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About Tru3n0

  • Birthday July 27

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  1. Random question, if some one could satisfy my curiosity. On the air tasking order I was wondering what ACEMAKER means For example: TASKUNIT/VF64//253.500 MSNDAT/N006/F/NAIL51/1xF18C/SSSC/8M/407// AMPN/UNIT REMARKS: 1G12x1G38xWxTx2, ACEMAKER// I get the gist of the whole thing, i'm just curious about that last word. Again, not important.. just curious. I really enjoy all the extra detail that went into this campagin.
  2. Got an F14 question. Do i need to export mipmaps for each part? Context: I modified some skins with the HB paint kit. When I zoom out the skin reverts to the defult. So i modified the HB_F14_LOD1_3in1 file to match the new skin. When i zoom out, the skin now looks as it should. So for an experiment, I exported each section (including the LOD1_3in1 file) and exported with no mipmaps. In game there seems to be no diffrence with the skin i made with mipmap vs the one without. Zooming out looks the same. The only diffrence is i've seemed to saved 40mb on the file size with no mipmap. Follow up question. Is there a negative preformance impact for a skin with no mipmaps?
  3. I see the option for the ground crew to mount it. But i can't see it being mounted nor find a key bind to shoot the flare? Is it implemented yet? Thanks
  4. So.. short answer. Not really. I spooled up the second mission and entered the campaign code... let it run for a few minutes... so i could get a Tacview. I imported the .miz (did not import the reds) file into CF, and used TacView to get an idea the AOR and manually placed DMPIs for the targets. More effort than its worth. I'm sure somebody with more experience might be able to figure out something.
  5. I don't have a .trk file as i'm reinstalling DCS on a new SSD...and it's downloading at 2.0MB/s BUT, if someone wan't to have another look. I first noticed this in the fist mission in the Raven one.. maybe its related to the pilot liveries.
  6. Noticed this the other day on a single player mission. Seems all AI F/A-18 pilots keep their arm up on the canopy bow. (Take off animation).
  7. Just gonna throw my 2 cents in.. If you want MW50 and fast action there is another WWII server for you. IF you want a 'closer to historical' game play experience in DCS. SoW is your best option (afaik). The guys at SoW put in a fair amount of effort to get this as close to their vision as possible (with the tools available). I've never seen so many historical primary source documents from WWII (i.e fuel delivery dockets, etc) to justify why or why not something is available. The amount of knowledge and enthusiasm in the community is quite impressive. I fly the K4 pretty much exclusively. I used to think that the plane needed MW50 to be competitive. Now, that is less the case. (This month 49 kills, 15 Deaths and 14 Bail outs). For people that say the K4 (with no MW50) is better than than the spitfire.. you need to learn how to fly how to fly the your crate better. For people that say the K4 is not competitive (without MW50) you need to learn to fly your crate better. In the end, it always comes down to the pilot. (That last sentence is often hard to accept).
  8. So we've all seen the shaking when you take "an amount" of damage.. Has anybody reported the shaking apart while landing in this state.. It seems when you turn the engine off, as the RPMs drop off the plane shakes, breaking the landing gear and allowing the prop to strike... Sometimes this is the result:
  9. Same.. Happens in both VR and desktop mode.
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