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    IL2,LockOn, Black Shark , Condor ...
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  1. :)
  2. Why I am only doing this ? Pls give me homework :) My best for now is 578m. In on 811m and out on 233m. WE NEED LOWER RADIUS ;) 578m.txt.rar
  3. Yes I try it but its the same because I am on speeds below 500km/h and altitude is below 500m :) No difference if is on automatic or manual ;) I have maximum movements on control surface in auto and manual ;) Thanks :)
  4. My best for now is 621m. In on 656m and out on 35m. Because of low quality video on YouTube I upload better video in file format. http://www.filedropper.com/621 Attention: Flying is done in full realistic settings. In game mode I can do it on 525m and maybe lower but I am not interested in this kind of flying :) Honor on first place !!! Salute ! 621m.txt.rar
  5. I think I can't go lower but ... My best for now is 622m. In on 650m and out on 28m. Two records for now ;) Lowest in point and lowest radius :) My train say CHU CHU CHU :) 622m.txt.rar
  6. From me this is lowest I can go :( My best for now is 767m In on 849m and out on 82m. Show me your skills ... 767m.txt.rar
  7. Ok we talk to much :) Lets show what we can do :) Challenge - Split S with Mig21 with 5% fuel :) My best for now is 791m :) In on 834m and out on 43m :) Lets make lowest radius possible for game :) Salute ! Tacview-20160912-145500-DCS.txt.rar
  8. Yes i am train driver and i still learning about this flying :(
  9. All what jets and prop can do you can do with no powered hangglider ;) Delta wing ;) With no instruments you can do all aerobatic manuvers only by sense ;)
  10. Today virtual and real pilots to much depend of instruments and other gizmos ;) Small procent of today pilots can fly by sense without instruments. Small % can takeoff , fly and land for example mig21 only buy sense of sound of engine, position of throtle , shaking of plane and speed perception in vfr rules.
  11. Agree but ... On mig29 aoa limitator can be overide. In turn bank 80-90 deagres with afterburner on 300km/h with stick on beally. Stick wona go forward but you keep at on belly with muscles and plane go like beast no mater of aoa anymore. And about Mig21 and Su27 turn rate is not only determinated buy AoA ;) You can put 70 AoA and go steight without turning ;) Dont watch this shity instruments ;)
  12. I agree this is a game but who say i was fly mig21 on 15 deg aoa ? Look my video an you will see aoa most time in end yelow and good way over in red aoa ;) But again this is just a game. Real mig21 pilot say you can fly in this high aoa only without sliding very easy all way untill you have altitude ;) Plane stay in this position all time untill hit ground if you dont recovery ;) And about diagrams real pilot on mig21 say they dont work in real life like it would ;) Salute my friend ;)
  13. Zavisno od kolicine goriva i naoruzanja pomera se minimalna visina za prevrtanje ;) U igri bez naoruzanja i sa 10% goriva moze i sa oko 800m ;) Nisam probao koliko je minimalno goriva potrebno za manevar a da ti se ne ugasi motor ;) Ali ako je oko 5% ili manje onda mogu da se spustaju granice jos nize od 800m ;) Dezurni sam danas ajd sutra ako nadjem vremena pokusacu taj experiment ;)
  14. Bravo ;) Samo na kraju kad prodjes horizontalu slobodno ga slomi u maximalni napadni ugao tj palica na stomak ;)
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