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About Sparkam

  • Birthday 06/29/1985

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  1. Checked before and after slow repair, removing metashaders2, fxo, mods, disabling antivirus. No difference.
  2. Hi, Every time when I attempt to start multithreaded DCS with steamVR (--force_enable_VR --force_steam_VR) it crashes on loading to main menu. With OpenXR no crashes. I usually play with reprojection and 180% SteamVR resolution (1944x2424 per eye). OpenXR is too stuttery even with hiher FPS. I run DCS on i7 8700K, 1080TI, 32GB, SSD, Odyssey+. I also checked performance without VR with my current settings: Average CPU, GPU load on the same track (used low resolution in DCS settings 1280x768 for game window) no MT, no VR 180 fps CPU 33% GPU 80% ----- MT, no VR 180 fps CPU 40% GPU 60% dcs.log-20230311-114320.zip dcs.log-20230311-105022.zip
  3. Similar. Most of the time I see flickering 'CPU bound (rendering thread)' in MT VR OpenXR i7 8700K, 1080TI, 32 GB
  4. Found this some time ago. Fujairah runway mark lines are under the runway surface. ${1}
  5. It's a bummer... Without stereo_mode_use_shared_parser far-away objects (mountains, trees) look incorrect. Part of a mountain may be absent in one eye even with long rendering distance. Tough choice between deck crew and far away objects.
  6. Hi, you don't need to calculate average values. Just copy/paste values as explained here. https://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=3843193&postcount=109
  7. After step 3, there are two files (renamed file and file with last save). I combined the data from two files into new file (copy of the last save) in notepad++. Copy/pasted numbers from block EYE_RGHT of the first file into block EYE_LEFT of the new file. Then copy/pasted numbers from block EYE_LEFT of the second file into block EYE_RGHT of the new file. If you dont want to mess with files, you can just swap values with sliders, however values will be rounded. It's not critical. You probably won't notice the difference. With this method i just wanted to swap exact default values.
  8. My final settings from Samsung Windows Mixed Reality 800ZBA.lua EYE_LEFT = { L_OUT =1.239822, L_IN =1.045044, L_TOP =1.419550, L_BTM =1.431158, } EYE_RGHT = { R_OUT =1.237106, R_IN =1.043276, R_TOP =1.439004, R_BTM =1.414056, } Just swappled data for EYE_LEFT and EYE_RGHT in the file. Direct copy of my settings will not work for you. You need to swap your numbers. My data before modification EYE_LEFT = { L_OUT =1.237106, L_IN =1.043276, L_TOP =1.439004, L_BTM =1.414056, } EYE_RGHT = { R_OUT =1.239822, R_IN =1.045044, R_TOP =1.419550, R_BTM =1.431158, } Here is how i saved my default settings in file: 1. In the vr debug tool press reset projections, then move any slider for left eye and press save. In Samsung Windows Mixed Reality 800ZBA.lua file you will get unmodified data for right eye; 2. rename Samsung Windows Mixed Reality 800ZBA.lua to something; 3. Open DCS. In the vr debug tool press reset projections, then move any slider for right eye and press save. In the file you will get unmodified data for left eye; 4. combine data from two files (swap numbers for EYE_LEFT and EYE_RGHT).
  9. It seems that if I swap all left/right values (OUT, IN, TOP, BTM), then it solves misalignment for me. Need experiment more with OUT, IN settings in order to adjust convergence distance of projections. Ability to lock OUT, IN or TOP, BTM sliders would be helpful in order to move them at the same time. Apparently, you can workaround slider precision issue. You can drag border between left/right settings and enter value you want if you play around with sliders and border position.
  10. Копирование помогает в значительной степени но не окончательно. Мне помогло полностью устранить расхождение не копированием, а сменой местами настроек. Значения для левыого глаза (верх, низ) идут в правый глаз, а значения для правого глаза идут в левый. https://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=3783554&postcount=62
  11. Я отключаю каждый раз как запускаю WMR.
  12. Copy from left to right or vice versa helps but not completely. Experimentally I found that vertical misalignment is gone entirely when I swap top bottom values. L_TOP goet to R_TOP, and R_TOP goes to L_TOP. Same for L_BTM R_BTM. Alex, could you make sliders more precise, so we can enter exact values for swapping? Here is example of my settings. Default No misalignment swapped values: Best 1: Best 2: Edit: It seems that if I swap all left/right values (OUT, IN, TOP, BTM), then it solves misalignment for me completely. Need to experiment more with OUT, IN settings in order to adjust convergence distance of projections. Ability to lock OUT, IN or TOP, BTM sliders would be helpful in order to keep aspect ratio constant. Apparently, you can workaround slider precision issue. You can drag border between left/right settings and enter value you want if you play around with sliders and border position.
  13. Новый тест по проблеме Одиссея https://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=3782971&postcount=53
  14. Great! Will test in a couple of hours.
  15. Привет, здесь инструкции https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?p=3734199#post3734199 https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?p=3745425#post3745425
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