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Everything posted by KaoriBSW

  1. Squadron Name: 69th OnlyFlys Aircraft Selection: F16C,FA18C,F15C,F15E,J-11A,Su-33,JF-17,F14B,M2000C,Mig-29S Pilot Roster: TBD TimeZone: UTC+8
  2. 1. the onboard RWR SPO-15 of Flankers has not been a reliable friend from its beginning, but the recent update in DCS 2.9 eliminates the possibility detecting when the active homing missile loses target. From the perspective of Flanker in defense, SPO15 is always barking as long as Flanker is inside front sphere of the activated missile seeker, not matter the Flanker is being tracked or not. It's been witnessed for so many times that anyone can repeat this bug from any PVP server. No matter I had evaded the seeker by terrain (some seconds after terrain cover, AIM120 was flying straight towards other heading, but I was still in its front sphere when there was no terrain barriers anymore) or by notching (barking all the way but I was actually survived in the end) ... even when the AIM120 had been firing in MAGDOG mode towards my friendly and triggered SPO15 when it turned around to my direction without actually locking on me. Tacview records are linked below. Two records are not convincing enough. If someone is interested, I can record the cockpit view mp4 as proofs. I don't know whether other airframes are suffocating this bug or not. Please let me know if you had similar experience. 2. Modern airframes, like hornets and vipers, are able to fire AIM120s against jamming targets in TWS mode (without entering STT mode), which avoids lighting the SPO15 (only spikes are detected). I am not sure if this 'feature' is employed in LOT20 in reality but it's smart enough though for old ECMs on FC3 airframes. For this part, I did not study it for a wide range of situations, so I am pleased if someone tells me I was wrong and explain the principles why HOJ mode is not necessary. At last, as an old friend for over a decade accompanying DCS, I totally understand the need for bringing new airframes to keep the company running. Meanwhile, I think it could be better to look back and review instead of rushing recklessly. It is those 'unseen' but shining efforts that makes DCS a professional combat simulator Thanks Tacview bug report1.acmi Tacview bug report2.acmi
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  3. I have been so looking forward to these competitions untill my team was banned and our acmi also removed hahaha. What for?:)
  4. Hi everyone, I found AIM-54 can track targets without AWG9 illuminating with the help of link4 during mid-guidance in DCS. Without link4, it performs normally, lost track and fly straight. So here comes a question. Can phoenix be guided via link4 provided by E2C or Stennis in reality? Or it is just another bug due to API? I can provide acmi if you interest. Thank you!
  5. log in by the same account same to me. sad
  6. wife issue haha, brilliant
  7. Some clarifications for pilot-sharing I think friends from the DCS community need to look insight the Chinese DCS community as this storm affects us all. Pilot sharing is common in China. I know it sounds weird to the DCS community but that is true. China DCS community had a time when pilots were not allowed to join events of other squadrons. What happened later was isolations between organizations which led them to an end, like 3GO and lkyfly. That's why we have developed this weird pilot-sharing system. It is not an excuse, I am just explaining why. Kind of cultural difference haha. Chinese people did not and will not cheat in the match :smilewink: you have my word. The famous 405 and 801 suffered from package lost did not cheat knowingly. Do NOT tag Chinese teams cheater @Cisco from RvE. If you don't trust the result, we can connect to your own server, or ours, for a re-match to make you feel safe. Anyway, as SATAL is held by 64th, they have the right to make judgement based on their value and standard, even though the penalty is far too brutal. DCS is such a great game, let's not ruin it just because people see things differently.
  8. banned from SATAL Honestly, BSW has no reason to cheat in the match to win. We do know we have two pilots flying in more than one team. We respect their choice to fly for other teams. And we did not know this action is forbidden, as it was shown inexplicitly. We hope this over-penalty can be reviewed over representations in Discord. Both BSW and inSky representations were not aware of this issue during the vote session. Last, we welcome all teams to play friendly matches with us. Plz PM me if you are interested, or find me in TS:
  9. Hi Tito, it was me contacted you on discord. As you know very few people can get over the great wall from china, 101 asked me to find you as he had not seen your reply. :)
  10. First let us thank those organisers who make their efforts for the SATAL 2019. In terms of the map Persian Gulf, we think it goes against the spirit of a fair, open, and friendly match. Every one has a right to join this game and fight against a stronger team. It is this oppotunity where gifted minds collide and compete that benefits players from the globe, which in turn makes air combat simulation thrive. However, the necessity of the Persian Gulf map excludes those players with poor income, excludes those computers with limited storage capacity. A funny thing is, even the disables can take part in the Paralympic Games. Therefore, we suggest the map should NOT be a necessity. Finally, to whoever meets us in the SATAL and we don't show up, please do not take it as hostile. Rather, we are looking forward to playing with more stronger pilots, in Caucasus.
  11. Logo for SATAL 2019 from team (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻*BSW Plz see attachment.
  12. Sign up for SATAL 2019 League: Gold Squadron Name: (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻*BSW Teamspeak: Contact person: Kaori@(╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻*BSW Aircraft Selection. F-15C, F-14B, F/A-18C, Su-27, J-11A, M-2000C Pilot Roster: TJgblbz@(╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻*BSW (China +8 Zulu) Dejavu@(╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻*BSW (China +8 Zulu) LZLM@(╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻*BSW (China +8 Zulu) Kaori@(╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻*BSW (China +8 Zulu)
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