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David Bruce Emmerichs

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Personal Information

  • Flight Simulators
    These days it's just DCS World. Love the A-10C and the P-51. Learning the F-14 and can't wait for the F-16. I've been wanting a good Viper since the days of Falcon 4.0.
  • Location
    Los Angeles
  • Interests
    Cinematography/Photography, Model Building, Flight Sims
  • Occupation
    Motion Picture Cameraman. It was Tony Scott himself, director of Top Gun, who nicknamed me "Bru
  1. Managed to pass AFT Mission 5 today. It took every flare I had, but I'm moving on! Thanks for all your help Sabre-TLA.
  2. Thanks for taking the time (especially three years after the last post in this thread!) to reply and I'll give that a try next time around.
  3. Here is a screen cap from the Tacview of my last practice session for AFT 05. https://forums.eagle.ru/attachment.php?attachmentid=219111&stc=1&d=1570816610 This is the drop on the first target. I've just dropped two pairs of flares from 5700 feet (the first right when the CCRP cued me, and the 2nd shortly after) and you can see the 2nd pair is right over the target. I got the "2 away" call, twice, but that was followed only by "Check target area." When I circled back, the target marker smoke was right in the middle of the illumination zone. The same thing happens in the qualifying mission as well. Sometimes I get the call that the target is visible and I should move on, but that's rare. I don't know what else to try.
  4. Thanks for the quick reply. I've had this happen in both the practice and qualifying missions. The best I've managed is to get an acknowledgement of two targets seen in one mission, but the parameters were the same in all three target passes. I do hear the "2 away" call, usually followed by either "Check the target area" or "Check your altitude." I can see the targets clearly from the cockpit when I circle back, and Tacview shows the flares drifting down right on top of the targets, though the initial drop shows the flares released before I'm over the target so maybe that's the problem. I'll try releasing them a little later than the CCRP suggests. Come to think of it, I've usually only had success when I pickle twice over the target, so maybe it's the 2nd set of flares that's activating the trigger and the first drop is too early. I'll go give that a try. Thanks again.
  5. Three years later hoping to revive a dead thread. I'm working my way through the AFT lessons and everything has been going relatively smoothly. After cracking the night refueling I felt I could do anything! Until Mission 5. I can't pass the flares mission. I've taken all the advice listed here and on Recon Stewart's video page, but I keep failing and I don't know why. I often get Check the target" from the FE even though the flares are visible directly over the target. I hold the weapon release button for three seconds. I've tried it at 6000, 5700, 5400, 5200, and 3200 feet. I've had the "Check your altitude" warning at anything above 6000, but also at 5200. No warnings at lower altitudes, not even one saying I broke the Hard Deck limit at 3200. I'm dropping in pairs and when I circle back I can see the flares right on target. Any thoughts if anyone is still listening?
  6. Hoping this thread is still alive and maybe my two cents will help someone. I'm new here but have been messing around with flight sims since the days of Falcon 3.0, and I have a lot of hours in the DCS A-10C, which I flew with the Thrustmaster Warthog setup. Thinking about the upcoming DCS F-16, I decided I wanted to try the FSSB R3 Lighting. In a word, "WOW!" I feel like I'm controlling the plane with the Force, or mind control or something. It was instantly intuitive and took me about five seconds to realize I could never go back to the Thrustmaster. I always sucked at AAF, and with the FSSB I was able o hook up easily right away. I also tried a VirPil T50 CM2, but I prefer the force sensing joystick. I'll keep the VirPil for WWII Warbirds, but for modern jets I am in love with the FSSB. And the company service was great. I highly recommend the FSSB to anyone willing to try it out.
  7. I flew Maple Flag BFT mission 09 in the campaign (as opposed to the practice mission) and had no problems. Thanks everyone who responded so quickly with tips. On to the next one!
  8. Sabre-TLA, I just took another shot at 09 planning on keeping at 2500 feet until I was 5nm from touchdown. I got the terminate call before I ever got to 5nm. I did get a warning that I was above the glideslope, but the terminate came shortly afterwards and definitely before I was contacted by the tower.
  9. Sabre TLA, thank you very much for making these training campaigns and thanks for the quick response to my question. I'm getting better than ever at flying the A-10C thanks to these missions, but 09 has beat me down. I'll try again staying at pattern altitude until I get permission to land, but I seem to recall doing that and then getting the Terminate call for being too high above the glideslope. I could be remembering it incorrectly though. Thanks for continually improving things and for paying attention to your customers.
  10. Thanks for that, Gerd. I'll give the campaign mission a try.
  11. I tried what you suggested Razor18. I picked up the glideslope at 2500 ft at just under 10 miles, and at about 8.8 miles out I dropped below the glideslope ever so slightly, not even enough to get the glideslope needle at the left of the ADI to drop halfway to the first dot below center, and I got the "Terminate Terminate" call without ever receiving a warning that I was below the glideslope. I've attached an image of the ADI from the flight manual. I'd say I was about this far below the glideslope. Should that be enough to terminate the mission without a warning? It just feels like a trigger is set wrong in the mission somewhere. Or I just really suck, which is entirely possible. I'll try again to be more accurate, but then I'm going to bite the bullet and take the extra time to fly the campaign mission to see if it does the same thing as the practice mission.
  12. Thank you for the quick reply Razor18. I will give that a try next.
  13. Maple Flag BFT Mission 09 Trouble Hi there, I hope this thread is still active. I'm new here but not to flight sims. I've had A-10C since it came out but haven't touched it for years. I'm using the Maple Flag BFT practice missions and campaign, guided by Recon Stewart's videos, to reacquaint myself with the sim. I'm having trouble with practice mission 09, the ILS nighttime landing. No matter what I do the mission gets terminated for an altitude violation on approach. I've watched Recon's video and matched both altitudes at 5.8 miles on each of his approaches (2400 on pass 1 and 1850 on pass 2), and I've done a few approaches between his two altitudes. I start my descent at 8 miles (same as Recon) from 2500 ft. I reach 2000 ft at 5.8 miles and am right on glideslope according to the ILS. But then I hear the FE yelling terminate for an altitude violation. Doesn't seem to matter whether I'm high, low, or right on glideslope. I get no warnings, just the dreaded "Terminate! Terminate!" This is getting frustrating. What are the expected parameters here? Thanks for any help anyone can offer.
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