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About nerone2206

  • Birthday 06/22/1981

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  • Flight Simulators
    Dcs world
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  1. Oppure uso il Combatflite che è ad un livello superiore, in questo momento... Google traslete funziona, io capisco tutti nella traduzione
  2. Sono un creatore di missioni, ma anche un pilota virtuale...disegnare sulla mappa è utile, ma quando voli è poco realistico aprire la mappa con F10! In più mi piace essere preciso, voglio cercare di avere tutto per le abitudini di tutti. Altra cosa, se su kneeboard ho i wp, vorrei avere anche le orbite di AAR create e le hod area.
  3. Hello everyone, I will be the one who am not able to use the editor, but explain to me what is the use of drawing on the map, polygons, icons, etc. etc., if I can't see them on the kneebord? please tell me it's me who's wrong !! i fly without f10
  4. Hi guys, help, I created a training mission and I created the radio menu to activate the various training sessions. the problem is that even if the flags that are activated are repetitive, they are activated only once! It's a script problem, I can't make it repetitive .... I have already done all the necessary tests in the editor so I will turn the script to you and please help me .... local M1 = missionCommands.addSubMenu("A2G", nil) local M2 = missionCommands.addSubMenu("CONVOGLIO", M1) local M3 = missionCommands.addSubMenu("GROUND EST", M1) local M4 = missionCommands.addSubMenu("JTAC POLIGONO", M1) missionCommands.addCommand("ON", M2,function() trigger.action.setUserFlag(1, true) end, nil) missionCommands.addCommand("0FF", M2,function() trigger.action.setUserFlag(2, true) end, nil) missionCommands.addCommand("ON", M3,function() trigger.action.setUserFlag(3, true) end, nil) missionCommands.addCommand("OFF", M3,function() trigger.action.setUserFlag(4, true) end, nil) missionCommands.addCommand("ON", M4,function() trigger.action.setUserFlag(15, true) end, nil) missionCommands.addCommand("0FF", M4,function() trigger.action.setUserFlag(16, true) end, nil)
  5. Hi guys, help, I created a training mission and I created the radio menu to activate the various training sessions. the problem is that even if the flags that are activated are repetitive, they are activated only once! It's a script problem, I can't make it repetitive .... I have already done all the necessary tests in the editor so I will turn the script to you and please help me .... local M1 = missionCommands.addSubMenu("A2G", nil) local M2 = missionCommands.addSubMenu("CONVOGLIO", M1) local M3 = missionCommands.addSubMenu("GROUND EST", M1) local M4 = missionCommands.addSubMenu("JTAC POLIGONO", M1) missionCommands.addCommand("ON", M2,function() trigger.action.setUserFlag(1, true) end, nil) missionCommands.addCommand("0FF", M2,function() trigger.action.setUserFlag(2, true) end, nil) missionCommands.addCommand("ON", M3,function() trigger.action.setUserFlag(3, true) end, nil) missionCommands.addCommand("OFF", M3,function() trigger.action.setUserFlag(4, true) end, nil) missionCommands.addCommand("ON", M4,function() trigger.action.setUserFlag(15, true) end, nil) missionCommands.addCommand("0FF", M4,function() trigger.action.setUserFlag(16, true) end, nil)
  6. Grazie a tutti per i consigli, sono riuscito a trovare quello che mi serviva! Ve lo giro cosi potete farne buon uso anche voi!
  7. Spero che sistemino a dovere l'editor di dcs, perché credo abbia molte limitazioni! Grazie mille per il tuo impengo, alla prossima domanda!
  8. i tried in all conditions 2-3 but it doesn't do it repeatedly ... bug? if you can, can you send me the .miz test file?
  9. Hello, I am passionate about DCS but much more than its editor, so I would like to ask you some specific questions about it. 1- is it possible to have a respawn of the destroyed units, instead of having to place the same units close to them in delayed activation (to simulate that they are reactivated)? 2- The triggers do not allow the continuous activation and deactivation of units (ex sam units in delayed activation, they are generated when the aircraft enters the trigger zone, when the aircraft exits the trigger zone they are deactivated. zone sam units no longer regenerate). This type of action I need to recreate scenarios of the Gulf War, where the anti-aircraft was activated only when the planes were close! Thank you and good day.
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