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Regular Greyman

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About Regular Greyman

  • Birthday April 30

Personal Information

  • Flight Simulators
    DCS, Microsoft Flight Simulator, War Thunder
  • Location
    Ontario, Canada

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  1. It has happened to me pretty much every flight of the museum relic campaign recently. Engine and weapon sounds cut out but voice overs still work. I will have to start recording the missions and submitting a log.
  2. I guess the fix did not make it into today's patch. It's not listed in the patch notes. Sent from my SM-G950W using Tapatalk
  3. Thanks to ralfidude and heatblur for doing that.
  4. I'm fairly new to dogfighting and DCS. My first jet was the F-5. I have the red flag campaign but I find multiplayer to be a lot of fun. Once you find a server that isn't full of spamraam's knocking you down, it's loads of fun. Even if you screw up, you just get better at the start-up procedure.
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