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Everything posted by LUSO

  1. this is a current project? Or just purely internal setting? If yes, what level expected at the end?
  2. we were almost neighbors, Salon de Provence, I change language or we scolded.:megalol:
  3. D'accord avec toi, d'ailleurs si en attendant tu pouvais revoir ton travail sur le 6DOF sur cet avion ce serait super!! ;)
  4. I do not understand why my post is here. The question has nothing to do with it. I was talking about aircraft that are in FC3, the Mig-29A, S, G, not anything else. :(
  5. Mig-29's Model Pics?? You have shown us, there are few aspect of the New Su-33 Model . But to date nothing on the MiG-29 :cry:, it would be too much to ask of us found something about it. Thank you to the fans of this aircraft. :wub:
  6. Mig-29S three planes. I just saw the debriefing, 3 crashed, because, I guess short of fuel. The last I saw him he was in the final. Thank you for this information SFAL. My intention was only to see if at least the amount of fuel makes a difference. Not to establish a range, so this is just an indication. But now I want to go further, to learn more about its autonomy. My flights start in rampstart, 2000 feet, speed 400. At the back IA are mounted 15000, speed 440
  7. The flight is still in progress. But I already have the results Loadout change well autonomies, the first flight turns back to 100 nm, the second 195, the last about 250.
  8. Thank you for the answers. I created a mission with three different( 0, 1 and 3 tanks) payloads to verify.
  9. I do not know if this has already been said. But apparently, the Mig-29 additional tanks are taken into account for their weight, but not fuel. Already it is not a great range, there is not cool at all. Mon Mig et reservoir.trk
  10. LUSO


    Petite erreur le tout dernier fonctionne parfaitement. ;)
  11. What people want to see is the existing early work. Not only the work DCS. This is what they want. :)
  12. Le problème est peut être effectivement là, car je l'ai connu moi aussi il y a quelques temps, et la solution si c'est bien cela est Là .
  13. LUSO


    Exactement!! ;)
  14. LUSO


    Pas forcement, ce n'est pas le cas pour tout le monde, certains ont eu les mêmes problèmes avec la 1.2.5, et on résolu en passant en 1.2.6, d'autres comme moi n'ont aucun soucis de cette nature!! De plus maintenant il sait comment revenir en arrière.
  15. First, the mirror and apparently its double gray et when the window is open In external view is close. You can also see minors defects textures outside view.
  16. La 4 et 5 sont les mêmes Skull.
  17. And me I'm there almost every summer past 4 years
  18. Those are examples of terrain based on EDGE technology that will also be used for the Normandy map. However, those two images are from an unannounced map that is in development. Ok thanks!! :thumbup: It is true that there thinking this could also be the Italian coast or French Rivera. ;)
  19. Yes , I understood you like to see me driving blind. It was just one example among many, Even Beczl showed more than Luthier at the beginning of his project. Last post on this subject. Even if my English is bad, no intentions of being aggressive, sorry if that is taken as that! I'm just very interested in this project. Bye!! ;)
  20. You refuse to understand my request. You stay on your position. You are telling me have to be patient, when I say a lack of information for a quickstart. quickstart true, must (duty) been the most detailed on the current project, for a video game, he must show his progress. Today, we have only promises ,no contents. Damage.
  21. Once again, it is not impatience, you mistake. In a month it's too late. I demand to see more now, at least what has been done to date. This is a real quickstart, See the presentation of Chris Roberts Star Citizen for example.
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