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Posts posted by hornblower793

  1. On 2/1/2024 at 9:02 AM, imacken said:

    There is a new version out. 20240124.

    Re 'not breaking things', I have never had an issue updating VPC software many times over the years, but there have been a couple of people who had their device IDs changed, and that does break the DCS binds.

    I use JoyPro to get round that issue if it ever occurs - for reasons other than software update in my case - as it can restore your previous IDs or change DCS binds to the new one with a single button press.

    This definitely makes JoyPro worthwhile - I have just had it happen changing the setup of the AH-64D grip and was able to migrate all the bindings in a matter of seconds

  2. I run the Pimax Leapmotion controller addon integrated to the bottom of my Crystal headset and the adjustment ranges for hand offset in DCS do not go big enough (I would need it to be about -18 in the vertical axis. Is there any technical reason why the X,Y and Z adjustments are limited to -10 to +10?

  3. Do you run an Overclocked graphics card? If so, it might be worth reducing the overclock a bit

    Looking at the 0x887A0006 error in your DCS log it could be this, or you have a corrupt install (but I am assuming you have run DCS repair)

  4. On 11/7/2022 at 11:05 PM, uboats said:

    @hornblower793 just learnt from 

     that vaicom will modify module device_init.lua file. This in 2.8 will break the IC. 


    Sorry for the delay in replying - we know there are issues with the new anti-cheat IC checking on some servers. Will raise with the team and see whether there is anything that can be done

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  5. All,

    With the transition of control of Vaicom from @Hollywood_315 to a user community team we have asked for this thread to be locked. At over 7700 posts long it has become unwieldy and we know that it is easy for us to miss issues.

    Please check the other threads in the Vaicom forum (https://forum.dcs.world/forum/329-vaicom/) or head to the Discord (https://discord.gg/7gbYqKEsX6) - we are trying to keep them topic specific (e.g. each issue will have its own thread) and also to provide pinned topics such as the latest release versions of the software for OB and stable versions so that forum users have known locations to look for update news.

    @MAXsenna and I (along with other members from the community) are also available to help answer any queries so feel free to DM us if you prefer to do this rather than creating a thread

    Sent from my SM-T835 using Tapatalk

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  6. All,
    With the transition of control of Vaicom from @Hollywood_315 to a user community team we have decided to lock this thread. At 308 pages long it has become unwieldy and we know that it is easy for us to miss issues.

    Please check the other threads in the Vaicom forum (https://forum.dcs.world/forum/329-vaicom/) or head to the Discord (https://discord.gg/7gbYqKEsX6) - we are trying to keep them topic specific (e.g. each issue will have its own thread) and also to provide pinned topics such as the latest release versions of the software for OB and stable versions so that forum users have known locations to look for update news.

    @MAXsenna and I (along with other members from the community) are also available to help answer any queries so feel free to DM us if you prefer to do this rather than creating a thread

    Sent from my SM-T835 using Tapatalk

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  7. For all users running DCS Open Beta versions earlier than 2.8, please continue to use the last @Hollywood_315 release of Vaicom and its plugins, found at https://www.vaicompro.com/

    With the release of DCS Open Beta 2.8 a community team has taken over ongoing development and support of Vaicom. The current release of Vaicom (also now versioned to 2.8 to align with the DCS major version and help avoid confusion moving forwards), along with instructions for installation, can be found at

    https://github.com/Penecruz/VAICOMPRO-Community for the installation instructions and

    https://github.com/Penecruz/VAICOMPRO-Community/releases/tag/v2.8.0.0 for the initial community release

    • Like 2
  8. This thread will be used to provide details of the latest version of Vaicom for users running the Open Beta version of DCS (whether standalone or Steam).

    We would ask people to not post any questions, replies, comments in here so the only information relates to releases required for different DCS versions. Please start new threads to provide feedback / ask questions etc.

    The Discord server for the community supported Vaicom is at https://discord.gg/7c22BHNSCS.

    Many thanks


  9. This thread will be used to provide details of the latest version of Vaicom for users running the stable version of DCS (whether standalone or Steam).

    We would ask people to not post any questions, replies, comments in here so the only information relates to releases required for different DCS versions. Please start new threads to provide feedback / ask questions etc.

    The Discord server for the community supported Vaicom is at https://discord.gg/7c22BHNSCS.

    Many thanks


    Users of the DCS stable version 2.7 should currently continue to use the last version of Vaicom and plugins released by @Hollywood_315 and pointed to from https://www.vaicompro.com/.

    • Like 1
  10. All,

    With the transition of control of Vaicom from @Hollywood_315 to a user community team we have decided to lock this thread. At 308 pages long it has become unwieldy and we know that it is easy for us to miss issues.

    Please check the other threads in the Vaicom forum (https://forum.dcs.world/forum/329-vaicom/) or head to the Discord (https://discord.gg/7gbYqKEsX6) - we are trying to keep them topic specific (e.g. each issue will have its own thread) and also to provide pinned topics such as the latest release versions of the software for OB and stable versions so that forum users have known locations to look for update news.

    @MAXsenna and I (along with other members from the community) are also available to help answer any queries so feel free to DM us if you prefer to do this rather than creating a thread

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 2
  11. 2 hours ago, sthompson said:

    Does the VA log show that the select command was recognized and acted upon by VAICOM? If so then the problem will be with the underlying lua code. Probably something changed with DCS 2.8 that requires something new in the VAICOM lua code. If so the fix will require updating the underlying code. I haven't had time to check out the discord or github for the community project yet, but I'm wondering if they have set up a formal bug reporting system yet.


    It is on the github - we would ask people to first concentrate on basic issues with the new version, and will then gradually expand it out to wider issues (such as comms not working with some airframes once wow)

    • Like 1
  12. 29 minutes ago, BlueRaven said:

    ☝️This, do not disperse the code guys, it only generates FUD.

    We totally agree, and would like to try and keep all users moving in a single group - it will be to the benefit of all 🙂

    • Like 3
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  13. 4 hours ago, HILOK said:

    thanks, great news! will this also be released on github? or has discord become the main distribution platform now?

    Github will have the releases and will also host the bug tracking - I will also add a new thread to this forum that will contain details for the releases from our community group moving forwards so that people can check here or on the Discord, as well as going directly to the hub

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  14. 5 hours ago, Japo32 said:

    I think this is a good moment, now that the source code is free, to try to fix those problems in future. Specially the Airio module and allow to use the wheel visual or not option (link to comms messages with problems in the post)



    Agreed - we are already looking at how to best identify and track issues, and will post both here and on the Discord (https://discord.gg/7gbYqKEsX6) once we have formulated some ideas and the coding wizards have had a chance to look at the code and understand in depth how it works

    • Like 2


    Starting from now, Vaicom is no longer supported by its original developer. For answers to questions please either head to the Vaicom Discord (https://discord.gg/7c22BHNSCS) or contact either @MAXsennaor me via these forums (either posted or as a DM) and we will do our best to help.
    A team of volunteers is already forming to take this product forward but it will take us a few weeks to get fully up to speed.

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  15. It has been placed on Github as open source.

    A small (but growing) team of users from the Vaicom Discord is already working on the code to deliver a rounded fix for the 2.8 issues and starting to work out how we best support / enhance the product into the future for the benefit of all. Given @Hollywood_315has generously placed it in the public domain we intend to honour that approach to keep both current and new users supported.

    @MAXsenna and I will lead on support in these forums for users who are not on the Discord  (https://discord.gg/7gbYqKEsX6). Please give us a bit of time to work out what we are all doing / how this great plugin works but the intention is to then deliver updates / fixes as required, including a formal bug / issue tracker that all will be able to contribute to. In the meantime, all offers of help / expertise will be warmly received and any issues please either post in the forums or DM either Max or myself and we will do our best to get the answer.

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