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Posts posted by blitzattack

  1. First,  congratulate to ED, you are making a really great module. I have never have such enthusiasm on a module like her !!

    But tailking to the george, i think we do need a function that when george killed one target, he will automatic lock the next target and wait for your permission to engage. (or like the jester,you can let him track the next target) 

    I always try to attack a convey on apache,but i have to re-designate target after every single attack.  

    Can you think about it ,THX

    • Like 5
  2. I think  most confused me is the aim of head  tracker on the target ,wags didn`t tell us whether because of the wind (kenterky wind he mentioned?) or because of the helicopter aerodynamics

  3. So loving this mod!!!!! I always dream flying any balckhawk in DCS, although  it is just a mod,but i have fallen love with this beauty.

    Just a few questions to ask,guys.

    1.I set the the ESSS to clean in mission editor, and when it is a AI, it will not have the ESSS,but when i sit in the aircraft, ESSS just appears. I can only call the crew to remove it, is there a bug or something i did wrong?

    2.when i land this,i always find she will automaticlly slide into right or left, and stuck to the ground with two wheel and my rotor broke.But during takeoff,it will not have this problem,and no such problem in other heli in dcs, I tried many times but still can`t understand it,it is kind of weird, maybe i did something wrong

  4. Really hoping for this module and can`t wait to get it !

    Carry on bro ! 

    Please always remember the concern from the community is based on our love and passion, maybe during your dark days we show some unfriendly .

    So sorry for that , just remember the community is always with you 


  5. 1 hour ago, LooseSeal said:

    哦,伙计,必须通勤(我只能想象是可怕的)拉斯维加斯的交通并不是我玩 DCS 的原因。

    至于 FPS。谢谢,但不用谢。很多其他更好、更专用的平台。


    yes,so i think the function is already in the game ,ed can just fix and combine them into a "walking systerm", that may cause less cost

  6. hi,dear ed and the community

    I know a lots of people want the ground funtion and with some FPS feature(walking,shooting,etc.) , however as a fact of the performance and the terrian systerm right now, it will be hard to accomplish it .

    But what i think is a more basic and easier way. 

    As we all know,we already have the function of walking after ejecting. So why we separate it to a divide function , and add some animation(or not) then,add a script that we can enter a empty vehicle or a cold aircraft nearby. Just for buring the player`s immersion during the mission.

    Imagine that,we respawn not in a aircraft but in the hanger near the aircraft,we can control our player moving around the aircraft ,then we go under the cockpit and press a button (such as "e" or "f"),and we move into the cockpit (may be just teleport the camera in it)

    Or we respawn in somewhere las vegas, we walk towards a empty hummv near my house and press a button to enter it ,then ,drive it to the nellis and get out the car, get into a A10 to start the day.........

    I think it`s not a diffcult fuction,and nothing matter with performance and the engine

    For my opinion ,i prefer feeling like being a pilot not a part of the aircraft than shoot guns like FPS game in dcs world (it doesn`t mean i don`t want it, i just think is less important than you can get into/out a vehicle freely)


    And what do you think guys?

  7. i really want a H60, especially the HH60G

    when the apache release,we have good gunship in both red and blue force.But for the transport helipopter,the huey is too old and weak.

    using the hh60g,we can do a lot of CSAR and even some CAS mission, she has a lot of advance sensors and have fbw systerm for flying.

    It must be a joy to fly this beauty


    • Like 3
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  8. i think the real problems is: DCS ground AI have unreal accuracy

    when you control a vehicle in CA,even your 20mm gun hit the heli,they don`t fall down at once,becuase you can`t keep hitting them in a short time

    but AI can

    so in the real world,MI24 or A10 have a good chance to survive the vehicle gun,because they can`t keep hitting you,they will hide,run,lose the target and so on.

    They are human,they have limitations.

    But in DCS so far,they don`t have things like that,AI is more likely a turrent with AESA and fire control computer.

    That is sad,and before that change,helicopter in DCS have less chance to survive than the real world

    • Like 1
  9. On 2021/2/18 at AM6点35分, rato65 said:


    我对DCS如此丰富的质量和真实性没有足够的经验,我对EFM,luas和一些3D建模进行了探索,我为找到可行的方法而感到非常兴奋。它花费了很多时间,但是却很有趣。所以-我发现自己现在正在设计一款可飞行的MH-60 Jayhawk ....我花了最初的几十个小时来完善已购买的基本模型,使用新的材料和几何形状,使EFM从笔尖粗略地适应于某种程度上更重的飞机-几乎每天晚上在内华达州进行试飞和调试-哇,真是太好了!从我的想象中可以感觉到某种程度的现实,尽管事实并非如此-我无法告诉。当然与AH-6有所不同,它较重但不如Huey摇晃,但与Ka-50距离较远,






    背面为DCS-Stock UH-60a,提供新的MH-60提离装置。






    holy s......   thank you bro!!!!!!!   flying any variety of blackhawk is always my dream in DCS.

    If there is a real flyable blackhawk, therefor apache,hind,huey...... they just need to stay in their hanger.

    Hoping you can release her soon!!!!!

  10. i think one of the most important thing is AI fix.

    Now the ground AI in DCS all "have the rader",whether you go from any direction, they can turn the gun to you and fire accurately, it is unreal.


    In the real life ,the most advantage of a helicopter is their view,they can find targets in longer range however the ground veichle can`t to that.


    Now every ground AI is a AA vehicle with god view and ballistic computer, and have no time in OODA,the suprise attack from sky is impossible.


    Imagine you drive a mi24 to attack a convey ,but the convey have already know your plan and turn the guns to you, just waitting for you get into their range

    • Like 4
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  11. Besides, heavy aircraft such as F15 or SU27 has more power and fuel ,so that you can choose whether join the dog fight or get away from that .

    By the way,TOMCAT is really a good gun fighter but the shocking cockpit and terrible HUD always make me miss the best shot. If there is a F14D,it must on my list

  12. i own every aircraft and i think is F-15 or SU27, it has more power than any other aircraft does.You can do the YO-YO very easy,and just mind the AOA limits ,it will beat any other aircrafts.

    Because in the dog fight,energy matters

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