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Everything posted by Nasty76

  1. hhmm maybe thats not i2c screen is there any example sketch to that screen?. If that is i2c screen is there somewhere jumper which mode screen use. My i2c screen need solder to use i2c default was serial mode.
  2. Sorry offtopic , but do you have correct initiliaze i2c communication , and you use correct i2c address , and not sure if other than arduino mega , has correct i2c pullup restors. I have use i2c screens in arduino mega so if you put your i2c code i can tell is that all ok. Btw , is that trick work and dcs read pots when game start?
  3. future a10c sim pilot. Hehe a10 is so easy to fly. Children can fly that too. http://1drv.ms/1VJyl5I
  4. Well i m litte noob :D i cant use github right , that pot issue i have ask dcs-bios creator some help and make my own code which seem work a10c cockpit , well i dont never see that issue pots not update when mission start , i only use radio volumes and there fore pots are max alltime. Idont know what idea put pots cockpit if never rotate them :D. but when we get working ts3 plugin via dcs radio then i need pots are nice to have.. I think you can try this idea to get pot status when start game. when i look that web page where is all possible values , i mean control-reference.html page , there is metadata start gategory , so: ad this after setup() or loop: void onAcftNameChange(char* newValue) { DcsBios::PollingInput::pollInputs(); } [/Code]then use this where u set arduino skectch buttons , leds etc. DcsBios::StringBuffer<16> AcftNameBuffer(0x0000, onAcftNameChange); Still need say big thanks for dcs-bios creator , that software is just awesome and easy to use. Not tested this that name say name change so maybe that only work when u start new game , not sure if u crash and jump again plane , but test this , can work or then not:D. i can look some other idea to poll button states when u jump plane. i hope when u go specate then that value change example ka-50 to spectate , and whenu jump again ka-50 then that change again and that code run and poll inputs when mission start. btw that my files can direct replace correct arduino folder after install zip library , so not need unzip change files and zip back. Install orginal dcs-bios library , locate file names which come my fix packet , replace them and recompile and upload to arduino :D
  5. oh well that was my earlier test , laptop i have diferent files in dcs-bios folder, maybe newer install so there is pot fix what i was running , there is no issue if you have install more than 1 pot. fixed library here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9jf695eszcj3t3k/dcs-bios_potFix_Nasty.rar?dl=0 if that crash even that my fixed library check , if you have wiring pot correct , i have some weird pot where is pin 1 is 5v , pin 2 ground , and pin 3 output, that give weird values when moving pot :D. if you have multimeter you can check pins where resist value moving lineary to 10k-> and 0->10k or what ever you pot resist is. if you wiring that weird multimeter show weird numbers example u turn little pot that show 8kohm move little more value drop 2k ohm then u know u wiring is wrong. Best way is check wiring order to manufactur datasheet.
  6. Hmmm i have fix there somewhere orginal dcs-bios spam com message if pot jitter , i have rethink that pot library and paste that here. hhmmm not sure if this was the final version but test that if not work i try look my laptop if there is final version. you need replace: C:\Users\XXX\Documents\Arduino\libraries\dcs-bios-arduino-library-master/Potentiometers.cpp to this code: #include "Arduino.h" #include "Potentiometers.h" int lastsensorValue = 0; int sensorValue = 0; int jitter = 3; // Adjust this number to match your pot jitter , i use blank arduino sketch to see how much my analogread jump allover place and see that was 1-2 depend where my pot is so i put there 3 which eliminate pot spam to dcs game namespace DcsBios { Potentiometer::Potentiometer(char* msg, char pin) { msg_ = msg; pin_ = pin; pinMode(pin_, INPUT); lastState_ = map(analogRead(pin_), 0, 1023, 0, 65535); } void Potentiometer::pollInput() { sensorValue = analogRead(pin_); if(sensorValue< lastsensorValue-jitter || sensorValue> lastsensorValue+jitter ) { unsigned int state = map(analogRead(pin_), 0, 1023, 0, 65535); if (state != lastState_) { char buf[6]; utoa(state, buf, 10); sendDcsBiosMessage(msg_, buf); } lastState_ = state; lastsensorValue = sensorValue; }} }
  7. Btw all panels are hand made , which is suprice becouse wood work not are my think :D. so i take 3mm wood sheet , convert panel picture black and white , make some proofment with gimp , color stuff black if there is some errors in picture , then print that panel laser color transparency film, and cut. Then clip panel out of film and paint film backside white i was using spraypaint , then cut wood panel correct size and glue film to wood panel , then drill holes and start wiring ur buttons.
  8. Here is my io.sh script: #!/bin/bash chmod 666 /dev/ttyACM0 stty -F /dev/ttyACM0 500000 stty -F /dev/ttyACM0 raw sleep 1 socat udp-sendto:,reuseaddr /dev/ttyACM0& chmod 666 /dev/ttyACM1 sleep 1 stty -F /dev/ttyACM1 500000 stty -F /dev/ttyACM1 raw socat udp-sendto:,reuseaddr /dev/ttyACM1& chmod 666 /dev/ttyACM2 sleep 1 stty -F /dev/ttyACM2 500000 stty -F /dev/ttyACM2 raw socat udp-sendto:,reuseaddr /dev/ttyACM2& #socat udp-listen:5010,reuseaddr /dev/ttyACM0& socat -u udp-recv:5010 /dev/ttyACM0& yeah my idea is raspberry pi collect arduino usb com data and transfer them home network udp. so i dont need buy every arduino ethershield , and i have old raspberry pi :D. this moment raspberry pi host 3 arduino mega , there is only one output wich is master warning led look above picture left down corner there is masterwarning button and caution leds , need move correct location that button some day.
  9. I was make after my locost ka-50 cockpit something little better :). Here is picture , there is missing front view but i add that later. Inside hood is 3 arduino megas , using dcs-bios , with modified potentiometer library , orginal bug and sent data every little jitter, if someone need that i can make that public. 3 arduinos , connect raspberry pi where is minibian image , raspberry pi read 3 com ports with socat script and script transfer raspberry arduino comms to lan , and my game computer sent udp packets to arduino where other socat tranfer incoming packets to arduino comms.
  10. Any idea , when host this dedicated server ,esxi win 7 or win 10 , mission crash when loading mission , other missions seems work ok in windows 10. Windows 10 machine make reboot error is something memory manager crash etc.
  11. Idea when computer usb is full and you have raspberry pi. install example minibian , connect 1 , 2 arduino via usb , look /dev/which tty arduinos has and make some nice sh script #!/bin/bash chmod 666 /dev/ttyACM0 stty -F /dev/ttyACM0 500000 stty -F /dev/ttyACM0 raw socat udp-sendto: /dev/ttyACM0& chmod 666 /dev/ttyACM1 stty -F /dev/ttyACM1 500000 stty -F /dev/ttyACM1 raw socat udp-sendto: /dev/ttyACM1 where ttyxxxx is your arduino com port , and adjust ip where your dcs game running and vola u are cleared hot. now raspberry pi collect usb data in your home cockpit and sent them to game. easy as walking in park , not sure if this feature is documented somewhere. then run script ./yourscript name. i self have crontab -e @reboot /path/to/your/sript.sh so every time pi start that load ur cockpit to ready. i have make sd card read only so i can take power off raspberry without worry to sdcard messed up
  12. oh and no i have now major monitor problem, i have read all stuff what ppl say to dual monitor config but just not get work that i use 64 bit vista and bs is not full screen and my main monitor is 1680x1050 and second is 800x600 and putted that windows conf to right up corner so that start 1680x0 but i try all stuff but nothing appears my second monitor ah allmoust forgot i want main monitor normal cockpit view and little one shkval. Realy big thanks ppl who want help. wihiii now i feel like king , i just got that multimonitor but is there any trick to got multimonitor support and i can go multiplayer?
  13. yeah thanks man i now use that joy to key program and that work BUT only problem is if axis is up or down computer see that button pushed alltime and not sure is that good think. but that work now and frames are ok so i keep that with joy to key , weird problem occured too that bs when i try map mastercaution button wich is m to my gamecontroller button 1 when u push that cockpit u hear click sound but button not bushed correctly thats why i use joy to key mapping my game button 1 to m cos i dont understand why that button not work directly master caution push light. i know that cards what i use is little useless in black shark but this time that is fine for me and if there is player online i make that real cockpit to work but that is big project and when i start do that i dont want make that to hurry so i can fly this time my lowcost cockpit i put pics soon that so u guys can laugh very loud :=) Big thanks guys who want help noob like me :)
  14. argh i m too stupid where i got that sioc ? i use opencockpit usbaxis cards is that relevant? big thanks that fast answer ah ok now i find that sioc lets see if i can get work that. oh and no 2 cards what i have sioc not control them is there any other way to got joystick axis to cut of valves ?
  15. Hi guys i make fast my monitor , wood frames where is buttons like flare panels and arbis 1-5 buttons and many more , now i got major problem i have 2 axel what i want use engine left and right cut-off valve but totally lost is that possible to get joystick axel ? black shark only use them rctrl+ pg up and rctrl + page down? very happy is some one know how to make this work :)
  16. Is there possible got out chopper whn chopper is landed and opened door last night i try multiplayer and someone shoot my left engine fire , i make emergeny landing and only broken my nose wheel.Then stopped engines and other stuff and opened door and then thinking how i can out here and offcourse then that chopper blow and i m still in i know that ejection seat system but i wanna go out that doorway :) if i can landed that.
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