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About IanC58

  • Birthday November 8

Personal Information

  • Flight Simulators
    DCS - Flying as 74 SQN
    XPLANE 11
  • Location
    Felixstowe, Suffolk, UK

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  1. I have been having similar issues since early December, not sure if its a Windows 11 upgrade issue as started after that, my screens don't stay locked in place even on a normal pc shutdown then start up.
  2. TMS FWD is soft lock and TMS FWD again is hard lock
  3. Just wish they would finish what they have ongoing, just seems like a distraction to appease us all in the meantime, latest patch added nothing to Afghanistan or Iraq maps.
  4. Many thanks, i found some youtube vids also
  5. Hi, probably been answered before but forum search didn't really throw up anything, Does Stream Deck work with DCS as in, is it recognized so it can be programmed from within the controls set up?
  6. Could we have a larger, say 400x400ft Single pad?
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  7. OK hopefully I think troops are gonna be part of the new cargo load system but for now..... old school when I embark 10 troops and disembark them at destination I can then only new embark 4 troops to take away, the number possible seems to get lower the more drops and collects you do? Bug or am I missing something?
  8. Quick Note - If bombing the bridge at Stp-11 its probably best to offset over to the West first then come around heading East onto the steer point for the bomb run.
  9. My second low flying loop, now available from the user files. Dahane Koca Loop (digitalcombatsimulator.com) 74_Fox
  10. Low flying loop mission available for download from the user files. War Jan Loop - Afghanistan (digitalcombatsimulator.com) 74_Fox
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  11. ED, please explain why there are none?
  12. Hotfix and still no MFD Button keybinds
  13. +1
  14. You fail to mention or even recognize with any respect that we are paying customers and paying a lot of money [by choice of course]. You under estimate the users/customers knowledge and experience with age of the software Industry as a blanket term like we are all disgruntled 16 year old's. Our patience is second to none, 'do we want a busted game' no, that's the whole point, it appears to be a repetitive breaker each update and constantly chasing tails, they are a business and will introduce new material to rent to us as we choose personally to acquire as customers, customers expect to be treated as customers as there may be no business without the customers. This is not a personal attack on you but it does highlight how we as customers can be easily taken out of the equation by simply saying we don't understand how complex the software Industry is and awww give them some slack it'll get sorted until it partially breaks again.
  15. Lost my support and understanding
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