many thanks for your reply!

    1)Ordered yesterday so should be delivered tomorrow! - would be interested in giving your profiles a try so please could you send - will mainly be using for Black Shark, FSX, IL2 - cliffs, Lock On FC2 and of course A10! - where do I install the profile file once I get?

    2)Its interesting that you suggest to update the firmware as I noted that many of the past problems could have been caused by doing this - or is the new firmware more likely to resolve many of the past problems?

    3)In terms of how to set the stick up I presume you can disregard any disks and just download from the website drivers and software - I notice there is under drivers on the Thrustmaster site the "2011_TNWH_1_package" file which I understand you need to run first before plugging the stick in - Interestingly I note this package includes the latest firmaware v11(joystick) v20(throttle)) - I guess this will update firmware automatically when the stick is plugged in and once the package file is installed you just need to install the TARGET software 1.0 which again can be taken from the Thrustmaster site - and then your ready to play?

    4)I note what you say about the USB connections so I assume you can just plug directly into the computer rather than trying to use any kind of usb hub?

  10. thanks for all the advice!

    I think based on this Warthog is the way to go so a couple more questions on this stick

    1)Does the stick come with some useable pre configured profiles for other games such as Black Shark......?(I hate having to set these up from scratch)

    2)On the rudder pedal question I think I will eventually go for the saitek combat or pro flight pedals.....but in the interim I will be using it without pedals (probably assigning the rudders to either the rotery wheel or one of the throttles) - is this interim solution going to be flyable and has anyone tried flying with it?

    3)Finally I have read a few posts about the earlier warthog throttles bricking - it seems for a number of reasons - such as using the asus x68 chipset or update the firmware through a usb 3.0 connection - not sure if these issues have been resolved or if i need to be careful?

    (I am running the asus p67 chipset with i7 cpu - I am very sure some if not all of the connections are usb 3.0)

  11. Many thanks for the replies!

    1)Just wondering if any of the ED testers have offered any opinion on the best stick to use with Black Shark? (I presume they must have tried a few)


    2)I think I am coming to the conclusion that the Thrustmaster Warthog is overall the superior stick - however solely for Black Shark the G940 might be the way to go. Trouble is I am not sure how much extra the FFB will add to Black Shark or any of the other sims I would be playing with it - also I was under the impression many of the inital problems with the G940 (such as slop) had been resolved by updates/set up the stick in a particular way?

  12. JG14

    Thanks for the reply!

    1)Actually i tried to bring up the control indicator as well but without success - do i need to assign the key to it or should it work with no set up and does it work in sim mode? / also how does this control indicator differ from the flight director (actually not sure exactly what the flight director is ment to do?)

    2)What exactly is the central position trim option ment to do?

    3)Do you have any advice on the joystick question - my research is telling me the thrustmaster warthog is overall the superior stick however if I am using it mostly for Black Shark the G940 is the better choice as the FFB option lets you trim/fly much easier in BS2?

  13. Just started playing Black Shark 2 and had some questions!


    1)I am currently playing it with an x52 but decided to get a new joystick that I will be using to play both black shark and other sims such as A10/FSX/IL2 - just wondering which stick plays best with BS2 - I am considering the G940 or Thrustmaster Warthog - I read the G940 with its FFB makes trimming much easier/realistic but needs a lot of configuring although the warthog appears the superior stick (easier to configure but without the FFB)?


    2)In terms of flying Black Shark 2 I am having some real issues trimming/stablising the helicopter/and trying to get it to go into hover hold - alt+T (I am used to flying fixed wing aircarft) - means when I am trying to fire/aim the missile the heli is drifting slightly(eventhough hover hold and some of the other autopilots are enabled) - can anyone point me to a helpful post/tutorial or give me some tips as its driving me crazy!


    3)For question 2) I read that enabling something called the flight director might help - have tried to bring it up with Ctrl+A but without success - not sure why? (I was thinking it might only be available only on arcade mode - and I am flying on simulator settings) - although I am not even sure it will help my flying


    4)Finally also related to question 2) I have noticed in the setting/Misc menu their is a check box for Centre Trim - but not exactly sure what this does (I am already aware that to trim normally u have to hit the trim button - (T) then release the button and within 0.5sec centre the stick (at least with the x52 non FFB stick - not sure if this technique would change or be any easier using a FFB stick such as the G940)


    Any help will be much appreciated!

  14. I have been using a saitek x52 for several years and decided its time to replace it and need some advice on what I should replace it with.


    I will be using it mainly for Black Shark 2 but also for other games flight games FSX/A10/IL2(series).


    I am just wondering which of the G940/Thrustmaster Warthog/X65f is likely to work best - cost is not really an issue as they all appear to be around the same price - I have already done a bit of research on the forums and i include my conclusions to date below (also note I don't particularly enjoy spending hours and hours setting up profiles!)


    *The G940 appears one of the best sticks for black shark with its FFB which helps trimming - but it seemed to have many issues at least initally in setting it up for Black Shark - not sure if these have now been resolved?

    *The Thrustmaster Warthog seems the best stick unsurprisingly for A10 - although lacks FFB - not sure how it plays with Black Shark 2 - also read it comes with many pre configured profiles

    *x65 appears not to have had many particularly good reviews


    Any advice on what to buy/links to useful post would be appreciated!

  15. I bought black shark some time ago as digital download.

    Have just bought a new PC and tried to install black shark on it and get prompted for my serial number but i cant find the original e-mail with my serial number.

    How can I get black shark working on my new PC?

    1)Is there anyway to find the serial number from my original black shark install on my old pc?

    2)Failing that does any one have a telephone number for eagle dynamics so i can contact them?(I managed to find an e-mail that confirms payment was suiccessfully made for black shark in 2008 and gives an order number (I dont think this is the same as a serial number but it confirms i paid for it).

  16. I have just been thinking about installing the downloadable version of flaming cliffs 2.0 and had some questions


    1)I already have installed the European Lock On Gold DVD version of the game which includes flaming cliffs can someone tell me if i can just install flaming cliffs 2.0 over the top of this. I actually cant remember if i have patched my Gold install, is there any way i can find out what version it is? and does this really matter or can i just install 2.0 over the top of my Gold version irrespective of if i patched it?


    2)It took me a long time to set up my optimal graphics/in game/joystick settings for Lock on will these be retained when i install 2.0? Is there anyway you can back them up?


    3)After not playing Lock on for some time I am now having trouble with my star force copy protection when i put in my lock on Gold disk and try and run the game it tells me that I have some star force error, will this be an issue if i install 2.0, and how can i solve the problem? - my starforce has always been tempramental in the past but I would always eventually get the game to load

  17. I just have started playing the campaign part of BS and got some questions.


    (1)I seem to have access to a number of different campaigns oil wars 1 + 2 + 3, Deployment and grand campaign(oil war), what is the difference between all these campaign?

    (2)It says these campaigns are only for High End PC's running Windows XP, does this mean there is an other set of campaign for Vista users.

    (3)When you complete a mission, should you get an ingame message/acknowledgement ? (I finished a mission yesterday (it said 100% complete when I pressed the ' key) but I didn't get any kind of acknowlegement that the mission was complete)

  18. Thanks for all the replys.

    EtherealN are u saying that actually I should see no frame rate difference in moving the in game detail from Medium to High?

    Also could someone please give some guidance on what I should set the

    nvidia control panel options settings to to get the best from the game?(AA and AF I will try at x8 and Vsync I will take off as i uderstand it can reduce slightly frame rate? but the other settings I have no idea what to select?)

  19. Cant seem to post the screenshot but below are my current settings.


    Ansitropic filtering - Application controlled

    AA Gamma correction - On

    AA Mode - Appl control

    AA Setting - Applic control

    AA transparency - off

    Conformat texture clamp - Use hardware

    error reporting - off

    extension limit - off

    force mipmapping - trilinear

    max pre render frame - 6

    multi display - single

    texture filter Ansitropic sample optimisation - on

    " negative LOD bias - allow

    " quality - quality

    " trilinear optimisation - Auto

    Triple buffer - off

    Vert sync - force off


    I tend to run with v sync off (and therefore switch triple buffer off) as

    I dont seem to suffer from any screen ripping.

    Also I am finding I dont get particularly high frame rates with the above settings typically around 20-35 fps running with in game settings at medium.

  20. I am running Black Shark on a AMD x2 core 7750 with a nvidia 285 graphics card and had some questions

    (1)What are the best nvidia control panel settings to use for the game?

    (I have no idea what to set options like force mimaps and texture filtering (there are 4 options to select) and pre rendered frames to get the best out of the game)

    (2)In Black Shark do you need to set the antialising and anisotropic filtering in the nvidia control panel or should you select application controlled and then can you select them in game?

    (3)Would you also recommend using all the above settings for Lock on as well?

  21. Ok thanks after looking at some threads I have now figured out how to map the zoom in/out buttons.

    But the trouble I am having now is that i cant zoom in and out using the assigned button on the x52 (i use the slider on the throttle) when track ir is active (the track ir zooms in/out using head movement) in order to use the stick to zoom i need to disable (F9) track IR then this lets me use the stick.


    Does anyone know a way around this?(the profile i use for black shark allows me to use either the stick or track ir to zoom in/out without disabling the other)

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